We're not kikes but we like the kike's ideas

>we're not kikes but we like the kike's ideas

Is that the gist of this meme ideology?

Attached: 1200px-National_Bolshevik_Party.svg.png (1200x800, 42K)

Other urls found in this thread:


russian thing where they want larp as nazis but cant because they had a big war against nazis and all, so they came up with this

It's basically commies who tried a different approach to sell communism to NatSocs on Jow Forums.

>Let's try to be their friend and say we hate SJWs and Antifa too. Maybe they'll like us then.

Hey, guys, there's much better ideology to follow. Classic national-Bolshevism sucks, NazBol Ancap rules the world, basically!

Attached: ancap_nazbol__emoticon__by_reclusivechicken-daskdjb.gif (50x50, 2K)

No its about btfoing globalist jews. GANG GANG

Attached: 361037f698ca58a625cfebc4c1d3f5637a6078f81d2cee8ff14b6fbb403ff9d1.jpg (480x360, 65K)

Keep sucking corporate dick you cuck

Attached: 1545049790691.jpg (934x534, 106K)

A tyoical globalist jew on the picture

Attached: 15530837069802.jpg (200x200, 12K)

Attached: Alt-Right-Gay-Mafia.jpg (1894x1685, 1.55M)

Have a look, one more good ideology in the area against the classic national-Bolshevism.

Attached: Screenshot_1.png (345x228, 71K)

that's an abomination

Hey, you don't like the best NazBol anarcho-primitivist ideology? How dear you

Attached: 536424158133878784.png (128x128, 18K)

it's an ideology where nazis and commies can team up and gas capitalist jews

Attached: bz8v7qnktl721.jpg (500x500, 31K)

More like
>we're kikes using kike ideas to kill whitey

Alt-kikes get the gas. Race war when, faggot?

y'know yang gang is a lot similar with nazbol, a slow death of a shit meme/ideology

There were state capitalims in the USSR, why should they unite with social-nationalists aganist the capitalistic jews, even though commies are jews and capitalists themselfs? It is better to subjugate every country in Europe, and pick up points of sale in every country, or monopolize everything, ha-ha/

Attached: 9cbaEsQ.png (666x666, 145K)

Well, that's not a meme ideology, actually, It needs a historical context if we talk about the national-Bolshevism in Russia and other east-european countries.

Attached: Screenshot_20190303-172459.png (2048x1655, 1.98M)

It's just socialism but without internationalism
It should really be called National Socialism, but that name was stolen by capitalist stooges in Germany. The "National Socialists" were really National Social Democrats and we should start calling them that.

I like when they use jews and capitalists interchangeably

Why not, dude? The same shit is happening in your country, there's a lot of capitalist jews who rules your country, that's why jews and capitalists are interchangeably

This clearly shows the situation.

Attached: 洞-beware-the-eternal-anglo-9365794.png (500x351, 44K)

So what about the non-jewish capitalists? Is it ok that they also hold such enormous power in our society?

My dear friend, I tell you what. The non-jewish capitalistst don't exist, if you're anglo-saxon and you're a capitalist it means that one of your relatives is a Jew, basically. The same shit with socialists I'd say.

Attached: Screenshot_4.png (520x483, 523K)

The only alt-right member in that jpg is Richard Spencer. Carl Benjamin is a mixed race centrist, Milo Yiannopolous is a right of center gay ethnic Jew married to a black guy, Mark Meechan is also a centrist (and former communist), and Blair White and Paul Joseph Watson are merely right-wing.

it's basically this.


Attached: nazbol.jpg (623x626, 71K)

communism (tm) but featuring borders from the national socialist series

Reminder that in soviet union christianity was the state religion.

>Is that the gist of this meme ideology?
It's not a meme ideology, just this particular flag is.

Communists always had an unofficial pact with Nationalists in Russia, since 1917, till 1990s and beyond.

Of course, there's also Germany, and non-hitlerite NSDAP was National-Bolshevik, among other parties.

As for the pick-related, it's just some postmodern "artsy" nonsense.

gay as fuck that fucking flag

Yeah, dude, looks pretty faggish, I agree.

Attached: image (1).png (693x460, 166K)

I like it because it's about destroying American hegemony
Russiaboos think that papa putin will be the next world leader, but they fail to see how weak and pathetic their heartland and people really is
nothing but alcoholics and Jews using stolen knowledge from Europe
once America falls, Europe will take the mantle again

I think it's funny because it makes Americans and boomers rage.

The ideology itself really only makes sense in a historical context. During perestroika extreme right and extreme left were able to reemerge, while Gorbachev was busy cucking to Western liberalism. Accordingly, nazbol was the supreme opposition movement that bought together fascists and old-school Marxist Leninist into one movement. It even integrated Orthodox traits.

>only marxism is communism

Attached: 4324234.jpg (1528x516, 289K)

If you think about it, Nazism is really about becoming the Jews after you (hypothetically) destroy them