Assistant State Attorney Explains Why Smollett Charges Were Dropped

It wasn't a violent crime.

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>wasn't a threat to public safety
the nigger just tried to start a race war! millions could've died! for the sake of fuck are they retarded?!

I hope he actually does

if only

Something tells me these dumb niggers in Chicago did this because Trump was found innocent. And this is the payback? WTF

The mayor is pissed.

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>We didn't exonerate him
What gave you that idea?

He has zero credibiility now and probably won't get hired any time soon. He is not a threat, it's true.

Dropping the phrase "does not exonerate" just confirmed this was in response to the Mueller flop.

Kill this fucking faggot

I feel for you burgers, if it's any consolation the jewdiciary in the UK are just as corrupt and fucking useless. still, thank God you're not Sweden, Smollett would have been believed there!!!

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Joe (((Magats))) Maggots, Maga

>won't get hired any time soon.

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yo say it like is a bad thing

It's a plea deal. A very bad deal for the State of Illinois. He might get probation, as well. Still, just a slap on the hand for ridiculous conduct. Too, you've got a lot of these "hate hoax" prosecutions that result in prison time and much bigger penalties.

Stop allowing the fact that this doesn't mean he didn't fake the attack to get slid.
He's only not getting charged. And that sucks, but this is only a victory for faggots who don't give a fuck about right or wrong.

WTF I love Smollett now.

A race war doesn't threat public safety

>is there no decency in this man?
he meant "nigger"

If some of the crimes were federal offences, doesn't that mean it's not the state's call on whether to prosecute?

>We work to prioritize violent crime

Then why did he have 12 detectives assigned to his case? I bet you murders dont get 12 fucking detectives assigned to their case.

In other words, "He's guilty as hell, we stand behind that, but his ass is to soft and tender to be in prison and he promised to be a good widdle boy from this point forward, so we're going to make him pick up garbage on a Saturday morning and move on with life."

I guess that's their prerogative. Meanwhile, some other black dude from Chicago who has never hurt another soul will go to prison for 5 years for having an ounce of marijuana.

>he won't get hired any time soon
but he will tho

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>potentially charging two innocent people is not dangerous to society

But she seems to tacitly admit he was a driver of violent crime.
Clown world indeed.

Possibly emboldening other retarded niggers (who don’t understand the (((details))) of this case) to persecute whites is not a threat? Niggers are stupid, monkey see, monkey do. They see something like this and think “sheeit mang he gitin trouble n catch a case n shit and he just say he dindu nuffin and dey drop charges n shit.”

The Jews are a parasite that thrive in Anglo cities that are financial hubs. They moved from London to NY at the turn of the 20th century, but they never relinquished their control of London banks either. It's why you see so many down here in Miami too.

Race war now!

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>stages a racial hate hoax to incite violence
>not a threat

Some hollywood Jew must've asked for """favors""" from some Jew in the legal system to pull some strings.
Jews are protecting niggers so they can cause more destruction towards society

It's because he's Jewish.

10 large was the fine.

Remember the FBI is still in play for the fake letter with terroristic threats and possible harmful substances.

Hell be in the pen soon.

He isnt really, he just wants to distance himself from this nuclear waste of a situation

I know user, it's fucking depressing! I didn't realise I could hate this much!

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Bullshit! then why have his record wiped clean?

>We didn't exonerate him
It's literally political payback for Trump not being indicted.

>I don't see Jussie Smollet as a threat to public safety

But thats the weakest case, if he didnt lick the letter and used gloves or letter was mishandled then its over

Q predicted this

They havent. The arrest is always there even if you are tried and found innocent ironically.
In this case he received " deferred prosecution "
IE if you dont fuck up for 5 years the charges a re dropped.


Very good point. Presumably cost them a fortune to hire a lawyer etc

His record was sealed and expunged.

On the flip side, this will redpill normies to an extent.
Just look at this plebbit thread. Even your average söy latte sipping, pussy hat wearing cucks are realising that something is fucking weird here.


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>Using the state as a weapon against innocent people
>Non violent
Race war when?

In other words, he literally paid them to just ignore the whole thing.

I dont know, the nigerians have testified that he sent the letter. FBI pretty capable of proving things with the tiniest amounts of physical evidence.

This. By their own admission, he paid off the courts and gets a walk.

Incorrect* Nothing can be expunged before a minimum of two years. An arrest is never expunged oddly. ( its not searchable ) He is under deferred prosecution. If no crimes in 5 years the charges are dropped.

