
What does Jow Forums think of Libertarians otherwise known as classic Liberals? They seem more reasonable than actual Liberals or progressives, but I'm not sure what their stance is on Nationalism.

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open border retards who live in a fantasy land

This. If you want to elect Democrats just vote for them. Your meme party isn't going to grow after 30 years of stagnation.

All modern Libertarians are controlled opposition. They are not classical liberals, they are neocon-lite.

So they're against nationalism? I thought they were against Socialism but wasn't sure of their party stance. Is it possible to be Libertarian while leaning for Republican or is that just an oxymoron?

I was part of this party for about 2 years. Then I found Eric Striker.

And Republicans are progressive-lite.

Yes, Libertarians (especially AnCaps) live in a ironic Utopian fantasyland. These people love to call socialist the delusional Utopians for thinking the government will save them. But look at them believing that a corporations will be better than a government.

I've met a lot of AnCap's and what I've found out about them is they are drunkenly optimistic. This optimism comes from there own self being. They think because they are good, non violent, weed smoking people that everyone else is just like them. They also are pretty clueless to white-collar crime.

Right-libertarian is true libertarianism. Only problem is everything they want is politically impossible (abolish the FED, abolish all welfare, abolish etc.). Ron Paul was the only libertarian who had a chance.

Limiting the federal government to the military, preserving freedom of travel, and immigration while leaving everything else to the states would be great. At the state level nullification needs to be put on the table.

Libertarianism was founded by Jews.

Libertarian ideals led to the godless, anti-white societies we currently live in.

Ethno-nationalism is the ONLY way.

DON'T listen to the Retards. Most Libertarians DO support borders and Nationalism. These ideas DO NOT conflict, and are not mutually exclusive. Sadly, the Libertarian Party platform does not represent the majority of Libertarians.

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it's Jewish bs my friend. Just like Communism, Neo-Conservativism and Anarchism. all the top thought leaders were Jews. Rand, Rothbard, Friedman

the libertarian focus on individuals denies the importance of nations.

The ONLY purpose for having a "nation" is to codify and protect the Rights of every Individual within a given boundary. This is the entire basis for the US Constitution.

I told you guys to vote Ron Paul and you didn't listen.

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i like stossel

I like him too, he used to be liberal but actually went out of his way to denounce the retardation of modern liberals. Probably the few if not only good journalist left
Good explanation. I look into it more.

and stossel looks great for 75

I miss John Stossel. I used to watch him all the time on 20/20. Now they just show murder documentaries. Sad

smart if they're rich, idiots if they're not rich

Libertarians as in Right Wing Libertarianism or classical liberalism are generally Republicans and dont vote for the Libertarian party, ths is due to the fact that the libertarian party is quite centrist in a lot of moral and ethical policies. Libertarianism is generally divided into Classical liberalism, which is basically freedom for all including open borders, drugs and generally anti nationalism, Paleolibertarianism which is muh freedoms but against open borders and for a much more isolationist state and morallist society. Minarchism which is the state should be restringed to do only the most basic of tasks (Uphold the law and military). and Ancap's who think the state shouldn't exist.

libertarianism is by definition a type of classical liberals. If they're neo-cons and call themselves "libertarians", then they're fake libertarians.

>otherwise known as classic Liberals?
lol hardly, Adam Smith advocated for a lot more welfare than contemporary libertarians. Read the wealth of nations for once.

libertarians are an anti-statist type of classical liberalism.

Their juvenile way of thinking disgusts me.

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They're neoliberals.
"Classical liberals" is a conceit created by Milton (((Friedman))) as a matter of branding. Adam Smith would have had the entire economics profession up on the gallows if he were alive and in power today.

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>But look at them believing that a corporations will be better than a government.
Pretty much this. They don't realize that you're giving power to profit instead of a government who's best interest is in the people's welfare, and that "free" markets will NOT solve nonprofitable issues. Libertarians now days are just pawns getting used to preach/vote deregulation and tax cuts for big business.

