Ethnic purity is a fucking meme

Ethnic purity is a fucking meme.
Purity leads to disgusting deformed creatures like pugs or most purebred dogs.
Diversity ensures strength.

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Go to bed David

Thanks Rabbi. We already know bleaching shitskins makes them less ugly.

shut the fuck up faggot

>I like Asian girls Jow Forums pls don't judge me


Thanks shlomo

cool straw man brainlet

She's a Californian girl of Latin American ancestry

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>Ethnic purity is a fucking meme.
>Purity leads to disgusting deformed creatures like pugs or most purebred dogs.
>Diversity ensures strength.

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Issues with purebreds are caused by inbreeding, not pedigree you mutt.

Purebreed dogs have those problems because breeders inbreed their most show worthy animals.
If you released a every border collie into a giant containment zone the size of a country, without any other non border collie dogs around, they wouldn't have any of those genetic problems.

Stop bumping kike slide threads you faggots.

Read the sticky
Clearly not a strawman

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>Purity leads to disgusting deformed creatures like pugs or most purebred dogs.

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Feels good bleaching chinese grils

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I like bleaching niggers

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White men should breed with black women. Black queens have superior DNA that will improve our blood.

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>the literal opposite of unity is strength

Black women are better


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Hybrid robustness is a literal meme. There's a difference between the genetics of populations. Pakis are an example of a population that are more inbred, they literally have a higher rate of birth defects. Most human ethnic group populations are genetically diverse enough where inbreeding is not a problem as long as you don't marry within your immediate family. If anything, populations are adapted to their environment, so hybrids from dissimilar environments are not necessarily more fit.

Agreed. We need to breed all the white peoples together. Oh we've already been doing that? Well lets just keep doing it senpai. No need to add poop into the mix.

good luck finding a bone marrow match if you are a degenerate mutt

it would seem you have 5% (insert ancestry here).
bring in the somalis!

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How does racemixing create an environment that harbours diversity?

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Help Ryan fool the YT monetization folks by watching this so Ryan can get the channel approved, after he plans to switch it back to politics;

bbc material

Yeah and all those mutts surpass the intelligence of a purebred Border Collie right?
Oh wait they don't..

I'll choose black queens always.

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Every day.

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Got something against black queens?

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JIDF ponied up the shekels for a VPN this month...good for you guys. Splurge, live a little...

your beautiful "diverse" girls that you post as examples all require a bit of that much sought after european gene, of which there is only 8% left in the world.

when you just keep dumping an endless amount of african dna into the mix you end up with african

After a while you stop giving a fuck about how they look and start being worried about them integrating in your culture.

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Beautiful queen

There's a difference between purity and incest. Purebreds require specialized pedigrees that were so rare and difficult to maintain over generations that incestuous breeding was the only option. genetic variance can emerge naturally in a population over time and almost every ethnic group on earth is large enough to reproduce within its own membership without incurring genetic defects.


Europe is the most diverse place there is, everyone else is like 99%+ black hair brown eyes, literally everyone:Chinese, Africans, Arabs, South Americans. Your idea of diversity is a brown wave eradicating all the blonde hair, red hair and blue eyes from the gene pool, hardly diversity. What happens when everyone is the same? What diversity will save a monotone planet from the troubles you point out?

Just the thread frequency, and wrong boarding.

No, they’re not.

shut up, faggot nigger.

(((They))) don't want you to have a history and be a people.

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And good luck finding bone marrow transplants for your mixed race kids.

>Diversity ensures strength.
Europeans are a population that numbers in the hundreds of millions with the most diverse phenotypes on the planet. We don't need mud blood to make more "diverse" aka more violent with lower IQs, dark skin, dark hair and dark eyes.

No, that's inbreeding. Also sage

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>Ethnic purity is a fucking meme
If you say so...

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Latinas aren't racemixing

Yeah, just look at your beautiful 56% nation

100% GREEK

Get fucked. The Aryan ideal is the epitome of Physical beauty

Why is David such a hypocrite? Jews are some of the most inbred people on Earth.

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i'd fuck but not breed

Not-race-mixing is not the equivalent of inbreeding, dear shill.

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Which races should, I, as a white man, mix with

Scott (((Solomon)))

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It absolutely is, Consuela.

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if mixed race is so good then why am i ugly?

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Ethno-nationalism isn't the same as racial purity. The odd half-breed is fine, it's the seasoning on the steak. Multiculturalism is pouring a jar of mixed herbs into a packet of beef jerky and calling it a healthy meal.

