>Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) took to the House floor on Monday to portray President Trump’s detractors as Nazis but ended up slurring them using an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory drawn verbatim from Adolf Hitler’s writings.

>Brooks, a five-term Republican, accused Democrats and members of the media of propagating a “big lie” about collusion. The expression was first coined by Hitler to describe how Jews used their “unqualified capacity for falsehood” to blame a top German military commander for the country’s losses in World War I. A lie could be so big, Hitler claimed, that it perversely defied disbelief.

>It was unclear if Brooks grasped that by leveling charges of the “big lie,” he had inverted his own analogy, making Democrats the equivalent of interwar German and Austrian Jews. He set out to compare the other side to fascists, but he was the one employing a fascist smear — one that, ironically, came to define Nazi propaganda.

“America can either learn from history or be doomed to repeat it,” Brooks warned.

>“For more than two years, socialist Democrats and their fake news media allies — CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, Washington Post and countless others — have perpetrated the biggest political lie, con, scam and fraud in American history,” Brooks continued, arguing that Attorney General William P. Barr’sconclusions exposed the accusations of collusion as “nothing but a big lie.”

>He added that, “If socialists in the fake news media had any honor, they would cleanse their souls and atone for their sins. ”

But he didn’t expect journalists to do so, he said, “Because doubling down is essential to big-lie theory. ”

Wew lads


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wtf is this timeline

This timeline is best timeline

archive because paywall

Now this is pilpul, since when are 2cwords a quote?

I was always annoyed with how the media would use "big lie" to imply it was a propaganda technique that the National Socialists used. Figures that they'd suddenly figure it out when it gave them the chance to shit on a republican. I like that this goy mentions them doubling down. I remember back in 2017 there were two factions of media observers on Jow Forums. Some said that they had given in, and were posting newspaper articles of Napoleon returning from exile, and how the paper hated him up until he entered the city. The other faction was accusing the media and the left of constantly doubling down, and not just accepting and learning from their mistakes. It's very nice to see that this particular phrase has entered the mainstream republican vernacular.

Who gives a shit. Every Democrat should have their head smashed with a sledgehammer.

Trump will call him out...how dare you mention hitler, the biggest enemy of Trump's people...didn't he get the message that Trump is pushing multiculturalism now and loves the niggers and kikes?

what was the quote?

You can’t use words hitler used or you’re a nazi anti Semite

he literally just said "big lie". thats it.

So where did he quote Hitler? From the looks of it he just used the concept of the "big lie" and while that may have originated from the NSDAP it's evolved past that. Even Dinesh "The left are the real nazi's" D'souza uses the big lie.


I’m sorry. Big and lie are two words in English which aptly situation.

Lot of boomers are so stupid they don't understand what the big lie refers to. They grew up in a world where the only bad comparison you can make is comparing people to Nazis. Never Stalin, for example. Lol how WaPo, by explaining this, is actually helping redpill people explaining what Hitler said. Thanks Wapo

It didn't "evolve" shit. The retard is spewing kike propaganda, ironically at a cabal of kikes that are destroying the country, and what he sees as the truth is exactly what Hitler saw as the truth 80 years ago. This is the same tier as people quoting Goebbels talking about jew propaganda and treating it as an admission of wrongdoing. People screaming about "propaganda" while they themselves have fallen for propaganda.

The White Awakening Timeline

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It's still a form of evolution, just in a chinese whispers sort of way.


And that's a good thing

>oh my god he said "big lie"!!!
>did you know hitler also used the word big and lie next to one another!!!!
I was expecting based but left disappointed

Israel collusion = casus belli
Fuck this timeline

At last.

Clown world

Oh ffs, calling a big lie a big lie is now quoting Mein Kampf because Hitler also said something was a big lie???

Jesus.christ the grasping is unreal...

"Big lie" is not exactly an unheard concept in esoteric and intelligence circles.
Basically any institution Aquino has touched has been familiarized (and likely misled) by the concept.

If you shoot a bullet into the dark and someone on the other side cries out antissemitism, you have to wonder how deeply pozzed is the room you're in.

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The real redpill is that you flat out can't avoid propaganda, because if it's not one narrative, it's another. But you can choose which one you like best, and roll with that. Sieg Heil.

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Only Nazis notice big lies.

>But he didn’t expect journalists to do so, he said, “Because doubling down is essential to big-lie theory. ”
Its like they have no self awareness

Only nazi's notice that big lies are often accompanied with big noses.

>Mo Brooks

Saying "big lie" is now anti Semitic.