Open borders for whites isn't a problem, just ban shitskins.

> instead of a government who's best interest is in the people's welfare


What happens when a government starts bombing it's people? Or in a "democracy" starts pissing off it's people? Or in Socialist shithole starts starving it's people?

Libertarians realize WHY immigrants become a problem to begin with. Something that staunch nationalists refuse to admit.
Social security and medical care destroy nations.

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You mean like how the CCP starved tens of millions of its people? The same CCP that is in power in China today. LMAO

>Or in a "democracy" starts pissing off it's people?
People complain on social media then go back to their videogames and TV shows and sports.

>exception to the rule
the post

Oh you mean that tiny worthless nobody country China?

have you not been paying attention the Western political scene in the past 5 years?

Here we have a benevolent agent of the government protecting and serving the shit out of a citizen in a wheelchair.

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I consider myself basically a libertarian. But I don't think most of them view culture/race as much of an issue as it actually is in real life. Over the last year or so that has become one of my biggest qualm with them.

Has any nation on earth that you can think of ever voluntarily changed from one race being the vast majority in their home country to the majority in history? Maybe there are some, but I haven't found them.Basically every bit of research ever done, by anyone has shown that more diverse countries/cities/neighborhoods lead to nothing good. More distrust of neighbors being the underlying problem. I don't give a shit about drugs, fags or trannies desu. Although I would prefer to keep that shit out of elementary schools. That is just straight up indoctrination.

I'm sure that Walmart Protection Progam Premium 2nd Ed. would have been much, much kinder to someone who wasn't a subscriber.

Do you have any real or fictional AnCap societies I can look into? The only one I know of is Idiocracy.

(((Libertarians))) are the ones who brought them in here.
Pull the pin on yourself, neoliberal.

It's a path. The intelligent ones realize that it's only possible in a homogenous society, which we don't have. So it's Nat Soc.

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This. Immigration isn't a problem if the government isn't handing out free money to them. If they didn't get welfare, they would just leave unless they could get a job.

You can't "be libertarian" on immigration, but not on welfare.

I have. And no one is doing shit. They bitch and whine, and "vote for change" and get no real change.
I myself dropped my lolbertarian ways and went straight to full-blown outlaw. The answer to a flawed system is not more of the same. The answer is to disregard the system in its entirety.
Learn survival and keep up to date on the disintegrating society so nothing surprises you.

Libertarianism is idealistic. Nationalism contains a cancer. Everything else is absolute bullshit.

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No. A dying native workforce brought them here. You see, that's what happens when government steals money from young workers to pay the social security, medical care, and pensions of old retired workers. The bleeding heart for the old and dying is a cancer that guarantees the destruction of any nation that allows it. Because if your young workers are forced to pay for gibs, they can't ALSO afford to pay for their own young families. No other creature in nature dotes on its elderly, and for good reason. It's suicide.

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Babby's first non-mainstream political ideology before going full fash. It's useful for that reason. On its own, it's simply autistic and silly.

>that tiny worthless nobody country China?
You can't be serious. China is a cancer that can fuck up a lot of other countries if it wanted too
Just look at Xinjiang, China already has an economic grip on other first world countries.

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It's hard to argue that, but I'm sure you're sitting in a buried shipping container with a port-a-jon in the corner and a bunch of guns... fact of the matter is that's not really the life I'm trying to live phamalam. Just wanted you to notice that their is a supplied means of change, or enough people are going to get like you then...

Apparently 2/3rds of immigrants are on welfare of some kind. Seems like if we removed welfare, millions of immigrants would leave even if our immigration policy was extremely lenient.


There's a reason why Latinos migrate upwards and not downwards. They go towards the gibs.

Stop putting their kids through school and they'll stop shitting them out. Stop handing them untaxed dollars and they'll stop working for half off. Stop giving them free healthcare and they'll stop drinking beer by the gallon.

I was mocking him and his point.

