Legalizing marijuana

How can anybody promote mental illness? Is it ignorance or pure indifference that make people willingly ingest a plant that induces madness?

Fun fact: the CB1 receptor that is responsible for the feeling of being high also emulates schizophrenia.
>Cannabinoid intoxication can provoke toxic psychoses or symptoms similar to the positive symptoms of schizophrenia
>cannabis seems to provoke an amotivational syndrome similar to the negative symptoms of schizophrenia
>In humans, mounting evidence shows that CB1 receptor densities are altered in schizophrenia
>Our finding of increased CB1R binding in paranoid SCZ could reflect a greater involvement of the endocannabinoid system in the DLPFC in this subtype of patients with SCZ as may be suggested by their more marked positive thought disorders and delusional symptoms.

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Other urls found in this thread:
>We provide evidence that regular cannabis use is associated with gray matter volume reduction in the medial temporal cortex, temporal pole, parahippocampal gyrus, insula, and orbitofrontal cortex; these regions are rich in cannabinoid CB1 receptors and functionally associated with motivational, emotional, and affective processing.
>The strongest evidence that cannabis use is a contributory cause of schizophrenia comes from longitudinal studies of large representative samples of the population who have been followed over time to see if cannabis users are at higher risk of developing schizophrenia.
>15-year prospective investigation of cannabis use and schizophrenia in 50,465 Swedish conscripts. The study found that those who had tried cannabis by age 18 were 2.4 times more likely to be diagnosed with schizophrenia than those who had not 16 and the risk of this diagnosis increased with the frequency of cannabis use.
>27-year follow-up of the Swedish cohort that also found a dose-response relationship between frequency of cannabis use at baseline and risk of schizophrenia during the follow-up. The relationship between cannabis use and schizophrenia persisted when the authors statistically controlled for the effects of other drug use and other potential confounding factors, including a history of psychiatric symptoms at baseline.
>supported in a three-year longitudinal study of the relationship between self-reported cannabis use and psychosis in a community sample of 4,848 people in the Netherlands
>These findings have been replicated in one German and two New Zealand cohort studies.

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>A NIDA-funded brain imaging study has shown that regular users of marijuana have less gray matter than nonusers of the drugin the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), a brain region that contributes to impulse control, decision-making, and learning.Such a deficit could make it more difficult to change counterproductive behaviors, including drug use.

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Dude weeds are some of the most annoying faggots that currently live; however, in principle I'm against the knee jerk reaction to ban everything and anything that could be construed to be harmful. Let them ruin their own lives, shame them for it if you wish, and move on.

>15-year prospective investigation of cannabis use and schizophrenia in 50,465 Swedish conscripts. The study found that those who had tried cannabis by age 18 were 2.4 times more likely to be diagnosed with schizophrenia than those who had not
no wonder a memeflag is hiding


literally only proof of swedish genetic inferiority, something everyone on Jow Forums already knew about

>freedom is bad


intredasting.... i had psychosis one time after smoking weed but that was probably due in part to the fact i had been up for days on ritalin

They legalized it up here, and it was quite a meh moment.
Stoners kept getting stoned, everyone else collectively shrugged, and high school students swapped rebellious weed smoking with rebellious tranny cock smoking.

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>having too much freedom is good

kys degenerate

>being a slave to your desires is freedom
Weedfag detected

I had a psychosis after smoking weed everyday for 6 months when unimployed.

Never again

I mean sure everything I. Moderation, but it was a slippery slope for sure. The psychosis ruined my life and I shouldn't have self medicated my depression. I thought I knew the risk. I didn't.

Fuck weed

This, weed stinks of piss and fosters beer.

sorry your brain is soft and weak

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you hate freedom?

>too much freedom

What ever niggers smoke and chill. If not for weed i may have an hero already.

I allowed my weed habit to destroy many aspects of my life, social, financial and health, for over 15 years.

Whilst I accept that some people are perfectly able to maintain a reasonably moderate use of cannabis, for the most part it has a detrimental impact on individuals and society as a whole.

It is addictive, as is anything in this life, irrelevant of what delusions weed users will adamantly assert.

Quitting was the best thing I ever did and I wholeheartedly reject legislation or further normalisation of what is in its most basic description - a mind altering drug.

True freedom comes from discipline and abstinence. You are a slave to your vices.

cry about it pussy, are you bitter that while everyone else is fucking and getting high you're trying and failing to build a pc?

