Italian teen girl was likely dismembered alive by Nigerian migrant drug dealer

One of the most nauseating revelations to emerge from the trial for the murder of 18-year-old Italian Pamela Mastropietro is that she was likely to have been dismembered while still alive.

Mastropietro’s mother claims that her 18-year-old daughter had become estranged from the family and had become addicted to drugs following a brief relationship with a Romanian man.

According to the sworn testimony given by Marino, the Nigerian drug dealer stabbed the Italian teen immediately after raping her. Marino said, “They had a fight, they pushed, Oseghale stabbed her in the liver and after a first stab Pamela fell to the ground.”

The witness added that following the initial stabbing, Oseghale left the scene of the crime to summon another man to assist him in the disposal of Mastropietro’s body. After he ‘returned home, convinced him that Pamela was dead and started dismembering from the foot.’

It’s thought that the Nigerian man stabbed the girl once more after she tried to cry out for help.

As stated by Marino, Oseghale didn’t name who his accomplice was. “He had washed [the body]with bleach because it would not have been known if she had died of an overdose or murdered,” Marion professed.

“He said there was a sack in the fridge to put the pieces in, but they did not fit in there and that he had to cut it and put it in two suitcases,” the key witness added.
spaghetti source :

Niggers are animals ...

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parts and parcel


Why didn't they protect their daughter from animals? This is terrible! Why are druggies from shithole countries allowed in Italy?

>parts and parcel of
living in New Zealand?

Interesting we did not hear that quote in that case.

toll paid fucking roastoid

>become addicted to drugs
Druggie, justice served.

>nooooooo wait don't kill the coal burning drug addict whore!

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Old news

>Nigerian drug dealer stabbed the Italian teen immediately after raping her
>started dismembering from the foot

Nignogs commit ugliest crimes around the world
but Hollywood never makes movies about it
Too gruesome probably

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at least she died while being enriched
can you nazis say the same?

Diversity is our strenght.

Who cares

>Mastropietro’s mother claims that her 18-year-old daughter had become estranged from the family and had become addicted to drugs following a brief relationship with a Romanian man.

>"fuck you family"
>drug addict
>older men who didn't have her best interests in mind like her family probably did

Yeah she did this to herself. Family is what would prevent this shit.

dismember from your race, get dismembered

Pretty sure i was wrong if i thought the brutal killing of young italian girl worth a mention even by your italian standards.


Based and drugpilled

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coming to a city near you

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Ah, a white whore decides to take drugs and lets an alpha nigger use her. Whats new?

Random question. You already don't have maffia or something like to clean the mess and get back the monopoly of the crime on the streets?

>Druggie gets out of rehab
>goes to buy drugs
>gets nogged

how could this habben

no the mafia benefits a lot from illegal immigration

I wish every roasty and druggie met they personal disemboweling nigger. It would have changed world to the better. Sadly, some of them still walk among us.

not only that, nigerian mafia is a thing now

Mafia isn't a racially aware organization, they're criminals who care about money

Italians hate niggers anyway, only a matter of time before they start killing them in a razzia.

and this would expose the violent nature of the nignogs to the population even more
win win scenario

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>Burn the coal, I guess they pay the toll huh?

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That was said here by msm, the italian mafia some kind of weird local patriotic terror group with falsified christian beliefs.

Addicts dismembered
>more Russians die than in the purges


you fell for (((hollywood))) memes

Toll paid

>Romanian man.
lol, gypsies

Sincerely, Coal Miners Credit Union

>It's good to let violent foreigners prey on our weak within our own borders

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One could imagine her father eventually subscribed to PewDiePie

But Italian women love negros.

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>coal burning
she was raped you autist

This one was killed too by refugees because she went out with them for the drugs.

Desirée Mariottini

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toll paid

>This one was killed too by refugees because she went out with them for the drugs.

gonna need source

Italian woman having sex in plain broad light in Rome on top of trash. The other photos are even more repulsive.

Attached: Roma_sesso_2418911_1734_schermata_2017_05_04_alle_15.04.59.jpg (620x339, 50K)

Just google her name and translate the text.

>t. mamone who lets Romanian men fuck his women

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you have any more?

>Why are druggies from shithole countries allowed in Italy?
Otherwise they'd have to keep pic related out.

Fuck off. While meth addiction does fund the alt-right, it's not a capital offense. Any drug-addled roastie prostitute's life is worth more than that of any Nazi except Rabe.

That sounds plausible - iirc it started as some sort of anti-French resistance.

>more Russians die than in the purges
Given what the Nazis did to Slavs, it's a safe bet that's not a dealbreaker for any Russian fascist.

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>nothing of value was lost


Kek... i got ya bro

Just search roma sesso and you should find the rest.

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niggers killing niggers. nothing of value was lost.

>Terrone detected

This is like a year and a half old news...fuck, Jow Forums is truly turning into r/pol. Sad!

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ty bro this is so hot

Thats why there are more right wing women than men. Just wait for the gas chamber you nigger.

the ones that like niggers get killed by them quickly

Even your right wing women like 'fugees.

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>aka shitskin gypsy feminist croat migrant leech off of norway

Agree. Mods, can we ban this guy?

Shut up nigger. Portughese people should be outraged at you for using their flag, and i hope you'll end up lynched.

It's amazing to see evolution at work, if only there were no kikes.
The world could've been beautiful

Oh you

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Both the foreign drug dealer and the domestic druggie whore are detriments to society and removing both is the best possible outcome. Just because she is a useless whore doesn't mean he is any better. Both parties involved are scum.

Just messin

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the nigger tree springs eternal.

>some albanian thot named her twatter after some shit norwegian suffragette and has put norway as her location
redpill me on this please?

She was in a relationship with the Romanian drug dealer. The guy who killed her was Nigerian.

Redpill me too

>Mastropietro’s mother claims that her 18-year-old daughter had become estranged from the family and had become addicted to drugs following a brief relationship with a Romanian man.

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Dont fuck niggers. Theyll stick drugs up your butt. Lol.

One more Italian woman in Africa.

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Med women are trash. What else is new, fren?

/rg again when?

diversity is everywhere. it's why it is called globalism.

I hope he raped her and that gets proven.

Just so that he faces some jailhouse justice in prison.

Instead of looking at the problem here, like, Niggers. You little faggots only have disgusting shit to say about a woman. Faggots I hope you get raped by a nigger

Why would someone sane import these people to our nations, do they ever look to stats?

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>drug addict

le and nothing of value was lost

Rape doesn’t = coalburner you kike

You should read the whole story and not just bits and pieces, fren.

she was certainly fucking him, white knight

Clearly all his fault for her becoming a crackhead coalburing whore.
The mother raised such a sweet and innocent child, damn those fake romans whose grammar is more simmilar to latin than our own.

Every time something bad happens there’s always a white nigger (Romanian) and/or a black nigger involved.


leftists and white projection.

romanian = gypsy?

Nero pezzo di merda.

>romanian man
You can say nigger, we know who you're talking about.

control your women

Is there a difference?

Even the non-gypsies aren't that great to be honest, the cream of the crop doesn't count.

Italian happening in her name when?

What are they running from?

Already happened.