Why the fuck are you guys asking Spain to apologize for what happened 500 years ago? Use your fucking brain...

Why the fuck are you guys asking Spain to apologize for what happened 500 years ago? Use your fucking brain, the Conquistadores are your ancestors and you beaners are their descendants. We spaniards have nothing to do with the retards that racemixed with the indians

Attached: Pay the wall.png (2000x1143, 251K)

Other urls found in this thread:


It's just the senile fuckwad our indios put into office.
Retarded people care about retarded shit.

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Globalism was a mistake

Fun fact, the easiest way to determine if an American had a slave-owning ancestor is to see if one of their ancestors was also a slave.

Ordering the descendants of slave owners to pay reparations would mean ordering the descendants of slaves to also pay reparations, because they're one and the same.

literally this

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Spain helped Mexico through colonization. They should thank Spain. They replaced there primitive Indian culture with something better.

yeah yeah yeah

but what about us? we didn't mix with your filthy discusting race nor attacked you

apologize and pay reparation

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No one is asking for an apology Pablo, stop attenton seeking. Besides Mexicans aren't white.

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This. But rather than being a silly mistake, this is well planned move to distract public attention from more important issues, such as AMLO setting the grounds for his reelection.

We dont. Now go back to be poor and commie.

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Libertad a: Euskadi, México, Cataluña y America Latina. Que los madrileños se pudran.

This is our answer

>No one is asking for an apology Pablo
>Mexico's president has sent a letter to Spain's King Felipe VI and Pope Francis urging them to apologise for human rights abuses committed during the conquest of the region 500 years ago.
Is he your Trump or Bolsonaro or a leftard?

Apologising for what happened to essentially the niggers of the Americas... MEXICO is GAY!

I don't have a problem with muh conquista, only our decrepit president and his hardcore sjw followers want to be offended at everything. He is a fucking idiot. He doesn't speak or think for me.


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He's a weird conservative Catholic with highly socialist tendencies and in bed with communist groups while also being buddy-buddy with certain corporations.
Basically his policies are: poor people are cool so we must give them everything, eat the rich, unless the rich are my friends and family

Defending Europoopos, the absolute britcuck.

Sounds like your typical populist nutjob

Not surprisng the eternal mutt would defend there southern abominations!

>Americans btw

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The world owes Spain it's undying gratitude for putting the Aztec's on the path to extinction. The other Indio tribes deserve some gratitude as well but not as much because they didn't grow a spine till the Spanish showed up.

literally no one ever even thinks about you remotely, get your head out of your anus

uk, spain and portugal, they need to apologize men

> there
Oh god, never mind

>Populist nutjob
Precisely the term.

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Time for Mongolia to pay up, the price will be high

>eat the rich, unless the rich are my friends and family
typical socialist



Attached: AMLO.jpg (267x304, 20K)

I want blood, fuck your apologies

>Coming from the eternal mutt

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Yeah they did, they just kept getting BTFO because no one had an actual notion of total warfare, and the Aztecs were a part of a triumvirate around their great lake so collectively dunk on the shittier natives. The Taxclacans were stuck fighting them perpetually until Spain showed up with guns, resources, and know how.

Want to get colonized again?

I mean the destruction of records from post-Atlantean colonizers in order to protect the false narratives underpinning Christianity was an absolute tragedy and just another instance of why Christcucks need to be executed en mass, but most living Spaniards are probably more closely related to sandniggers than those who enacted that erasure of information anyway.

You have bigger worries, Nigel. Else we'll invite you to join the club the next couple of decades.

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yeah bitch, come and fight like a man


Sorry for improving your race, giving you a real religion, building cities/civilization in your ruins, giving your modern technology, giving you a superior language, giving you cows for superior food, teaching you how to be civilized.

If anything, mexico needs to thank spain.

Someone posted a poll that said 65% of Mexicans don't think Spain should pay up. I think 20% said they should and the rest didn't know or didn't care.

Get Shum

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>Why the fuck are you guys not allowing Catalonia to become independent for what happened hundreds of years ago?

Why are scatalans such pussies? If you want independence, come and get it by force you pussies

Get shum

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The only tji g Spain should apologize is creating LOS GOBLINSO

My father a Spaniard I will say this fuck Mexico I will never apologize for my ancestors truly blessed to be half Spaniard

>colonizes and sets up policies based on the exploitation of people and resources that lasts generations
>huuuurrrrr duuuurrrrr we dindu nuffin

>visiting family in Seville
>go to a bar with friends
>start talking with a group of mexicans
>ask them what they think about spain
>they tell me they love spain and it's beautiful
>"thanks for your gold and silver!! hahahah"
Lmao her face went from a smile to a grimace in a second.