/NSP/ NabBol State Project

I think that many people here are familiar with the Free State Project: a bunch of libertarians who decided to move to New Hampshire so that they could change the states laws to be more libertarian: "liberty in our lifetime" was their motto. They choose New Hampshire because it is a state with a small population that was already somewhat in alignment with their values, so it would be easy for them to influence the state's politics.

Well, what if we did the same thing with Vermont, but instead we did a NazBol State Project? Vermont is a state with a small population, very homogeneous, and already sympathetic to socialism/social democracy.

Also, I have some ideas for how a NazBol state could restrict immigration into their state without leaving the U.S. They could implement toll roads that have ridiculously high fees ($1000 dollars to use the road, for example), but allow people who are already state residents to pay a $1 yearly fee to have the toll waived for them.

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>that thin upper lip

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I'd be okay with living in a commie society if it means no brown-eyed people. Even living amongst the jewish women you are posting.

fuck off kike

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No, you

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>no brown-eyed people
Well shit, I have brown eyes.

Not an argument

Yeah, we won't get along.

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Damn, that is a really nice foot.

Hitler has brown eyes.

I'm a ginger on top of that, too


How'd that single payer healthcare system work out?

They didn't have the political will to get it done.

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Plus, you need to restrict immigration before you can do something like that.

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...why not wyoming?

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Fuck off kike

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We need power, a state with some serious electoral votes.

Wyoming is too individualistic to go NazBol.

That's not the point of something like the free state project or the NazBol State Project; these projects are an admission that you can't control the entire country, so you try to influence a single state.


Also, I should point out that the state has traditionally had very relaxed gun control laws. They passed a new law in 2018, but overall the situation is still pretty good. Perfect for a well armed proletariat.

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