I’ve been emailing the New Zealand Labour Party Members of Parliament .pdf copies of the Great Replacement by Brendan Tarrant.

>by law they cannot delete the emails
>it’s illegal to possess the .pdf
>they cannot legally delete the .pdf because the email MUST be kept available for future freedom of information requests
>punishable by up to ten years in prison

This will probably do nothing. Using a burner email to do so. My hope is that the politicos realize how stupid they are being with censorship, and that young lad who’s being tried by the Ministry of Official Government Truth for Grand Heresy.

Attached: 75AB0A38-4402-4A81-88A4-4AB9B0CE87A2.jpg (718x718, 104K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuggin bamp

Thank you for your service

>used a burner email
Nigga u stupid. Did u use a burner computer or data encryption service? You think that shit ain't traceable?
you're fucked user. Might a well go full tarrent on a synagogue.

Why do you use a word in Spanish, user?

Because politicians are invaders

Hmm, so what will happen if those pdf's are spread across major websites? Will they be forced to block access to everything if the mods can't remove them all?



Also yes

What the fuck are you checking you faggot kys

Attached: 34843376-907E-4C4D-AD35-7EF70562F4AA.jpg (963x1024, 62K)

Attached: 48E6D07A-821D-4B8D-9B9A-533ED3B7D04D.jpg (490x332, 15K)

>probably didn’t use proxy or VPN in setting up burner acct
>probably didn’t bother when sending from burner acct
>almost certainly didn’t change mac addy and ip after sending
>99z certain did t do this from a VM
>100% v&
Rightio leaf. Got me. IM the retard

Great idea

We need to keep doing it

Attached: 1552806770836.jpg (693x390, 106K)

is this the first time in history a leaf poster posted something based?

Attached: 1542787958137.gif (128x128, 175K)

It’s not illegal retard. Only in New Zealand.



He is in leaf land. Kiwi laws don't apply to him and the manifesto is legal in not kiwi land.

I’m here to help my Commonwealth brothers fight against the winds of tyranny. I’m only 5/8s Canadian. 3/8 American.

>I’m only 5/8s Canadian. 3/8 American
Nigger that makes you a 100% mutt

Vive! I’m not from Quebec. I’m from SJW infested BC

Attached: B375EE49-22BF-4623-972C-AAD7FB8A1033.jpg (527x684, 38K)

Would be a shame if normie hordes couldnt get onto facebook one day

Lol. I’m 100% white.
-1/8 Swedish
-1/4 Scottish
-1/4 Dutch
-1/4 English
-1/4 “Broadly Northwestern European”

Deleted fb last year because it was gay and I kept getting banned for saying Paki/fag/fgt/mudslime/Lezbo/retard/Indian

1/8 broadly northwestern European*****

Fucking autopilot mang

carry on.

Is this illegal in oz

What are they gonna do? Fuck 'em.

No, but if you email a copy to Senator Sarah Hanson Young she might have a heart attack because of how fat she is

Thank god for you yanks, and thank god we live so close to you we basically copy your rights.

Imagine having a Grand Censor like NZ has?

Talk about KEKED AND GAY

Sounds like she might have one anyways, hamplanet?

There has been several fucking based threads by Canadians the past 24 hours. Honestly the best stuff on this board.

Attached: 1553578514277.webm (640x640, 1.24M)

Already happened.

Sorry for newfagging, cant find the manifesto anywere online... any link to download?

Attached: 1552689039410.jpg (3523x8191, 2.8M)

Imagine being a so called Western democratic nation and having a "Grand Censor".
WTF man? That's sand nigger tier shit.

Brenton blesses you

Attached: 1553116235227.jpg (700x803, 128K)

The other Four Eyes won't be interested at all user.

el basedo mi amigo

HOLY FUKING SHIT GUYS ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Holy shit guys. They've just released an extra page of the New Zealand Christchurch shooters manifesto that was previously removed.

Attached: secret page.jpg (567x296, 38K)

So what are they gonna do Burger?
Punish him with a law that only exists in NZ? For sending some emails?
It's not even worth the effort to trace him kek

See > > > > > > > >

Considering you wrote that yourself I think you may be projecting some homoerotic fantasy

Tell us what you think "checked" means

fucking hate anons like you who quote everyone

Before I give you a shit ton of credit for doing this shit dispite being a leaf AND OP, post a screenshot of the email

Attached: honk honk.png (1423x1566, 631K)

Help Ryan fool the YT monetization folks by watching this so Ryan can get the channel approved, after he plans to switch it back to politics;

If I wanted jew dick I'd be a big time hollywood star. Or enacting ops for mossad


Even the most basic traditions are poison for Jow Forumstinder/

Get a load of this gaylord > > > >

you are the big gay

This lad must be stopped

Attached: 1553430642218.png (864x722, 264K)

Delusion at it's best, As much as I hate hollywood you don't have what it takes to be a star.

Sucking dick really isn't that hard

Attached: Wearing Hills.png (590x791, 26K)

mass replying should be a bannable offence. I'm not on your side. Don't reply to me or my son ever again.

Get it

You would know

"that hard"

Attached: 1552704537185.jpg (960x540, 122K)

Have a bump leaf

Attached: 3DD3649400000578-4270136-Memes_posted_to_the_Smerff_Electrical_website_calls_on_people_to-m-135_1488 (633x386, 60K)

checked what? fucking imbecile


Attached: 475858678.jpg (1085x775, 217K)

>checks flag

God you a dolt, was a hoax retard

Jews do terrorism blame others operation successful failures covered up..

Jews stages psyop to smear you and piss the world off at you LETS EMBRACE IT!

,,,btw its White Genocide not the cuck phrase "Great Replacement"

> This will probably do nothing.

You’re right that it will do nothing. A judge is not going to punish some politicians for getting trolled. They’ll just use it to claim they are being harassed by out of control right-wingers. Have you not seen how quickly feminists love posting their hate mail on twitter.

nice shoop

Based leaf. You are doing God's works user


Why hasn't there been a vidya based on racewars?
inb4 some indie bs

put down the meth pipe and learn to punctuate.

lol idiots itt panicking about law in a foreign country that isn't applicable to him.

Make sure The Chief Censor also gets your email.

Nice work leaf

Attached: 1553501570532.jpg (212x212, 9K)

samefagging cunt

Attached: 1553505402236.jpg (640x503, 51K)

>I’ve been emailing the New Zealand Labour Party Members of Parliament .pdf copies of the Great Replacement by Brendan Tarrant.

You are doing gods work user.

>Thank you for your service
Remember to file a police report.