so this guy is considered a hero for killing a 3 year old girl plus 49 other unarmed civilians
Thanks for reminding me why I always vote for the left. I'm norwegian and I had some friends who were killed by breivik in 2011, I promised myself ever since that i'll always vote left every election just to spite you, even though I don't really give a shit about politics. You're welcome faggots.
>I promised myself ever since that i'll always vote left every election just to spite you, even though I don't really give a shit about politics. And now you have a right-wing government.
Jaxson King
Yet all the Islamist attacks on your continent are what? Just part and parcel right?
Jayden Kelly
He is a hero for standing against Cultural Marxism.
Isaac Wilson
It's libs owning Nazis.
Benjamin Martin
Why wasn't your reaction to Muslims killing your people voting for politicians who would put a stop to it?
He’s not a hero, he’s a Mossad agent at best or an idiot who listens to Ben Shapiro’s propaganda at worst
Nathaniel Wilson
>hanks for reminding me why I always vote for the left >his vote is influenced by what Jow Forums says Lmao
Noah Mitchell
"Hero" ...that is what the Mossad wants you to think about this gym instructor patsy. It demonizes the white man It demoralizes people to fight jew laws It allows the government to bring in more immigrants without a peep Now that semi-automatic guns have been abolished (in record time) the next white generation are sitting ducks.
Easton Morgan
no one cares about meek men unwilling to stand up for their nations
It doesn't matter if you vote left what matters is everyone else votes right.
Anthony Peterson
So your friends were children of leftist politicians? The same politicians who infest your country with middle-eastern garbage?
Thomas Ward
>your left voting gave him a ps4 to play all day long in his comfy room after he offed your friend
Dominic James
Breivik was cooler than this guy though.
Jaxon Rogers
I’m sure he’s pleased as punch that he’ll never be a free man again. He’ll die in a cage. I doubt the comfiness of the cage will matter very much to him 40 years from now.
Kevin Walker
Why do you not care about the tens of thousands of kids that the Norwegians Labour Party participated in killing in Libya that summer? Is it just because the Libyans are brown? >Are you a racist or something?
You shame your ancestors faggot. You will never know glory.
Wyatt Watson
Muslims aren't human so I don't understand what your issue is.
Andrew Wood
What does voting for the left have to do with this? If anything, voting for the left is why it happened.
Nathan Phillips
Good for you mate that you’re voting and using your voice to put your opinions forward. Sad to hear about your mates too.
You came here to either tell us off (which is completely pointless and gay) or understand, and got your knickers in a twist when you saw some praise thread. It’s important to listen to the other side every now and again, it’s shit to surround yourself in an echo chamber.
If you hate us, have a read about why some of us have these views and try to remain impartial; don’t let your ego or emotions alter your ability to hold the opposite view.
Secondly. Grow some balls.
Lucas Bennett
True. A right wing government that by the way has set the record for accepting non-western immigrants compared to every other government we've ever had. This amazing government grants citizenship to about 15 000 non-westerners per year. but I don't expect you to know any better. You'll bow to anyone as long as they mention something about being against muslims, those same people also happen to be the richest in your society, changing labour laws so that regular people need to work more for less while at the same time giving tax cuts for all the rich. You're getting cucked son. But hey, deus vult right?
Aiden Lee
>I promised myself ever since that i'll always vote left So the actions of Saint Tarrant didn't have any effect on you, as you'd already made up your mind? Shame Breivik didn't get you too btw.
Parker Myers
based leftie cucks, trying so hard but no results
Easton Cooper
he did nothing wrong. god bless him.
David Johnson
Thinks one head is better then the other. kek the jew has ruled over the west for the last 80 years. Importing any amount if bad for labor.
A muzzie will rape you, and if not you, your children. When they commit political murder, they also do sick and twisted things. That's what the white shooters are trying to prevent once the demographics are on their side. ISIS lands are a preview of formerly white countries 100 years from now after uncheck high birthrate Muslim immigration (paid for by the welfare state you keep voting for). Read this. You probably didn't know about this part of the largest mass shooting, did you?
>I promised myself ever since that i'll always vote left every election just to spite you, even though I don't really give a shit about politics. this is why we can't have nice things
see this guy? this is a partisan. he saw the devastation brought upon the street of Europe by the actions of ISIS so he packed his bags and went to fight against Fascism in the middle east. he had the courage to confront real armed Jihadist. he didn't become the mirror-image of Fascism, he didn't killed unarmed, unaffiliated everyday people, and he didn't ran away when one of them grabbed a credit card machine and chased him away.
he met a partisans death in Rojava 2 days ago at the hands of Jihadists, at the hands of Fascism. but he was never a coward.
Brenton Tarrant claimed he was a Partisan. he lied. he was, and is, nothing but a criminal. when enemies are defeated they sometimes receive death by a firing squad by their enemies , such are the lives of soldiers and partisans. Tarrant should be hanged, becouse his not a partisan but a criminal. criminals are hanged..
A good example of cutting off your nose to spite your face
Jose Wilson
>civilians You misspelled "terrorist", OP.
Josiah Gomez
Okay, now I see, it's clearly a Mossad. You posted convincing arguments with use of eloquent language.
Zachary Campbell
oh man. you sure got us good. oof. i don't even know how to handle this right now. i mean, he is using his votes to ruin his country just to spite us? very oof.
Liam Morales
>so this guy is considered a hero for killing a 3 year old girl plus 49 other unarmed civilians
>Thanks for reminding me why I always vote for the left.
What's your solution when Muslims do the same thing? What's your solution to a Muslims driving a truck through a crowd and killing a little deaf girl?