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jesus christ that's like the nfl getting mad for other people referring to something that isn't the super bowl as the big game

2 years later. The biggest investigation in history that turned up nothing. Then this story. They've learned absolutely nothing. These people need to be purged from their positions. The only way they'll stop writing propaganda is if we throw them in jail.

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Saying the media lies is literally the equivalent of being a Nazi in the current year. I’m starting to think the clown world guys are right.

>actually reads article
>Apparently anyone saying "big lie" is a Nazi now

Not based and redpilled but holy fuck that is stupid as shit.

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>big lie
Wtf he's literally hitler

Good post, burger.

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Trump would have said "lied bigly"

freedom of speech bitches, only thing being double downed is the media being an enemy of the constitution.

btw, Hitler wrote "and then" get to work journalists, lot more nazis out there.

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They didn't invent "big lie" it's literally an adjective used to describe the size of a noun


>"You democrats are big liars"


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Only applies to republicans

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That's actually a common thing. I don't know about in europe, but in America when history teachers tell you about the "Big Lie", they imply that Hitler was talking about what he himself was doing to Germans. When in reality he was talking about what kikes do.

And this whole MUH RUSSIA thing is a quintessential example of the big lie. So was everything behind the Iraq War. So was everything behind our support of "moderate terrorists" in Syria. So was the holobunga

>jews are the one who kept pushing the Russia Narrative big lie
>jews cry hitler because hitler also called jews psychopathic liars
>Trump lets Israel gorge itself on clay, biblical prophecy being fulfilled before our eyes as the synagogue of satan plays their role in bringing about the Apocalypse

They've been using the big lie meme against Trump for years and NOW it's antisemitic?

This man better run for Alabama Senate to take it back, and McConnell better not kike it up

well he actually compares democrats to hitler.
I love democrats now, tick tock drumpfie.

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He also used the word "a", which was featured many times in Mein Kampf!

>“America can either learn from history or be doomed to repeat it,” Brooks warned.
>pic related

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go with what you know I guess

This. We'd all be better off if everyone just understood and accepted that no one is unbiased, and that everything should be taken with a grain of salt. The real bullshit is that we have clearly partisan media jews pretending that they're the unbiased reporters of "just the facts on the ground".

There's no such thing as unbiased reporting or unbiased news. I'm okay with kikes lying their asses off. I just wish there were a big flashy label attached to each of them, or perhaps some sort of star-shaped emblem, that let everyone know "this person is a zionist and open-borders shill". If our media is willing to do that for foreign media like Russia Today, I don't see why we can't have that for our shit.

I guarantee you hitler never said the words big lie in his life. maybe he said the jews did a grosse lugen or some shit (i do not speak german), but it's not even as though this senator was using particularly "nazi-themed" words, like "anschluss" or something. If he'd used whatever terminology hitler used, that'd be one thing, but to imply this is quoting hitler takes literal mental gymnastics on a special-olympics level

nevermind i just read the article. this is top-tier bants, i love when boomers go >muh socialist hitler

Trump is the biggest Jew puppet I've ever seen. He even whored his own daughter off to one of them. He's their guy...

The Whiteline.

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No wonder retards on the left think everyone is a Nazi, they honestly believe that "big lie" are words that only Nazis say.

reminder that it is precisely because leftist leaders dont think this is a persuasive talking point that they have trotted it out and demanded that you accept it
this is a loyalty test

Most Americans think the "big lie" quote is the evil Nazis gloating about their anti-jewish propaganda.

i might share genes with you, user

They know he was right.

nice art bro

I love how these kikes like to lie and pretend it was the NSDAP that used "the big lie". Classic jew projection.

"The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous."

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Now theu are going to admit america should've fought with germany.

>blocked by article 13

Because hitler hated the free press also.

He's not wrong, the media is filled with Jews just like pre war Germany.

>anti-Semitic conspiracy theory
Oy vey.. anudda shoa.

>a word plus a qualifier
>a quote
So board RPG game players are literally Caesar at the Rubicon?

>GOP congressman quotes Socialist to slam Trumps adversaries.

Fuck yes!

Uttering the phrase "Big lie" is enough to make Jews instantly and collectively kvetch. This reeks of projection. Obviously since the Russian conspiracy hoax was perpetrated by Jews, they don't want anyone putting 2 and 2 together about who exactly the media really is.

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>media gets called out for lying
>lies and calls people hitler again
I really wish they were right once in calling someone Hitler, at least that someone would put an end to this bullshit.

wtf I love the apocalypse now. thanks trumpstien

free publicity and redpill distribution

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