Tomorrow the state of Oregon is going to vote on lowering the voting age to 16 years old...

Tomorrow the state of Oregon is going to vote on lowering the voting age to 16 years old, they want to do because of the massive amount of gun control they are trying to pass is turning out to be very unpopular. This is the biggest Jews trick I've ever seen, for those of you who say it won't pass Democratics have a supermajority in the House and Senate as well as the Governorship

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>can't own guns
>can vote for banning guns
What the hell

Does that mean the age of consent is lowered too?

Can the supreme court strike this down? It seems like during the Obama administration the states had no right and were constantly struck down but now all of a sudden they have all this independence and freedom and can do whatever the hell they want without consequence.

The brain doesn't stop developing until 24, it should be raised if anything

As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.

States control voting rules. The feds only place the max standard. It has to be at least 18, us citizen for fed elections and no poll tax.

Fuck Oregon even if they pass gun control gun owners will not comply.

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Voting age should be in accordance with everything else, age to drive, age to drink, age of concent, age to own firearms.

Shemia Fagan is super cute.

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It's already 16 in the state of Oregon, but you have to be with in 3 years of the age of the person your sleeping with if they are under 18

i would like to move a motion
"The state of Oregon shall lower the voting age to -9 month."
so people can protect their future

In some states, you can't drive until your 18 now. So you're too irresponsible to drive. You can't legally smoke or drink, but we do think you should be able to vote.

Just like how nobody turned in their bumpstocks.

if anything raise it to 25

Or high cap magazines

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Also they have already raised the smoking age to 21 and are trying to raise the age to buy a "assault rifle" to 21.

More like so teens can protect the seats of democrats

talk about accelerationism.

this is probably to combat the current wave of PNW conservatives mobilizing in the state.

hopefully the youth in oregon havent polarized themselves yet. or the youth have a more liberal majority.

That was a joke people comply with bans

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That's an oxymoron if you comply with gun laws you aren't a person.

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>can't join military
>can't own firearms
>can just start driving
>can't drink alcohol
>can vote and change laws applicable to all those things
big think right there

Ya they are real conservative, clearly. Abunch of kids from a high school wrote SB 501 the bill that limits you to 5 round magazines 20 rounds per month and requires you to get a license from the state to buy a gun.

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This, wtf

Why 16?
Why not 12?
Why not 5?

God look at those stupid signs, they can't even make them right. You can see how they completely forgot a word and had to add it later.

If this becomes the norm then there is no point in paying taxes

>CAN YOU FEEL IT Jow Forums?


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cool so age of consent is 16 too now? cool, liberals will love this

hit the nail on the head, this is pedo normalization disguised as democracy


stupid stupid bullshit


Oregon (beautiful as it is) is totally the next California. People FROM California are flocking over there in large numbers (same with Arizona except for the beautiful part.)

Remember that California used to be suuuper conservative, with the exception of San Francisco/Oakland and most parts of Los Angeles. Ronald Reagan's home state, and now look at what it has become.

I was thinking of moving to Oregon since I'm a trucker and can pretty much live anywhere, but Wyoming is looking pretty good to me.

Translation:Voting age lowered to 16 so goy can change the future faster.

30. The voting age should be 30, you must be married, have at least one child, and an acceptable debt to income ratio.

This, for some reason is reminiscent to pervert teachers. Politicians are bad enough as it is, they really don’t need access to 16 year old children

>Oregon cracksmokers seek to lower voting age in state to 16, so tide pod eaters can 'protect their future'

But I thought zoomers were based.

Seems more were turning a profit rather than complying.

What are you even doing in Oregon? The entire state is Portland's bitch. Move to a swing state and help it turn red.

Yes and what they did to CA they are doing to TX, FL, NY, and NJ at least. I can’t imagine a Republican winning governor in NY/NJ ever again no matter how fucked they are.

And “conservatives” are doing literally nothing about it.

Checked and criminally underrated

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Stoned whites and immigrant kids... Welcome to Canada user.

they should give everyone above 16 two years worth of back-votes to be applied at their discretion

You should also be ineligible to vote if you are on welfare, tanf, medicaid, SSI or RSDI. Or if you have an outstanding student loan balance.

That would fix the entire voring for socialism and open borders problems.

I'm doing my best, I went to the pro 2A Rally. I've been converting anti-gunners and I am going to move to AZ and bring 2 red votes to keep it red.

