

Attached: file.png (938x624, 581K)

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Fuck that dude.

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So basically anyone in the EU isn't allowed to use any form of content that isn't his ?
Or am I missing something here ?

Yes, each EU state has 2 years to implement this shit.

Even worse.
Everything you do on the internet will pass though AI filter to check if you upload any copyrighted material (text, image, video).
This AI filter will be centralized.
Centralized surveillance.

You have absolutely no clue as to what I would pay to tie him to a rope off the back of my truck and floor it on the motorway

Holy fuck that's worse than what I thought , isn't that a Breach of privacy ?

what will happen to scratches on hip hop albums?

Oh you sweet summer child

look at these people there, look closely. you know there are not 2 and not 0 solutions

and it will hit manufacturer who produces electronics too.
for example manufacturer for parts of amateur radios, they will have to install software which makes it possible to track them down so that the owner can get hit by a lawsuit if they dare to broadcast "copyrighted" material

they created their own super spy ring and they didnt even needed a 9/11 for it

Why's he so happy? Explain to me like I'm 8.

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good job eurofags

The 343 is for Israel did 9/11.

>Breach of privacy

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Who is this fuck anyway?

thats it the eu must be dismantled, i like how parliament in the eu cant propose legislation only the unelected bureaucrats can do that

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Because he was one of the main MEP participating in the crafting of this law.

He was also responsible for the GDPR law : you know those annoying pop ups asking you permission for using your datas on each new website you visit.