>Recognize Israeli land
>Suddenly get more than enough for the wall

Coincidence? No.
Also, whatever happened to the caravan?


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Pic related. Also wasnt the budget for the wall supposed to be more than $1bn?

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you do realize that illegals get here by plane now right? get with the times wh*te boy.

I think it was 500 million

Is for

Honestly, I don't even want it with the kikes dirty money. I'd rather Israel destroyed than have the wall.

Not as much about illegals as drug and human traficking you brainlet

>assuming I’m white
>LARPing as black
Once they wall is up we’ll no longer need your assistance Anonstein

$10 billion total allocated now

Then you shouldn't have any issue with a wall being built.

damn u big mad kekkkkkkkkkk

>Pedestrian Fencing
No you aren’t

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Just a month ago 5 billion wasn't enough to even start a wall now 1 billion is enough for a whole wall.
Were going on 10+ billion nigger dollars


Cool. Just need some Stinger missiles then.

You will do well with the NorthWestern Front. Let’s build a new wall in the northwest and let the rest rot in their degeneracy.

Pentagon also reported 12bn worth of projects that could be cancelled and arent essential/necessary

Now you got me thinking.

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STFU, this took months of negotiation to get.

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100 million?

And at the end of the day it's only more rusty fencing, lad. Remember that.

I'm aware that diseases can also be airborne

Like roads, water fixtures and airport security.

But the retards want a wall theyll never see because they live in their parents basement

>Spends 1 trillion a year to defend the Jews
>"here goy, have 1 billion for your wall."

Yeah the Republican budget back in 2018 was I think $5 billion. That is the art of the deal though.

What do they need 40 million for?

It's not a coincidence, you fucking moron. Wasn't the fucking 1b part of the funding passed by congress? or did you forget that?




the wall just got 33,000 feet higher

I think that the 500 thousand might be trimmed a little bit more.

>the pentagon lives in their mums basement
They where chosen because they wouldn't effect readiness by cancelling them, i dont think the pentagon does roads and water, maybe in iraq, Afghanistan.

Israelis weren't happy about the Golan Heights thing, doubt this has anything to do with it.

Trump is simply God Emperor

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One billion dollars is not enough for a wall. A fence is not a wall. Steel slats are not a wall. WHERE IS THE WALL?

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they are doing sections at a time, relocating lots of money isn't the easiest.

Its going to Trump’s Russian ogliarch friend who is providing the “steel” for the fence.

Thats why it switched from a cement wall to steel fence.
Trump gets a kickback and so do a bunch of Republicans. Its hilariously transparent that schools, roads and healthcare money is going to Russia instead of your neet asses.

God Emperor Trump!

Well border patrol asked for something with slats so they could see through it.

And now they don’t get that either. Good job.

Better than the hundreds of miles of literally nothing.

mexicos gonna pay for that part

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It’s a fence user

the steel slats is what is being referred to when they say fence, not chain link

You guys it doesnt fucking matter. catch and release has been reinstated so now the wall doesnt matter. they can just claim asylum and be freed into the country. plus trump is upping legal immigration anyways so whatever benefit we would get from the wall is negated anyways. I dont mean to blackpill here but Trump is compromised and were getting nothing.

Zion Don, giving the US Israeli narratives since 2016

Someone please tell Ann Colter. She is embarassing herself

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imagine being this pathetic


she could be in this thread

can you back up that claim?


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Lets give the kikes gaza too and finish the job. I'm more than happy to fuck over shitskins abroad if it removes burrito at home.

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So youre cool with giving back the land to the Native Americans too. I would assume by your obvious educated points of “burritos” leaving your land and “kikes” taking over “shitskins” land?

so i can't get a source? Id like to know more.

>let a fuckton of immigrants in
>Pay them in queef dust to clean your toilets and fuck your drunk wife while you're having big boy fun time in iraq
>Tax them
>They buy your products and pay your rent
>Tax them on that too
>Deport them, creating jobs for pigs
>Spend stolen money on wall to appease the Christians
>Milk the Christian fear with your news stations
>Use Jews to station missiles closer to Russia

Aha! We meet again, mossad!

spics aren't native dingus, at best they have some blood.



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wow what are we supposed to do with literally no workers now wow its almost like now theyll all just be funneled into one area so they can be processed and dumped off into a neighborhood with benefits easier and faster

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basically i agree though i expected fucking concrete, since more and more slats is better than open miles.
that said, trump still partially cucked on boarder


I’m impressed and bothered by how smooth the animation is