White nationalism is simply the recognition that white men marrying white women and having white children in a white country is normal, and anything that isn't that is exceptional. We're not all supposed to live on top of one another, mixed race babies are not something to aspire to, unconventional relationships are weird, and anyone that says otherwise is either a fool or has an agenda.

>post pic of slut
>"I must be right!"

you compare a woman with make up and a wig to a woman without make up and wig.

My literal weakness.

I can debunk this with one statement:
Dog breeds like pugs are created by breeding the same few families of a dozen or so dogs over and over.

But nations have millions of people. So it's not an issue. It is enough for plenty of diversity.

nice bait there shlomo

Also dogs are bred for specific traits chosen by humans. Humans intentionally fucked up pugs to give them that flat face. This NEVER would have happened in nature. And it can't happen with the human race. Natural selection would ensure any fuck ups don't get to reproduce.

For weiner dogs humans intentionally bred them to be 3x longer than they should be. Never could have happened in nature even on an island with only 1000 dogs on it interbreeding for 1000 years.

Because outer beauty is a reflection of your soul, my quadripafeelic fren.

Exactly Shlomo, I've followed your advice and this is my kid! Hope you like it rabbi Shlomo

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>Purity leads to disgusting deformed creatures like pugs or most purebred dogs.

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i used to think i was mildly attractive, atleast passable, but im not so sure anymore

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Chernobyl mutants
They have a very strong DNA

>Unironically liking shit tier aesthetics.
>Unironically liking brown eyes, brown hair and a brown tinted skin, something 80% of humanity has.

Go chug a bottle of bleach OP

>White nationalism is simply the recognition that white men marrying white women and having white children in a white country is normal

You'd be amazed how many people take issue with this, or maybe you wouldn't, you're posting on Jow Forums after all

so funny that kid looks white but his eyes are all squinty

>no idea how genetics work
>what is gene drift
>what is homologous recombination

I am disappoint...

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I remember that shooting. Glad the woman got off.


>like pugs

Are you retarded? Did you intentionally cite pugs as a pure breed of dog? Oh, I get it now, you're new to Pol and your programming is trying to resist.

Firstly, I need to point out that you're mixing problems associated with the development of a breed over hundreds of years with separate breeding issues that come from breeding the same breed with itself again and again to the point that many purebreds end up breeding with family.

All those fucking weird breeds of dogs come from wolves originally, which are your TRUE purebreds, you dumb fuck. Animals that are vastly superior in intelligence, strength, speed and aggression to regular dogs.

When you trace them back far enough, the variety of anomalies in pugs came from people trying to selectively breed the animal smaller and smaller, eventually breeding a variety of health issues into the one 'breed'.

Wolves are strongest and also the most pure, but they're also violent, however, this is generally a united violence that helps the pack to function. They also don't typically allow humans to control them unless the human is willing to risk getting mauled to death.

Diversity is doing the same thing. Wars and Jihads in shitty countries are used to kill off the academics, allowing the less intelligent humans to breed. Do this for awhile and then mix the shitty, low iq assholes with the rest of the worlds population to more easily control it. It doesn't matter if whites & muslims kill each other in these countries as long as the government can gain a greater levels of control over its people as a result.

See it's not about removing nationalism for the Globalists, it's about adding genes to the commoners who are making global rule difficult for them and breeding a more placid population.

Over time, this is their ultimate goal. To breed the intelligence out of the commoners, but to increase the level of violence within it so that it's academics are weeded out within their own population.



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Their low iq’s


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>Ethnic purity is a fucking meme.
I agree Jews are a bunch of ugly rat bastards who are deformed because of it.
>Purity leads to disgusting deformed creatures like pugs or most purebred dogs.
Yeah fuck those ugly ass pugs what have they ever done for us???

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>we should all mix into one mongrelized race of niggers for maximum diversity

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i dont care. I would breed with anyone (except ones with myopia, heart or lung issues). My slavic genes are pretty strong and i see that any of my relatives children born and grow blond and beutiful

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> Purity leads to disgusting deformed creatures like pugs or most purebred dogs.
And wolves, huehuehuehue.

patently false

dogs are bred to look specific ways or have specific traits

Wolves are doing just fine without nigger-dogs

There's plenty of whites in Europe where it wouldn't be an issue especially if people have at least five kids.

Australians are some of my favorite people and you are one