Weed smoking losers ITT trying to justify the choices they make whilst in an inebriated state. Stop smoking for three months and make a sober decision.

every anti pot argument can be boiled down to
>i know more about whats good for you than you do

Yeah I also am against heroin but its really due to my subconscious desire to be a skaghead.

Weed itself isnt a problem imo, its just that stoners have 0 semblence of self-control.
If you smoked like maybe once every other week at most, it wouldn’t affect you that much.
It should be treated like a less frequent drinking.

You are not free if desires sabotage your personal drive, you fucking degenerate

Meth is the drug of choice for Jow Forums

Very few stoners are unable to do that though and I feel it raises an interesting discussion as to wether it is entirely the fault of the user or the substance itself.
I feel as though it is balanced relationship between the nature of the drug and the type of person that is drawn to that kind of lifestyle. Neither are entirely at fault, yet both play their part.

>fucking and getting high is admirable
The hedonist weedfag undermines himself while trying to rebut factual arguments

You didn’t present a counter argument to your straw mans point about his rich successful friend that smokes
Care to, or are you just an angry retard?

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Maybe because they do know more than you? Almost none of the stoners in this thread have adressed the information (provided by credible sources, of course) presented in OP's posts.

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>too much freedom

Did it make you like you used to be? The biggest reason I don’t kick it is I’m convinced the dumb-ness is permanent so may as well feel decent

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>smoking weed makes you free

Those risks only apply to people that were at an extreme risk for schizophrenia anyway
Kill yourself

The faulty logic of the marijuana addled mind.
>too much is just enough

>15-year prospective investigation of cannabis use and schizophrenia in 50,465 Swedish conscripts. The study found that those who had tried cannabis by age 18 were 2.4 times more likely to be diagnosed with schizophrenia than those who had not 16 and the risk of this diagnosis increased with the frequency of cannabis us

>non sequitur
>completely unrelated to the point
Kill yourself. If you’re this stupid without pot then you should honestly consider it

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>too much freedom

Your desires ARE your personal drive, you fucking idiot.

There are dozens of studies showing it only applies to people that were already going to get it but it happens faster. Sorry your handful of cherry picked studies didn’t provide you with a complete gestalt of the research
Again, kill yourself. You have the FREEDOM to do so

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Locking people up over the stuff seems pretty pointless, but we definitely need to start taking dissuading young people from using the stuff seriously. The *KNOWN* effects on brain development in young weed-smokers should really be front and center in public pot discourse, right alongside positives like the legitimate medical uses.

>everything should only be used within government approved scenarios and circumstances

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>too dumb to smoke weed
What did the leaf mean by this?

>t. Someone who deludes themselves into thinking weed does not decrease volume of gray matter in the orbitofrontal cortex, thereby making stoners comparitively less free than their non-smoking counterparts

then you'll be getting off the internet, for its a desire and not a need, cya fuck boy

Provide the studies then

>thinking that if I keep repeating gray matter over and over it'll make me sound smart

I was in more of a dazed state for the first week with sleeping issues and headaches but after that I became hyper focused and felt a clarity I hadn't in years. I started recalling memories that were long consigned to the dark recesses of my mind, almost like waking dreams, they hit me like nostalgic visions. Its hard to explain.
Other people noticed the change also and said I looked and acted in a way I hadn't for a long time. My weed use had begun to show in my features, my eyes were recessed and I had an almost grey complexion. It was an emotionally liberating experience and my biggest regret now is that I will never get back the years I lost smoking alone in my house.

The progress exponential too, you solve one problem and go on to solve five more in turn.
You owe it to yourself user. In ten years you can look back and say " that was the day I turned my life around for the best".

getting off the internet will have no physical or psychological effects on your health
nice junkie rationalization though

>I think that by making this post it will refute the information supported by credible studies

internet addiction is a real thing, sitting on your ass all day is bad for your health

and I never contested weed isn't addicting or bad for someones health either

get real you dumb fuck, lmao

You seem like you're projecting your disgust towards yourself onto others. We have the right to smoke a harmless product if we want. Being from Australia, and not having gun rights, you wouldnt understand liberty. Hope the chinese flood right in on you.


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Weed undeniably harmed me.
And I cant in all honestly say it was entirely my choice to start.
My habit began at the age of 13, when I was massively uninformed, still developing and also under the restraints of peer pressure.
It would be easy to say that it was still my choice and I cant absolve myself from blame entirely, however, as a rational adult who is more than informed I would never choose to start smoking again.

