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Peepee poopoo

Wtf is hydro

Get a better job.

If you can't, you are the victim of dysgenics or social justice entitlement.

They arent victims
They are evolutionary failures who couldnt adapt to their environment.

Agreed, let's add more:
If someone dies at the hands of a colored, they are a victim of progressivism.
If a man decides he's a woman and starts taking horse piss, he's a victim of progressivism.
If a woman believes she has agency and as a result leads a wasteful life that ends with her dying alone with no chidlren, she was a vicim of progressivism.

if someone dies of starvation surrounded by food

they deserve to die
because they could have either
worked for money
or stolen the food
bitch nigga
get fucked in the cocksucker you slimy communist

I thought that was going to be some British slang for water bill, we don't use that here.

Things are of course more complicated than that, but yes, there really isn't a reason a civilization as wealthy and advanced as ours couldn't produce everything needed for all its inhabitants. The people have seemed to forget the original purpose of deciding on an economic system, which is to "try and distribute fairly via work and demand the resources available to the people it will serve." It has, since the beginning, given more and more money (which translates to resources) to the people that already had a lot of money, and so the people on the bottom lack resources.

She’s probably a Canadian, lots of commies are unfortunately. We generate a significant portion of our energy through Hydroelectric dams, so most people just call their power bill a hydro bill.

They first picked junk food, tobacco, alcohol, weed, video games, fast food, gaudy clothing, etc THEN tried to manage their important expenses.

Nope. Water is water here

If someone sick dies because their state taxed them sufficiently to reduce their quality of life, only to provide substandard healthcare, they are a victim of Canada

If someone dies during a six-month waiting period for an MRI, they are a victim of Canada

If someone, who would be concealed carrying if it were legal, is sexually assaulted or killed by an armed assailant, they are a victim of Canada

Thanks for the insightful post OP, really made me think

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yea what if this stuff happens in North Korea?

How many people are really dying from starvation in the first world anyway? Pretty close to 0 I would have thought.

That dimwitted thot is probably swooning from all the dopamine she's getting from the likes


Can't have it both ways, Stineburg.



Weed I think. Degenerate lefties die from aids bc they can't stop buying weed

if someone dies of loneliness in a city of millions of people is she a victim of capitalism

what if it's a he?

capitalism is bestalism

no one starves
only in socialist hell holes do niggers starve

if you starve
you're a nigger, jimmy.
That's a quote

If you're intentionally starved to death by your government, that's Communism.

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leafspeak for utilities

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It's when disabilities like race and physicality affects your opportunities in life

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>If im standing on the floor im the floor too but also If I slip i stop being the floor and now the floor is the killer and now we must judge a non animate object and now we ascend to the 4th plane of social justice to sort out the magic to solve this case
I have no fucking clue of what I just wrote but I surely gave it more thought to it that this inbred to his tweet.

Giving more money to the plebs will just cause them to reproduce more, creating more need. You cannot solve poverty with gibs. The ONLY viable solution to the problem is eugenics, ideally by means of a carefully planned genocide. But since the humanist faggots in academia have convinced everyone that all people are equally valuable regardless of IQ, this will never happen.

we love you clara

Capitalism isn't a form of government. Communism however is. Economic policies aren't Civic policies. False equivalence. What a non-argumemt.

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Hydro = electricity bill

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FINALLY, where can i get my victim ID?

Why do people act like there are no health programs for the poors? As for the homeless, they have shelters, but a lot of them choose that freebird lifestyle for a reason (drugs). Or they’re just crazy or both.

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>an extreme, tiny minority of moronic first-worlders means you should give all power to the government and trust they'll not abuse it, be compromised by people who will abuse it, or otherwise fuck you over through negligence
I thought leftists didn't even trust the current government, let alone trust them so many to give them supreme executive power over the whole economy.

Do they think the sort of people in power magically change?

Communism can't work with resource scarcity. It also can't work with human ego running the show because it will descend into an authoritarian nightmare every single time.

Only way communism could theoretically work was if humans had access to FTL technology to expand and exploit resources across the galaxy and if the General Secretary was a benevolent artificial intelligence that redistributed resources and goods with 100% efficiency and without skimming off the top or indulging in rampant corruption characteristic of socialist regimes.

Get a fucking job.

>victim of captialism
More like a victim of the natural order. There is no way to ensure everyone in the world would get the resources they need to live since resources are quite finite.

