The Atlantic is concerned about low birth rates in liberal countries

Seems like this subject is getting some coverage again:

Relevant excerpt:
"Immigration is an obvious remedy for low-fertility societies with shrinking workforces. But immigrants from high-fertility countries tend to quickly adopt receiving countries’ smaller-family norms—if not in the first generation, then in the second. This leaves the receiving country’s age structure largely intact over time, so that demand for new working-age immigrants continues unabated. The resulting prospect of indefinite large-scale in-migration should not pose a major political problem, perhaps, but it does, especially in places where a majority possesses a strong sense of indigeneity.

One approach to these issues is to do nothing and celebrate the fact that falling global fertility (1) is good for the planet and (2) reflects and promotes unprecedented human freedom and flourishing. Both these points are true, but they do not address the fact that most people identify primarily with groups smaller than the species and with places smaller than the planet.

Another approach is to enact laws that attempt to reconcile the demands of parenthood with those of modern market economics. People in low-fertility countries tend to have fewer children than they want, partly for economic reasons, and policies such as subsidized child care, state-mandated parental leave, and even direct cash payments can help make children more feasible. So can harder-to-legislate goals such as stabilizing youth employment and getting men more involved in child-rearing. Pro-family policies are increasingly popular with politicians left, right, and center."

It's crazy how true this is. I'm a guy in my 30s and myself and most of my friends are childless. A number of them aren't even in relationships. Wonder how this will all play out.

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>low birth rates
Let companies make and raise people. in exchange, they pay no taxes...

I think this is honestly a possible future, at least in the U.S. where capitalism is turned up to 11. Not in Europe, though.

In the end even if pro-family policies are adopted the immigrants will get most of it,since having 2 or 1 children is in European Culture.So instead of those second generation Somalian immigrants having one child they'll have 7 cuz they're pro-family and big German Patriots.
The current cycle is doomed the Age of Dark is near the question is will Europeans make it to the next Age of Light or will we be mulatto slaves to Asia or the new Power that will arise.

I honestly have lots of hope for Eastern Europe. A lot of countries there, such as Hungary, are making a stand against multiculturalism and immigration.

I see your Bulgarian flag. It's been reported a lot lately that your country has the lowest birth rate in Europe. Is this a very common topic of discussion for Bulgarians? Seems like you have resisted 'diversity', too.

corporations already pay the salaries of families and pay the taxes to governments, so why not cut out the middle 'man,' the traditional family, and let companies raise people like a new type of family? Companies can buy insurance or group together in a consortium to make sure that the children are taken care of in the event that they go out of business.
This arrangement would be much more stable than the current family structure, where more than 50% of families break up from divorce, and many people are poor, broke, drug addicts, abusive, etc.
Companies would also make sure the people they make have been screened for diseases and other problems to ensure they will be healthy.

I guess you are going to masturbate normie sound bites instead of thinking how to make life suck less so non-subhumans can have more children.

That all sounds good, honestly, except for the little question of autonomy. How much control would the company that birthed you have over you? And how much brainwashing would they do to you as you grow up?

Fuck off, retard. This is what this thread is for. Don't shoot the messenger. Use your brain.

The answer is to make us poor. Poor people have more children because they have more sex. Banning birth control would be good as well

Even when you aren't being edgy and ironic it is still scripted NPC shit all the way.

>That all sounds good, honestly, except for the little question of autonomy. How much control would the company that birthed you have over you? And how much brainwashing would they do to you as you grow up?
Some laws would have to be tweaked because this is a new thing, but overall I don't think there would be much of an issue except from religious groups. It's easier to control hundreds of corporations with laws than it is to control millions of individual families. I think being raised by a corporation like apple or google would be pretty neato and I'd trust them, honestly. With corporations handling the population issue, adults would no longer have to deal with starting families and being chained to the family life-style. I think adults would live more fulfilling lives without a family. Of course some people would disagree, but I think their appeals are based on emotion and not facts. Families are a drag.

>But immigrants from high-fertility countries tend to quickly adopt receiving countries’ smaller-family norms—if not in the first generation, then in the second.
Citation fucking needed.

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Find another thread to troll in

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"Families are a drag"
I think the low birth rates indicate that society agrees with you.

As far as whether companies could be birthing and raising humans, I'm just not sure if society would willingly go for it. I'm not even saying they won't go for it. But there will be a lot of soul searching about how we're selling out life to the private sector. On the other hand, letting the governments do it sounds Orwellian.