Where's the Left's solution? Calling it a "problem in search of a solution" while wearing a face of smugness?
Luke Jenkins
He's no hero but this sort of thing is going to erupt along the path of handing one's country over to women and all the Muslim niggers they can't seem to import enough of. Let's just hope you don't meet your end from a corner cafe IED or a video taped beheading along with shouts of how great god is.
Caleb Powell
> I always vote for the left. >I'm norwegian and I had some friends who were killed by breivik in 2011 and nothing of value was lost
The only thing you do voting left is causing more violence, so thank yourself for people like Brenton Terrant and Breivik. It's the lefts fault.
Your vote will surely bring more people like them.
Henry Bennett
You lost one of your own 3 year olds to a sandnigger Fuck you cuck hope you get beheaded
Jack Gray
Thanks for letting us know. I'm sure the next Breivik in Norway will take care of you soon.
Samuel Scott
>the swede who moved to nordway
Lucas Evans
He ain't a hero but god damn if that whole mess wasn't the funniest shit I've seen in a good minute. Besides that, don't expect me to cry for muzzies. They sure as hell didn't cry when their vans of peace went rip roaring through white children.
>all the Islamist attacks on your continent are what? They're terrorist attacks committed by two specific terrorist groups, al-qaida and in latter years exclusively ISIS. Fucking religious fanatics who even admit that what they're doing is bad but that it's some kind of revenge against the countries bombing them.
You however are just proud of killing innocent people including children, you're just as much as a threat as muslim terrorists now. You want to kill everyone who don't adhere to your exact way of thinking. Violent and destructive fascism in a nuttshell.
If you want to fight islamic terrorism then you can travell to syria/iraq and face the enemy face-to-face. He didn't even have the balls to fight actual terrorists. Instead he kills innocent children, and you support it. wew
Carson Flores
>I’m sure he’s pleased as punch that he’ll never be a free man again Of course he is you stupid faggot, why do you think he didn't kill himself or force the police to kill him? Why do you braindead morons need to delude yourself that Tarrant is going to be horribly suffering in his luxury prison? Even after planning this for years and traveling the world he still decided to go through with it and accept being arrested, you know what that tells me? It tells me he's come to terms with the idea of living in prison for the rest of his life, and maybe if you had a functioning brain you'd have realized that without me needing to tell you.
Some people would rather be imprisoned for what they believe in then be "free" in a society as fucked up as ours. I doubt that's something you'd ever be able to understand.
Cameron Kelly
If only Brevik had gotten you too!
Gabriel Lopez
People do fucked up shit bro Blaming mossad is just your way of coping with it. I'm not going to lie, that NZ video traumatized me for days and i'm not going to watch it again. Shit was so surreal, especially because it was one of us.
But blaming mossad just makes you come off as a shill, muslim, glownigger or schizo. There's eyes all over this place and we should make the best of it. St Brenton made the ultimate sacrifice to put our ideas out to the world.
Joseph Harris
white supremacist terror attack kill much more people every year then radical Muslim terror. Islamic terror is barely a problem in the US. if we want to stop terrorism in the US we should crack down on white supremacists. unironically
Jaxon Harris
Omar Marteen killed the same number of faggots in Pulse night club. Muslims celebrate him. No one talks about him anymore.
Owen Sanders
Too bad, he didn't get you as part of his high score.
Landon Taylor
Muslim isn't a race. There are loads of white Muslims.
Joseph Jackson
>i'm not going to watch it again. You should, because what is coming to us will be thousand times worse and there will be no running from it. And will be completely physical next to you, not just on your screen.
Brayden Mitchell
Thanks for reminding us that your country is cucked.
Dominic Perez
>that NZ video traumatized me for days wanna cuddle hun?
please do that because thats the absolute worst move you losers could make at this point because guess who has piles of guns, bullets and knows how to use them and who to go after? then theres the other side, which cant even figure out what fucking bathroom to use.
>I'm norwegian and I had some friends who were killed by breivik in 2011, I hope you and your friends are soon reunited in hell.
Michael Williams
>Thanks for reminding me why I always vote for the left. Don't choke on the nigger cum sven.
Nathaniel Adams
>I had some friends who were killed by breivik i'm so sorry to hear that it's a shame you weren't among them
Tyler Cox
whether it's bait or not demographics shift in online spaces just like real life if you let faggy ideas take hold or don't call them out newcomers show up and see a post like this and think "yeah, me too" and before you know it you have commie diaper fur fag trannies everywhere
Thomas King
Nathan Sanchez
The shooter was a lefty you retard.
Jaxon Gray
Yes please keep voting left! The worse things become due to left wing policies the sooner we will see uprisings against the leftist cuckery. And the best thing is, even the sandniggers they brought to Europe to help them be against the left because they too are against liberal cuckoldery. Thank you for your service.
Caleb Carter
Fuck off he killed Muslims, everyone’s ok with that
Christian Flores
>im norwegian and I had some friends who were killed by breivik in 2011
You should have been killed by Breivik too, you leftie son of a traitor shitstain.
You and your kind are a blight upon this planet and I hope every single one of you gets purged.
Colton Ramirez
who said anything about race. white supremacy is not a race either
Jace Garcia
5 times as many attacks and nothing to show for it . Pitiful
>OP's face when he realizes the shooter was a socialist that promotes "eco-fascism", and voting for the same people who do shootings like this all the time.
Camden Brooks
>so this guy is considered a hero for killing a 3 year old girl plus 49 other unarmed civilians ONE AND FORTY-NINE MOOOOOOOOOOOOORE