From next month britfags will have to prove they are 18 by submitting to online verfication checks before entering sites containing porn.
Wonder if that includes here?
Internet censorship is all the rage in the UK.
From next month britfags will have to prove they are 18 by submitting to online verfication checks before entering sites containing porn.
Wonder if that includes here?
Internet censorship is all the rage in the UK.
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just shows the UK is a weak ally that refuses to spread American style freedom
Do governments not realize that VPN is a thing.
A thing that almost everybody knows about at this point.
Unironically based. Porn fucks you in the head the same way cocaine does.
Very based, but for all the wrong reasons.
the usa is so much more a free country than the uk, freedom of speech, freedom to have guns, etc
This. Its based but out of the wrong reasons
it means paying for a vpn which i dont use right now
Yeah man the US is suuuuuuch a goid country because of muh liberty. Its literally the Weimar Republic on steroids
This is excellent news. My only question is, why are they doing it? What do they hope to gain? I thought they were using access to pornography as a way to control the population.
they are doing in to prevent under 18s from accessing pornography. thought that was the job of the parents.
Like how the fuck do they enforce that?
They obviously can't so this is a good thing. Sadly its done because of Muslims. Nevertheless this is a good thing
But what is the real reason? Surely they would want under 18s to access pornography so they get hooked young and their brain is turned to mush. This would make them easier to control.
when you try to access a pornsite, you'll have to enter your bank details. or you can buy porn vouchers from shops by proving your age in the shop.
Yes they do, thats the point of this new law, to open up a reason to ban them "for the sake of the children". Sadly im too lazy to write to my MP about this, so nothing will change.
well muslims consume the most kiddie porn so it could be down to them
God, you're as dim as a Yank.
Free to have all the gay sex you could possibly want
i love america, best country in the world. porn capital of the world. imagine this law being tried in the usa... dont think so.
not into it but you are obviously, not with me though, thanks for the offer
This is about control. Watch politically incorrect porn aged 20? Rape, BDSM, spanking, 18 year old etc. Then if an individual goes into politics aged 40, they will dig up information on your past screenings. It will be used to keep politicians in line. God knows if corporations will have access to such information, which would make it very difficult to get employment.
Disagree with porn? Dont watch it. The UK isnt banning porn, its creating a record against which the user will be connected to.
The people calling this based are either shills or morons, and we should be very sceptical against them.
>i love america, best country in the world. porn capital of the world. imagine this law being tried in the usa... dont think so.
Yes, you are but one in a long line of low-life degenerates that have loved the worst, most wretched, most ignoble country in the history of the world. I hope you go to live there. We need to rid ourselves of people like you.
Come the restoration, we'll know who to hang. Millions upon millions.
Based UK. I'm against censorship, but porn is a mind virus. It should be difficult to access because it's a matter of national health.
As is proven in the US, pornography is subjective.
there's things about the usa that i dont like but on the whole its a kick ass country. i'd love to live there, thanks.
>I’m against censorship but only if they censor things I don’t like
It’s either-or, my “white” friend
Ok...but I don't get my porn from pornhub or buy it really anymore
The only thing this stops me doing is buying it from uk Pornhub which I have only been on twice in my life
Don't get me wrong its annoying and a serious breach of government power but at the end of the day its not going to stop me browsing...what will happen though is that porn will move their hosting away from the uk
for instance if I search for whipping or caning (banned in the Uk according to bbc) I can find it so I'm convinced here of the effectiveness of this
>I'm against censorship, but porn is a mind virus.
No-one is against censorship; it is simply a matter of where one draws the line. You draw it at porn. Good. There's no need to apologise with such drivel as "I'm against censorship".
It is a bad thing this is just the thin edge of the wedge towards global internet ID.
>UK stopping kike propaganda from spreading
When you're so kiked you use it as a shield from kikery
> i'd love to live there, thanks.
Good. You'll fit in well. You already sound like one.
Finally a good thing
Doesn't this only apply to the sale of Internet porn? Free sites should be fine.
Shall we start with you then?
The establishment destroying anyone who challenges them is now good.
The process of demoralisation is complete
Yer both fucking horrible m8
You can try.
yeah thats kinda what Im thinking here...
i think it will apply to free sites too... we already submit id in effect when going through paid sites.
your porn history is going to be tied to you personally
>No-one is against censorship
You fucking what? The majority of people hate being told what they can and cant fo/ watch
This is NOT about the porn you retards...
It is Internet ID in the protostage.
When the day comes that is is illegal for a DNS to serve you pages without your internet ID, the backbones won't pass your data without one, not the porn not the porn.
The porn is just the excuse, like the terrorists were the excuse for the spying and those CTV cameras.
