*squeak squeak*
ITT we say something nice about america
Alaska is mountainous and white, but too genuinely rugged and isolated to appeal to urbane hipster larpers. That’s nice.
They are not ashamed of being morbidly obese and instead take great pride in it.
I have nothing nice to say about America. having visited several times, I find they deeply long for a history and a culture (hence they cling on to their Irish ancestry like a spring break loving parasite) and they can't have anything small. It all has to be big, brash and better than everyone else's. When in fact, it is just retarded and shit.
Fuck off ruining Ireland on St. Patrick's Day you FUCKING CUNTS. Nobody likes you.
An open-door immigration policy means the USA will one day be the United States of Mexican, Indian, and Chinese Colonists.
A large swathe of white people will be racially purged from this world by being bred out of existence.
first black president outside of Africa
It's a beautiful country, every state is unique in some way, it is less embarrassing than my country.
Every time I go down there I am treated with respect.
Americans should do the right thing, write your congressional rep &tell them to finally implement manifest destiny and annex Canada and render the provinces into states.
this looks like such misery
they do have a lot of burger joints, it is nice that you can eat burger even in the bumfuck of nowhere
I was told not to say things if you have nothing to say. I have nothing to say.
Dunno where the fuck you went but my upbringing there was completely Dixie. In Virginia our creation myth was the civil war but only the devil prevailed and we got overrun with nephlim. True Virginians could give a shit less about you pasty no gunners. The only people who felt like they didn't have heritage were spics, nigs and kikes. All of which can respectively make their homes at the bottom of the bay for all I could fucking care.
why is her skin grey?
The Russian investigation is proof America is not a shithole country. The government addresses to the will of the people and listens to the concern of its citizens even when its retarded. The government serves the citizens, not the other way around. Greatest country on earth.
you fucked the g*rman royals
what america was meant to be fills me with love for my country. what it is currently fills me with rage.
ITT jews are forcing shitty memes again
Taco is the best rat mouse.
I've been to the following:
las Vegas
Jackson Hole
people were nice. sorry actually, the people were nice. just massive food, why do you need such big sandwiches.
30 bio/year to israel for free
and no healthcare whatsoever
They make people up here lose their shit; I've always been indifferent, if not in favor of Burger shit, but it's literally on Leafcuck minds everyday.
It's impossible to go a day without somebody bringing it up and bitching about it, so I get a laugh out of the inferiority complex.
To my knowledge, I think this was the standard clip they used to demo 3D glasses technology during that revival about ten years ago.
Have freedom of speech, the least cucked white country, freedom to own arms, plenty of top notch wilderness where you can live completely independent of the state.
Thank you for enforcing the will of our central banking cabal on the planet
i sincerely hope you get nuked.
The USA would guarantee the survival of Englishman (via space, guns, freedom speech, freedom of association etc) far better than the UK (where over 50% of children will be ghouls by 2030 and our unitary political system means we are forever subjugated to a foreign electorate ).
USA could be 50% white and still offer this in New England. Unironically based founding fathers.
By who? All countries with nikes are our bitches.
Besides out hq is in new york
Based Israeli. What's it like being around stupid Goyim? Like being a man among cattle? Do you wake up each day laughing about how easy Europeans were to conquer?
1st and 2nd amendmend.
2nd amendment
and it's also a very large country were you can go into some forest and not see any normalfag for hundreds of miles and enjoy some actual alone time.
it is a real life example of the future whites can accomplish if they set aside petty shit and work together
basically a pan-white superstate
although it got co opted by a certain fellow white and now it's pretty shit
by anyone, really. don't care who. i just hope it happens.
I like that you cunts just fucking own at perfecting junk food, like best burgers, pizza, fucking snack foods. Literally amazing.
I never though people could smell like shit rancid vinegar, and then I went down to los angeles for a week.
I like learning.
I feel like we need another /united north america general/...
It's funny to think that maybe if she didnt born on burgerland, she would be a pretty thin girl
I love Charleston, SC
imagine usa south without niggers and spics? would be a paradise
>goes to a few shithole cities in 3 states
>calls America a shithole
Like pottery. I wouldn't expect less from a potatonigger. Go drown yourself in a vat of Guinness you leprechaun faggot.
dude, did you even read what he posted? he said the people were nice, bu tthe food is big. he said nothing about a shithole.
I live in the south, Alabama to be exact, and what I like is people generally tend to mind their own fuckin business around here unless you try to change or interrupt their lifestyle. Like, if nobody was trying to force gay culture on kids, literally nobody here would give a fuck about gays. Nobody cares. At all. It’s nice.
Every time I’ve been to the states, Americans have always been really nice to me. Generally speaking, Americans are friendly.
i like guns
america has guns
ergo i like america
this video makes me so horny, my dick is rock hard