The situation in europe (especially in France, Germany, Sweden) is getting worse and worse because of Islam and our retarded governments. Do you think the military ( even if it is in a bad condition ) is going to coup in the future?
The situation in europe (especially in France, Germany...
Its really not half as bad as Jow Forums is trying to make it look.
Your military is the same shit it was on the cold war, therefore is not a fighting force or a threat to the government, just s civilian on uniform as they used to say, so no, and France is made of purely white trash and most shistkins, why would they thrown away their supporters?
i hope so, i'm joining the military next week and the french army is not as cucked as the german and british yet
>Do you think the military ( even if it is in a bad condition ) is going to coup in the future?
Nope, Police cucks would easily steamroll our useless military.
Police is better armed and trained compared to our Bundeswehr.
The Bundeswehr also has no competent Leadership, no good Soldiers and too many Foreigners and woman.
The very basis of your reasoning is wrong.
> Do you think the military ( even if it is in a bad condition )
30% women and 25% foreigners in the Army nowadays
So no. Women have no honor and no initiative. They would sabotage and tattle tail on any such attempt before it got off. Same as the muds.
A lot of military personnel is supporting stupid government ideas, so I don't think that it would happen.
Politisch werden denke ich mal nurnoch Menschen aufgeweckt. Es wird einzelne Zellen in der Bundeswehr geben die bereit sind uns zu helfen. Ich denke wir haben eine reale Chance mit Gewalt an unser Ziel zu kommen.
I-is that a woman on the right?