That is not the only way, there are at least two others, already in affect. One way is to offset reproduction by giving the female economic autonomy and social equality. This makes females, in their hypergamous nature, abstain from commitment, reducing birth rates immensely. So far, the blacks and mexicans are still resisting it, perhaps they don't give enough of a shit.

The other way is of course to increase production by immense amounts, usually by advancements in technological efficiency, both robotic and software. Problem is, in this economy, all of the benefit of these increases go to the CEO and executives of these companies. This is exactly what Yang is attempting to address.

so if someone decides to ruin their own lives spending it all on junk and they end up on the street thats the systems fault?

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This. The government was not designed to absolve and protect it's citizens of their own irresponsibility and stupidity.

God knows what the fuck he's talking about.

But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. - 1 Timothy 2:12
But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. - 1 Corinthians 11:3

Everybody is oppressed, everybody is a victim, everybody is entitled to everything!


there are plenty people dying from starvation in africe because of simple reason.
no matter how much food you send them, they'll just breed more so their children can starve.
you can't possibly help those people you'll just destroy yourself trying

If I die on a dessert island I'm a victim of capitalism.

>If someone sick gets better because they purchased medicine, they're a beneficiary of capitalism

>If someone homeless can afford a home because an abundance creates a buyer's market, they're a beneficiary of capitalism

>If someone can pay for clean and efficient services instead of going without, they're a beneficiary of capitalism

and finally

>if someone is allowed to labor, spend, and save as they see fit, while having their property rights honored by society, they are a beneficiary of capitalism.

>if someone sick dies because the state won't allow proletarians to get medications, they are a victim of communism

>if someone is homeless because the state hasn't planned to build enough prefabricated blocks, they are a victim of communism

>if someone can't get neither food, hydro nor rent because the party owns the resources, they are a victim of communism

I don't see a viable alternative suggested. Does that make me a victim of liberal whining?

How would you die on a dessert island? Obesity?

Based and redpilled

>assuming Xir's gender
>current year


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There are only two kinds of ideologies: the ones people complain about and the ones nobody uses.

>the irony of using capitalism to shit on capitalism
True marxism in its raw form: LIES AND BULLSHIT

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kikes and Ukrainians don't count.

If someone sick does because the communist state doesn't have any medicine or food they are a victim of communism. Let's see what the death rates are from a lack of medicine in communist vs capitalist nations.

>hurr durr victim of capitalism
Rubbish; they're a victim of their own choices.
If this hypothetical person isn't being helped by his friends, family or local community it's because they're a selfish cunt. Capitalism (the equilibrium of supply and demand) is not even a factor.

%AGE all slide threads

Fucking based

They’re a victim of their own laziness. Communist are scum.

In canada this means electrical power. Which is a dumb shit way to say it, but even worse because the whole point of hydroelectric power is that it's supposed to be less expensive. Why can't canadians afford to pay their less expensive power bill?

ill agree with the second one only because boomers bought up 2-3 homes a piece hoping to flip them to pay for their retirement and are selling them for absurd prices. Thats why i want the boomers to die off a home that cost 20k in 1980 should cost 40k in 2000 and 80k in 2020 if you figure in average growth and inflation. Instead that 20k home in 1980 went to 70k in 2000 and 250k in 2019 and that is horseshit.

Right? We are fighting obesity over here.

Why do we never pull the "bc REAL capitalism hasnt been tried!!!" card? Seriously, unlike the introverts with daddy issues-I mean, Marxists, saying that unfettered capitalism isnt and prolly hasnt been a thing throughout the history of Western civilization is kinda true. Sure, we've had some kickass periods of deregulated trade (height of the Pax Romana, Industrial Revolution, post WW2 boom) but we never got the full enchilada. Socialists, however...

everybody is a victim in some sense
we're all oppressed in some way
life is suffering
and thanks to capitalism, we can alleviate some of that suffering

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>complaining about low quality of life under capitalism


victim of scarce resources and failing to provide for yourself, not capitalism. Everyone that dies under communism is not dead via communism, but the big picture and bread lines will get you good.


Under socialism, you'll starve to death before you can even get deathly sick.
Under socialism, the government builds ghost cities that nobody will ever live in.
Under socialism, you don't have to choose between food and other stuff because there's no food.

Substitute Natural Selection for Capitalism and it's spot on. Nature can't be stopped.

