I'm technologically illiterate. Can somebody sum up Article 13 for me? Will I still be able to pirate moobies...

I'm technologically illiterate. Can somebody sum up Article 13 for me? Will I still be able to pirate moobies, books and comics or am I fucked?

t.guy who isn't even sure how a VPN works

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Stop worrying until 2021 when this shit is going to hit for real. If you don’t work for a company that has an internet presence with user upload, just stop worrying. Come 2021, you can buy a VPN to access the real internet.

No, we should be worrying already, and long before this, the EU has far too much power, i work as a server manager and i don't want any extra work or censorship in general.

it will be illegal for sites like ifunny and 9fag to steal memes from here, and Pepes can be monetized.

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HA get fucked eurofags

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There’s five threads on this subject. Open one and read it, then google article 13 and skim the topic.
Do you make threads about putting your pants on?

The internet will also be much better without all the europoors on it

>Do you make threads about putting your pants on?

A vpn is a vitual private network, basically it allows you direct your internet traffic to a foriegn server, therefore bypassing whatever bullshit laws your country creates.

It’s too late, this shit has passed. Can’t change it now, it takes 3-5yrs to change shit in the EU, Earliest mods to this will be 2024 after it is applied in 2021.

>boomers and old farts regulating the internet
You asked for this.

i'm interested to see what the increase of general VPN knowledge amongst the public will be after this. can't wait to see a law criminalizing using a VPN to burgerland.

Great firewall of europe?

They reap what they sow, they wanted a central government with too much power, so this is what they get

why are you getting so triggered

not triggered, just happy, see
get back to making sure brexit happens so this shit doesn't effect you

well we have eu elections soon so make it public that you vote against the a.13 supporters and do what ever you can to support political parties vouching and vowing to remove this bulshit law.

also throw mollitovs and bricks at pms and MOST IMPORTENTLY there familys!

however, the EU has more control over the internet, and by extension jews and leftwing shills.

i wouldn't be surprised if VPN:s would get compromised as well.

>It’s too late, this shit has passed.
governments come and go. also laws can change you know. think big. nothing is impossible.

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You'll get 20 years in prison for not paying a few shekels to (((movie production companies)))

>not triggered, just happy, see
Happy about whites losing? Oh right.. I forgot, of course you are.

>also throw mollitovs and bricks at pms and MOST IMPORTENTLY there familys!
maybe it will be better to have filters that block the content generated by the supporters of this fuckery?

something like adblock but for blacklisted artists and producers?

Its already happening, atleast in my social circles, people are afraid of voicing their opinions and are looking for outlets, so they use vpns and encrypted emails. I cant speak for the whole country but it is spreading with the people i know.

>Great firewall of europe?

>people are afraid of voicing their opinions

As if it worked excellent for the whole commie block back in the day. Censorship is the worst possible idea. Pushing for censorship means that they're afraid. Enforcing blatant censorship ruins the morale.

check this clip