The majority of anti-marijuana funding comes from pharma because opiate use goes down where it's legal.

because the government shouldn't baby sitter you.

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maybe ill go so crazy that I go spend money at a fast food joint and accidentally contribute to the economy

>plants should be illegal
Your grasping at straws with THIN scientific connections.

However there is now MUCH data showing marijuana HELPING people.
Nothing definately proven

I used to be staunchly anti authoritarian because I felt that I was a morally good person with a degree of intelligence and that laws would only restrict my own ability to make free choices.
When I think of authoritarian principles now though, I try more to think of the most impulsive, evil and stupid people in society and my beliefs feel entirely justified.
Not everyone is able to employ self control or moral good in their lives and those people most certainly need controlling so that they don't impact on greater society.

>there is now MUCH data showing marijuana HELPING people
>but nevermind the countless studies showing marijuana harming people. Those are bad! bad! bad!

Maybe you'll go so crazy you'll kill your dealer and make the world a better place

Just because its a plant doesnt mean it is absolved of all control.
Why do we have customs laws regarding certain flora?
Would you like to be able to by deathcap mushrooms in your local supermarket?

Hahahahaahahahaha you're fucking retarded

>cigarettes are also bad
>alcohol is worse than marijuana
>I don't care what its doing to my health I already want to die
>its impossible to enforce.
>Literally all the people I know smoke it

People will get high anyway, at least you can kill the black market and tax the shit out of it, use the tax to build better education and stoners will die out in a couple of generations. Same with alcohol and tobacco, educate people, the uneducated or ignorant will wither with time
>smoked once a month
>increased to once a week (weekend)
>noticed change
>too ambitious to have numb mind with a full time job and uni
>decided to not smoke or drink anymore
>spend free time usefully not being stoned

Killing drug dealers is definitely a righteous cause. The loss of their life compared to the loss of life they cause is a net gain.

>straight laced
>I will never do any drugs
>D.A.R.E. to so no to drugs
>All drugs are bad
>I believe everything the government tells me
>No I've never tried it myself
>No I don't really know what its like
t. you

Well I smoked it all day, every day for over 15 years and I strongly advocate against its use.
Where is your god now?

Are you the one who said people should kill pot dealers?
Unless your VPN fagging I don't think so

This. Giving up weed turned my life around.

Dope heads ITT sound like babies crying for their dummies. (Pacifiers for the Americans)

1. People are sick of tradcons and christcucks with their uninformed devil's lettuce bullshit. Think the pics where it's like heres your lung on tobacco vs one marijuana and the lung is like destroyed and black, like it's obvious horse shit. Your points are legit, but the reaction in your pic related is in response to the points that were commonly used, the ones that are bullshit like I said. tldr conservatives and christians delegitimized their point by having retarded arguments, thus spawning the reacting weedbros.
2. Republicans are supposed to believe in less regulations, aka the state being less involved in peoples lives. But these little topics come up and you revert to "ban everything I don't like". It delegitimizes us, because it shows everyone that we don't really believe in individual liberty like we claim to, and we'll default to our biases given the opportunity. Being a fat nigger is proven bad, but you aren't here saying we should ban fast food. Being an abusive alcoholic is proven bad, but you aren't here arguing that we should ban liquor. There are all these other vices that you ignore because they don't interfere with your values, but here comes a stonerbro telling you how good of a band Tool is and all of a sudden it's time to legislate against people's freedoms. People definitely pick up on that bias, so you have to pick: Stay consistent in your belief of a non intrusive state and allow people to decide how to live, or pretend to be unbiased and then ban the shit you don't like at every opportunity, and get all butthurt about muh freedom when the democrats do the same thing.

How can I quit OP?

Classic boomer mentality, pulling the ladder up after you

Yes yes, keep letting bug pharma destroy the white working class with much more dangerous opiates. Look we know it's very harmful for kids but why do you think it's up to you to ban something unhealthy that you don't like? Why don't we ban fast food and junk food, and processed, horrible garbage from Walmart? Should go back to prohibition while we're at it and by the logic of them being bad for your health, ban all guns.

Fuck your statist bullshit. Fuck your big pharma stocks.

Yeah that was me and I admit that its a ridiculous stance to take for weed dealers. My dealers were my friends for the most part.
I was really talking about hard drug dealers in which case it is entirely justifiable.