If someone after 9+ years of mandatory government education is unable to make a living, they are a victim of the government.



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People died from all those things before capitalism ever exhisted so no.

If someone dies from a animal attack is that the fault of capitalism? Hit by lightning?

Not a well thought out argument at all communist scum.

>If someone aborts a child because they cant afford it, they are a victim of capitalism
Why do I think this cunt would have a problem with this statement

No, they're not victims of Captialism. In a capitalist system they could, oh, I don't know, GET A JOB and then afford to pay for that stuff.

We have homeless, and yet tons of unoccupied homes. Why? Socialist policies that drive the cost of housing through the roof and make it unaffordable. If someone has to choose between food, hydro, and rent, you have to ask why all those things are so expensive. The answer is, of course, socialist policies.
Wanna know the REAL reason your job has a shit wage? Because there's a line of a thousand people just waiting to take your job.
>We're going to pay you peanuts and if you don't like it, there's the door. Don't even bother to ask for a raise.
The supply of workers vastly outstrips the availability of jobs, causing jobs to have shit wages, no benefits, and crappy working conditions. What is the reason for this overabundance? Immigration. Your bullshit leftist mass migration plan fucking DESTROYED the worker. Not only that, it's megacorps who shell out billions of dollars to shills and media companies to promote it.

People can't afford things because the jobs don't pay well or have benefits>because the supply of workers is far greater than the demand>because of mass immigration>which is shilled for by (((globalists)))>because (((corporatists))) own the media and government.

Lobbying is nothing more that corporatists bribing our governments to sell us as slaves.
End lobbying.

capitalism: fuck the poor

poor: fuck capitalism

both are fucked up

only if you own it


opinion ignored.

>you see 90 years ago a peasant society that just went through multiple major wars and a violent revolution had famine during its chaotic and violent post revolutionary aftermath and that is the reason why we can't give you healthcare and basic necessities like every other 1st world nation despite government spending more on healthcare for less results than said countries. because you know, were gonna starve during this period of food abundance that is causing a pandemic of obesity in our populace.

Under socialism everyone is poor.
win / win!!

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What if the abundance of homes is due to capitalism

Get a life aussy fag. Im sick of your all caps retardation, posting the same backwards swastica image as if it makes your points more valid.

You clearly cant think, your points are retarded and you belong in a hospital.

>deciding on an economic system
You don't decide an economic system, you decide a system of property rights. The economic system is just people acting on those rights.

>despite government spending more on healthcare for less results than said countries
lol, and you expect us to hand them over complete control? Did you even proofread this, or are you that deluded?

under communism you will not afford anything anyway. but i am sure this time it will be diferent

i bet we will soon find out over here

(not disagreeing with you)

Capitalism created over 10 billion lives.
Communism genocided 100 million lives.

Anyone dumb enough to not make it in a modern capitalist economy should fucking die or go live like an animal in the 3rd world.

There was never any instance of life where that wasn't the case. Those things are a constant no matter the economic or political system in place.
You fucking have to take care of yourself. If you don't, sooner or later you will find yourself with no roads and no opportunities.
Danger is a part of life.
Failing is a part of life.

These peopple are insane, they have no idea what they are talking about.

>People die even though capitalism has at least given them the chance to maybe survive as opposed to living in the natural state
>Capitalism is bad
t. retard


Woman's opinions on political or economical matter are irrelevant.

capitalism is the most evil ideology to ever exist

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Why do people just say stupid shit like this on twitter... whats the point? I mean maybe if someone asked her her opinion, but no one ever does. Its like advertisements that people spout voluntarily.

Failing to adress an issue is not the same as causing it.
If you remove capitalism, life is still full of problems and now a different system must attempt to solve them.

We already know how it looks when commies attempt to solve hunger.

the reason for that being higher is because the government foots the whole bill for uninsured people who just go to the emergency room and skip the bill. if they were on medicaid then they wouldn't go the expensive emergency room and have the government insurance negotate cheaper prices for them. private health insurance is fucking retarded, its an exception to free market capitalism where privatization will never work because insurance is collectivist in nature. government medicare negotiates cheaper prices than any private insurance because they have more people insured than any private insurance, that means they have more people to bargain with negotiating prices. when a private insurer demands a low price you can tell them to fuck off if they don't have enough people in their plan but when medicare does it then you have to, they represent a huge number of people that you will lose business too.

How many annual deaths from faggotry?