Here's an example that applies to the US: Latinos (mostly Mexicans) immigrated in very large numbers over the last few decades and used to breed like bunny rabbits. Not anymore.

Solutions are to celebrate our own genocide or even more government intervention! Because there's no way government intervention ever backfire!

Why we're here again?

Oh right! Women don't have children because the government incentivizes them to go to university, stack up debts and work to pay them back until they're infertile, while riding the cock carroussel to release stress and for a shallow validation. Carroussel subsidized with government-paid abortion clinics. Yeah, go ahead and save us, authoritarian fucks .

Life is too expensive

nobody can afford their own homes, millenials still live at home because of this.

No good paying employment, at least where i live. All Jobs are found through the socialized workforce, AKA employment agencies, where they take a portion of your paycheck only to be "let go" by the employer when your contract ends, only to be replaced by another agency worker.

Not even going to bring up social media and hook up culture, that shoud speak for itself.

None of this promotes a good Environment for healthy families to form.

Thank fucking GOD

lmao is this your new dystopian rip off of BNW? lmk when you get published

>Women don't have children because the government incentivizes them to go to university, stack up debts and work to pay them back until they're infertile, while riding the cock carroussel to release stress and for a shallow validation. Carroussel subsidized with government-paid abortion clinics.
this is the big problem. going to uni decreases fertility and deciding to raise a family instead of uni is seen as a whitetrash thing to do unfortunately. but it's also not practical since it's hard for one breadwinner to support a nonworking wife and child, let alone multiple children.
>nobody can afford their own homes
i don't think that's a big deal for fertility. you can raise a family while renting, albeit a small one.
are u in quebec?

I wish

Ontario, specifically the wasteland known as the GTA

>should not pose a major political problem

>Actually believing this

It poses a massive political problem.

Every group has done this. When the Germans we're coming over en-masse during the 1800's they were breeding like rats, same for the Irish and Italians. The only ones to keep up the numbers in my experience are the Irish.

>lmao is this your new dystopian rip off of BNW? lmk when you get published
there's nothing dystopian about it. A family is nothing more than a small partnership to raise children. So I don't see why a company could not try it. Companies are the ones that actually need a next generation because they need workers. Most families don't need children, because most families do not own a business, like a farm or workshop, like in the past.
The current traditional family is dystopian, imo.

Raising a family alone is not practical due to higher taxes to redistribute to the non-working and single moms and the wages being kept artificially low with immigration and women in the workforce.

A man can easily produce enough for himself, a wife that helps him cut on the costs and 2.1 children WITHOUT automation. We've hindered ourselves through altruism to not be able to.

In Europe they would just have the state do it.
We had something similar to that in Brazil in the past. The natives didn't had this notion of family either, and all kids were raised by the community instead of their family. In fact they practiced eugenics killing the children born with defects.
Really funny when you think that "progressivism" is going the same way of life practiced by savages who lived in Brazil 500 years ago.

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Agreed. In my view, the cost of living is an even bigger factor than the hookup culture. Even if people were to get more serious about relationships, they still know they can't afford housing in the areas that matter (the ones with jobs).

>>Women don't have children because the government incentivizes them to go to university, stack up debts and work to pay them back until they're infertile, while riding the cock carroussel to release stress and for a shallow validation. Carroussel subsidized with government-paid abortion clinics.
>this is the big problem. going to uni decreases fertility and deciding to raise a family instead of uni is seen as a whitetrash thing to do unfortunately. but it's also not practical since it's hard for one breadwinner to support a nonworking wife and child, let alone multiple children.
>>nobody can afford their own homes
>i don't think that's a big deal for fertility. you can raise a family while renting, albeit a small one.
>are u in quebec?
Well at least they were all Europeans. There is enough cultural overlap.

>tfw libshits will eventually become full race realists and white nationalists once it's already too late

Hah that's a great point. Maybe liberals are starting to realize that their worldview is not evolutionarily advantaged.

since when is in-migrate a word? I've seen this every where the past few weeks. Immigrate, immigration, immigrants were always the terms that were used except by niggers that couldn't spell

I'm going to have my second child in october with my wife. I was a lone child so it's technically a raise. I can't safe the western world alone so I'm okay my part is done.


These fuckers confuse cause with effect. It's not that the incorporation of women and the arrival of immigrants are due to the demographic disaster, but that the latter is a consequence of the former, especially of feminism aka civilization killer.

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your ignorance is amusing

Yes, and that's why I asked you for your opinion.