Weed takes a lot from you but it doesn't kill you.
So I accept my over zealous attitude in that one extreme statement.

Many will forget to vote or show up late. So it works out

Look man, All i want, is a self sustaining farm, wher I can grow and make everything I need, and then I wanna grow marijuana and experiment with different strains, see about making some new one, all just by selection no genetic modification with chemicals.

I want to speak to no one, and no one to speak to me. I wanna be high on my farm with my animals.

Tell me again why we should ban it.


Fucking kill youself you freedom hating slave.

Never thought reefer madness would make a comeback. But here we are. I guess this is the death throes of the anti weed moral fags.

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Anti-weed tards ITT sound like nanny state slaves who hate freedom

>hemp can be capitalized in many different ways
Then business wouldn’t be against it, retard. If they can make plastic, rope, paper, etc cheaper and sell it to you at bigger profit, they’re all for it. Proctor and gamble is afraid of some pothead growing hemp in his closet to compete with them.

Based and checked

I’ve been smoking weed on and off for years now and there is a voice in the back of my head telling me to stop. Do I just need stronger will?

More likely you’ll just loose motivation and let your problems slowly fester while you distract yourself with entertainment.

sh-sh-ssh-shut up!

>”weed doesn’t make me lose motivation!”
>*takes prescription amphetamines in order to spend 15 minutes reading without losing focus*

bump it up

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I learned from my experience and I want to pass that informed perspective down.
I'm not stopping anybody from taking the same path I did, but I would like to advise them against it.

You are already making the right decision by accepting that you want to quit.
Dont wean yourself off, make a date to stop, eg. at the end of your current bag and stick to that choice.
Cut all contact with anyone who can supply it to you. If they are your friends you have to accept that this new life means leaving them behind, you wont be a succesful ex smoker around current smokers.
Inform the people who care about you that you are making the choice and ask for their support. You will more likely to let yourself down than your mother for example.
Find something to keep you occupied, ride a bike, read a book, go for a walk.
The cravings last about ten minutes at a time and will peak in the third or fourth day.

In terms of sleeping, don't expect any. The first night I was wide awake all night long and it was only through sheer exhaustion that I was able to sleep the second. After that I will become easier.
Remind yourself of why you want to quit and all of the things you will now be able to afford and experience without it. Set milesstones to reward yourself.
Good luck user and godspeed.

A leaf, imagine the collective shock

Doesn't matter if it emulates schizophrenia. Harvard proved it absolutely does not cause schizophrenia. You doctors with a misplaced maternal instinct are the worst. Like the one's that operate in jails for non-violent drug offenses upon the unwilling, just because your shit drugs inhibit what real and good drugs can and do for people. Like what goes through your mind when someone doesn't follow your ego motivated regimen? Huh huh, I can really feel the microdose of Olanzapine, huh huh. Gonna shoot you up with Thorazine if you don't agree marijuana made my bubela rape me with the wooden spoon when i was younger. Fuck you.

Because that is an idealised scenario that isn't viable for 99% of people.
Again, when thinking of authoritarian principles its best to think of the lowest end of society.
Weed isn't the greatest evil in the world, I accept that, but its not a beneficial activity either. It impacts negatively on most users and it has an addictive nature.

Fuck, if you want to go off into the woods to shoot up heroin and eat your own shit thats fine, but dont fucking come back.

As freedom lover legalization is ok with me.
Although as a person who does not know anyone successful who smokes pot regularly I have to advise against it. In my 20s I had a few aquantices that were ok with smoking everyday, in my 30s it was less, by my 40s only 1 remains. Everyone else has either destroyed themselves or wasted their potential.
Personally I think smoking a joint is like drinking a 6 pack of beer. Ok every once an while but everyday it will destroy you.
>pot smoker at game shop telling me it should be legalized and he great smoking everyday
>me: but your 28 years old and got fired from wawa(like a 7-11 but clean).

>cannabis is a plant, it's natural!!
so is snake venom, so go get bitten by a black mamba, faggot

When all you are used to is pleasure, even the slightest inconvenience feels like pain.
Freedom comes from being able to say no. Most weed users an incapable of saying no.
They are slaves to their vices. I am liberated by my abstinence.

Governmental controls are irrelevant in that argument.

>too much freedom

>Being able to choose to do something or not is slavery

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Its an argument of whether its a criminal- or a health-issue. Treating it as a health issue and regulating under government provides better results than keeping it illegal.