The evidence will never be made public
The evidence will never be made public
The evidence will never be made public
The evidence will never be made public
The evidence will never be made public

The pressure to NOT pursue prosecution is going to be much stronger than anyone's drive to.

Corey Booker and Kamala Harris hatched this scheme to drum up support for their anti-lynching Bill. The reason this case was dropped like this so overtly is because they are trying to hide these two Presidential candidates’ involvement. US Attorneys need to pick this up right now. If Trunp has any intelligence at all, he will order DOJ on this yesterday.

A planned terrorist attack isn't violent in nistelf but it has the potential and plan to be. Just like this fake racism story had the potential and plan for mass racial riots and violence.

America is fucking dead. All that shit you guys sling about Europe, gtfo.

Yes, heavy fines are often part of plea agreements. Nothing unique there.

More confirmation they're sweeping this under the rug. he's a DINDU. etc.

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Attempted Blood-Liable against white people isn't a violent crime? This is fucking outrageous. I've fucking had enough of this shit.

I dont know, FBI ? Is it a corrupt political arm of government or some earnest cops with a great investigative tradition.

It wasnt a plea deal, and it wasnt a "heavy fine", it was his bond, he had to pay it.

So they are basically admitting that he is guilty...

>$10,000 dollars

Bet the city spent a hundred times more than that investigating the hoax.

I agree with you, but a scratch is not blood libel.

So tragic with the disgusting tattoos.

To see this people be so fucking smug about gaming the system like this lights a fire inside of me.


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Why? Whats that going to do? It's already over...

Trying to incite a race riot doesn't make you a threat to public safety?


Saying that white people, wearing red hats, beat the shit out of you and put a noose around your neck isn't an attempted blood libel? There is only so much abuse middle american white people can take from this corrupt system that they're literally shouldering. I can't wait to see this shit burn.

Ibcorrect* Bond is to secure your appearance at trial after release and is returned regardless of the outcome provided you appear. It is "deferred prosecution" specifically. If he commits further offenses the charges can be reinstated. This is common practice in large cities where the courts are cattle calls.

Dont go all Tarrant on us bro..

It's shit like this that is going to get someone mad enough to actually lynch that nigger.

>Is it a corrupt political arm of government or some earnest cops with a great investigative tradition
Both. All law enforcement is this way.

Except that nobody else would get this treatment if they weren't rich, famous and connected to Democrats.


No threat to public safety just a threat to all whites on Earth.

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Thanks. Pol/ will rage on that !

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>the mayor is pissed
im seriously shocked, i would have assumed he was a driving factor in the decision to drop the charges.

this is such a fucking clown world

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blood libel means you whacked someone

It is hardly over. This is just the beginning, it would have been over if they just made a plea deal and tried to forget it ever happened. Jussies name needs to be in everyone’s mouth come 2020

did anyone really think a gay black jew would face consequences for this? It was pretty obvious from the first day that nothing would result from this

Can you imagine the violence his stunt would have caused across the nation if the video camera he was acting in front of had been recording two men in red hats beating and noosing him....

Maybe that's what the deep state wanted. Ever think about that?

Fraud is acceptable if you get the nigger judge.

"it wasnt a violent crime"

while locking up every nigger on the south side 24/7 for dealing drugs.... a non-violent crime.... odd.
Fuck off retard

>all crimes that aren't violent won't be prosecuted

Politicians are not allowed to influence lawyers and prosecutors bro. This is not the third world, pick your enemies and haul em off to jail or spring em.

I agree, but calling those assholes isnt going to change anything. "SHEEEEIT WYTEY BE TRIPPIN! TAKE DAT PHONE OFF DA HOOK AND LEMME GET MY DRINK ON."

No, it doesn't. You're going to go back to playing video games or whatever.

Not in MAGA country leaf...not in MAGA country

>He is under deferred prosecution

No he isn't, satan. They dropped the charges.

>we didn't exonerate him
obvious reference to Mueller report
>dropped charges in exchange for community service
this isn't how this works. guilty party normally pleads guilty in exchange for a lesser sentence. what are they gonna do? arrest him again if he doesn't pick up some trash on the sidewalks?

>It wasn't a violent crime.

Well sheeeeyit time to go all in on white collar crime in Shitcago then right? If it isn't violent, who cares? :^)

Media ...heh heh
Youve learned nothing semi nigger level pedo

>Bike lock attacker has all charges dropped

It's better than not fucking trying anything.


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