I'm fully for porn censorship, it's a literal mind virus
So it's not going to censor porn?
not everything is connected to the jews you know, just think about that
We are accelerating. Indeed that's a good thing.
my porn history will be tied to my name and it will be epic
>please keep being addicted to our porn
Ignore them, they're shills. The real audience are those who genuinely misunderstand, or sitting on the fence.
What starts in one country may quickly spread to another especially those who are ZOG. By 2030 all of the west will have their personal ID linked to browsing. Facebook was a progenitor
CENSORSHIP is the rage everywhere in the world short of the U.S. because we have a constitution. The commies are however attempting to censor things here. stay strong brit faggots
Yes I can.
you got me
>stay strong
>porn is your freedom
No wonder your country is gone for.
Now that is troubling
Asian anal ftw ....
you're missing the two actual concerns
1. sites like Jow Forums also have porn, users will disappear as a result and "underground" discusion will be shut down
2. it links your machine to your real identity
>The establishment destroying anyone who challenges them is now good.
All states seek to persecute their opponents. How did you not know this? But that you think this is a particular case of it, rather than the countless cases in which modern government (which is essentially totalitarian) has acted to degrade and massify you, then you are but a typical and fit object for totalitarian rule.
no, go out of your bubble. almost nobody knows about VPN. people are not smart
Good, you’ve formed a more consistent argument. Now, what do we consider porn? Are naked Greek statues porn? Is everything depicting intercourse porn? Before you were born, we had this conversation in America.
We concluded that it’s subjective and that states should decide. It’s all a waste of time because it just passes on a parent’s job to the government, in my opinion.
well, at least is way better than serbia
The Slav is correct
What if doing this causes more young Brits to fap less and start paying attention to how fucked they are? I mean if porn has been pushed as a means of male pacification, this could bite the UK govt in the ass 10-15 years from now.
Videos depicting sexual intercourse that are avaliable on mass distribution sites
At least they won't be seeing all the shilled blacked porn. 1 Jewish industry shutdown
you think kids should have access to porn?
you are a bad person
You heard me. You are for censorship. You presumably draw the line somewhere above child-porn, don't you? Good. Hence, as always, the argument is not about censorship per se, but rather what ought to be censored and what not.
The few good aspects of a police state.
Come visit, I can take you to a shooting range.
This, we already censor pornography from being shown on children television channels
close to the truth actually well done!
Shill. Why are you supporting censorship. All governments may want control, it doesnt mean every individual bends over. There are protests all over Europe. The continent isnt lost yet shill, there is light at the end of the tunnel, and no ones buying your divide and rule tactics
yes i am, and im now aware of those real concerns, thanks user
At least we will see more rape and community violence. Look at India
Only people to be affected by this will be horny boomers who can't into VPN
Indeed. But people are so ideologically brain-washed about "muh freedoms" and "muh liberal principles" that they are unaware of what they take for granted. Censorship is all around us, and rightly so, and that we agree with it does not somehow magically mean it is not censorship.
kids shouldnt access porn, but it shouldnt be the job of the state to stop it by using censorship
this year you will need a pass for porn. next year they will make you buy a pass to post on Facebook/twitter . wait and see everyday you hear MP's moaning about 'the abuse!' 'the hate' 'the trolls!'
>fuck this country
if only user, if only
Just like before Internet pornography existed, right? There were daily street rapes and community lootings
So educational videos about sex are porn?
I hate shills, but you guys do amuse me.
>yfw Guy Fawkes did nothing wrong
>You are for censorship.
Jow Forums is not one person
show the world for what it really is
then you will know what is truely evil
>Why are you supporting censorship.
Why are you?
> The continent isnt lost yet shill
With millions upon millions of brainless mass-men like you, it surely is. Totalitarian government thrives on people like you. It is no accident that it arises out of liberal principles, for these unleash the passions. Where there is no inner mastery, there will be outer mastery. And you will keep in effect asking for more.
>he must be a shill if he disagrees with me
Who is the real shill here?
Yes. Sex """""eduaction""""""" should also be banned
It's superficial purpose is to restrict porn access. It's real purpose is to strengthen the powers of the police state. Imagine someone watched cuckhold porn, well we know about that now bitch, say what we want you to say or we tell everyone you're a cuck.
So pictures aren't porn? You can see how doing this is not at all easy, and you have to tack on more and more definitions of what is porn.
The priority would be what I described
dont worry this will be a failed policy
>because we cant decide objectively what porn we shouldn't even try to ban it
>it shouldnt be the job of the state to stop it by using censorship
It will inevitably be the job of the state where society has abnegated responsibility for the sake of free desires. Welcome to the modern world that you asked for in your every unfettered desire.
>Jow Forums is not one person
I know. I was addressing him directly.
Alright then, let’s just stop letting people know how STDs and condoms work, so we get more diseased people and useless, unwanted babies. Good job.
Just because you want to live in a country-sized day care doesn't mean everybody else has to suffer the same fate.