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You're fucked America.

I find it funny how only leftists want the least educated, younger, highly-impressionable people to vote
Wonder why that is

They are scrambling to get the kids to vote in Socialist Everything (Read: Permanent dependency on the state, enforced by heavily armed state enforcers with Jew Masters,) before they even know what they have to lose.

All Democracies end up going this way once people figure out they can vote themselves money from the government. You might try to get rid of Anti White politicians before you get silly ideas like talking Welfare Dependents out of their government money.

>based zoomers turn the state red

Jack a quick one on the ballot for an extra vote

So, so retarded.

All the dudes in that pic were only there to pick up libpuss except for the Asian "men" who were there to get dicked by possible white faggots.
Let this sink in. Also checkem

They are trying so desperately to do everything they can to win in 2020 they havn't stopped to consider what effect they will have in the future. The short sightedness of these retards is unbelievable.

you shouldnt vote if you dont pay any taxes...if you dont pay you dont have a fucking say.

if your mature enough to vote your mature enough to consent
lolis soon

I saw you at the rally

That would be fine if they also lowered the age of adulthood in general to 16. Otherwise it's pure avtizem.

if they're old enough to choose the future of country they're old enough to fuck

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It’s because they know teens are retards which will be easy to use to push their agenda

Nice, next time introduce yourself I'm not a fed

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>Shemia Fagan

Jew-y name. So many Jews in Oregon. And each of them helped fuck that state up real bad.

>Oregon (beautiful as it is) is totally the next California. People FROM California are flocking over there in large numbers (same with Arizona except for the beautiful part.)

It's very, very bad. And it's why Oregon is lost forever.

keep adding to the list of why Poland is my favorite nation, user. *lick*

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8 8 9 9 10 10! didnt think these levels of checked existed. but ok.

We we are turning in our AR's I'll say hi

When we are turning in our AR's, I'll say hi.

and by 'protect their future' I mean vote for free shit.

Automatic military draft registration.

>16 year olds must have the right to vote so they can 'protect their future'
>also killing babies after they've been born is okay as long as mommy & Dr. Goldstein say so

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>brain development

It should be 25, period.

Why aren't 4 year olds allowed to vote? They also need a say in their future.

>male politicians
>can vote to take away women's reproductive rights
What the hell?

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Is there any indication on whether this will pass or not?

different situation. women arent people and dont have rights

>reproductive rights
My sides

okay leaf

Help me win a meme gun bros.

Contest almost over

They're definitely not doing this because kids are more easily brainwashed and tricked into voting based on that brainwashing.

Oregon is REALLY GONE !

>shitskins, faggot cum/s0i drinking whites, and roasties
This is the future of america. We deserve to collapse

>be 16
>can't buy or drink alcohol
>can't buy tobacco
>can't buy guns
>can't join the military
>can't be charged as an adult in court
>be treated as a minor in all legal aspects
>too young to sign up for the military
>just the right age to be bussed to the polls to vote by a Jew-owned political organization

>thinking real people win their prizes

>male politicians
>can vote to take away women's 'right' to kill babies
Where's my right to kill you faggot?

>be 16
>too young to fuck
>get to decide who fuck what, where and when

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1 bullet at a time

I can't shoot someone I invited into my house. You can't murder that life you created.

>can vote to take away women's reproductive rights
>disingenously framing it in this way
You know damn good and well that people see it as the woman versus her unborn child. You can't just use framing to dispense with an argument you don't want to deal with.

>reproductive rights
>right to murder babies

Agreed completely. Maybe even higher.

100%, if you aren’t responsible enough to handle your own household without government support, you have no business having a voice to decide law within our nation.

You're lucky abortion for non medical reasons is legal as that is immoral

I'm going to say yes because Oregon's government is mostly radical progressive women.

i know this is bait, but even if you're serious about "reproductive rights" then that would extend to all parties involved in reproduction - mother, father, and baby.

Isn't gen z more redpilled than previous gens? So wouldn't these kids vote conservative?

>reproductive rights

It's another Human being's right to life, get it right

>isnt a generation with more spics more conservative


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What parents? They're too busy having affairs and getting divorced or not even getting married to begin with to notice they even have kids.

There was a nig in there too.

30 years old tax payers only.
Foreigners, NEETS and welfare queens aren't allowed

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