Red pills. Drop em

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This isnt an official EU poster right?

Attached: 1545084944551.jpg (850x400, 75K)

It is. It hang in one of the EU buildings in Brussels and was removed after criticism. Google: EU poster hammer sickle.


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>China and North Korea with >105 IQ

Attached: e02e5ffb5f980cd8262cf7f0ae00a4a9_press-x-to-doubt-memes-memesuper-la-noire-doubt-meme_419-238.jpg (800x450, 28K)

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> Red pill
> pulls out stupid Jewish Validation

Attached: 092FFFF3-329D-4C31-ADC9-0E8E389A934A.png (794x807, 378K)

If you google there is a lot of evidence saying that China and the like are cheating at the IQ tests.

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