Tulsi Gabbard calls for the country to move forward after the Russia hoax



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you're a nigger

Nobody cares what a BLOODY SEEPING HOLE has to say

Shut the FUCK UP Tulsi you crater faced cunt, get out of your little army cosplay clothes and get back in the fucking kitchen!

dumb NPCs and their Assad bs. Mommy is a leader with courage!

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As far as Democrats go she is isnt too bad

No, I refuse to move forward. These criminals must be investigated. The perversions of our Justice system have gone on for too long.

Fuck off. She is there to take away the guns. Period. There are only 300 rifle murders a year, 80% of all murders are gang related.

More people are killed by drunk illegal alien drivers in this country.

Do you refute this? Do you refute fact? There is only one reason to take away guns - that is to take away the first amendment. America is the only country with a first amendment. If you give up the second, you give up the first.

They will never take the guns away my dude dont worry about it.

She's telling Democrats to let it go, it's over
Fucking retard

Fuck Tulsi Gabbard and Fuck Zion Don

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I think user may be sayrighrhat weshouldn't let it go, that they should open an investigation and string up the criminals on the left.

No, she wants EVERYONE to move forward. Crimes have been committed. Our most treasured blind justice has been politicized and used at the highest levels to fight the will of the people. Corruption must not stand, that is how Republics fall.

They won't because we will always be vigilant, for the future generations. Look at the disgusting things they tried to do in Maryland recently, turning law abiding citizens into felons overnight.

Didn't Tulsi perpetuate this hoax on us? Why should we let go a huge political hoax and an attempt at a coupe of the POTUS? We're not going to just ignore 3 years of bullshit charges, investigations and news stories like nothing ever happened.

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>you will never cuddle with Tulsi, the smell of salt water in the air, a cool ocean breeze coming through the window, while you discuss the finer points of noninterventionism
just die in my sleep already fffffffffuck

>she'll never fuck you in the amazon position using her strong surfing thighs

Oh no, now its time for justice. Democrats are scared.

>after 2 years of violent resistance, daily death threats, slander, lies, deception, censorship, sedition, treason, conspiracy, spying, coersion, hate, partisanship and attacks on the constitution by the entire DNC and its MSM puppets, we are now ready to pretend none of it ever happened and call upon the political right to join us in bipartisan cooperation and put all of what we've done behind us.

i see jail time for many democrats coming.

>just tried to frame the prez for shit that warrants death penalty
>didn't fly so good
>heh, let bygones be bygones, nothing personel kit

I don't care about that. It's politics.

What I care about is that the foundation of a "nothing happened" conclusion came AFTER fucking SPYING on an opposition candidate. Not just spying, but literally playing six degrees of Kevin Bacon with Trump's campaign, having plants inside the campaign, not by another candidate but by the office of the fucking sitting president.

That is fucking bullshit and I want people executed. I want people executed. I want people executed. I want people executed. We are not some fucking third world shithole where the government just does whatever. People better fucking hang for this, literally, one hundred percent unironically, starting with the FBI and the fucking FISA judge(s).

Investigate someone you suspect of a crime? That's fine. Politics playing like WWE? Whatever it's the new normal since Obama created a cult of personality. But the current president spying on a candidate... no. Fucking no.

Good for her. Props.
She's still gonna lose though.