I was a libertarian. The idea was simple: everyone leaves each other alone and we all get along. The problem is the left will never ever leave you alone unless you kill them all.

The life you want to live is not sustainable unless you're willing to give up certain things you were raised to believe are guarantees. You can't have a life of comfort without paying equally for it in suffering. It doesn't work. The laws of physics don't allow it.

Finding ways around the system is the best we have. Using a religious exception Christian health sharing groups save magnitudes on healthcare by going around the ACA. Some practices accept no insurance whatsoever because they hate the paperwork and the prices are decent.

if you would not be justified in demanding tribute from your neighbor on threat of violence or vice versa, no one is justified in demanding tribute from others on threat of violence

welcome to libertarianism

Nobody will ever leave anybody alone. That's the problem Lolbertarians can't fucking understand, and thinking that a "market" will solve it is beyond retarded.

never heard an ancap make utopia claims. Governments do more harm than good

>You can't have a life of comfort without paying equally for it in suffering
>t.circumcised jew with daddy issues

you leave people alone all the time
so do most people

Also bare-bones cheap private schools that somehow perform better than public schools. The teacher's union hates it.

you can't defend yourself against the government the same way you can a private citizen, brainlet.

Agreed, except for
>The laws of physics don't allow it.
That's just completely not true. Some people are allowed options you aren't simply by birth.

You Lolbertarians must be some real shutins to not understand simple human interaction.

in all cases you're dealing with armed men

the question of how many armed men there are or how determined they are to inflict injury on you or others is its own question - it doesn't fundamentally have anything to do with some special quality of armed government workers (they have no special qualities, only special titles)

Then it just comes down to what? Who has the bigger family, more friends?

Please note, that when I say libertarianism is idealistic, I mean it requires an ideal situation in order to function. Outside of a tight parameter, it will fail. By and large there seems to be a certain class of white people with certain genetic lineage that can handle libertarianism, and everyone else is a fucking faggot and until those "everyone else" people are exterminated, libertarianism is not possible as an encompassing governmental system. At best, it can be lived privately in enclaves where riffraff do not also exist. Sadly, libertarians have a catch-22 where in order to get the society they want, they must commit an authoritative killing strike on those who do not meet the criteria to handle liberty. Libertarians aren't mean enough to get what they want.

Outlaws like myself DGAF. We'll adapt to and exploit what we can to survive and will fight, steal, and kill if necessary to survive, disregarding the "rights" of others. The laws of nature are the only ones that truly matter.

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how many people do you assault or steal from daily?
I must be really out of touch if daily "simple human interaction" is assaulting people and ordering them around on threat of violence for the majority of people who are non-AGWs

Spoiler: They get to pick and choose their students.
Kill yourself, neoliberal.

literally jews leading ostriches

I like that they are open minded and that they like guns
Thats it

I live in a decent, safe society.

>I mean it requires an ideal situation in order to function
what is that ideal situation, and why is it necessary for people to not assault one another

you live in a semi-decent, largely safe society in spite of government goons and not because of them*

Government being the biggest family?

>Some people are allowed options you aren't simply by birth.
And they suffer for it, even if you don't see it. Some fuck like George Soros for example. The man lives a life in constant fear of his own mortality. It haunts him. That's why he looks so worn down, and why most rich people look destroyed as they age. All that inner stress of the fear of death is the payment they make for the ego that allowed them their wealth.
Nothing comes without a price. The world wouldn't be stable if it were possible to cheat this system.

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It's too bad the civil war ruined any chances of states rights superseding the constitution

When 15 yo autists on Malaysian basket weaving forums accuse my fellow libertarians of living in a utopian fantasy land, it makes me cringe.

Libertarianism is a moral philosophy. We do believe that less government will produce better outcomes, but the outcomes are just a side effect. The entire point is that stealing is bad, a concept you should have learned when you were a toddler.

John Stossel is genuinely one of my favorite people. I'm going to be really sad when he dies.

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I'm a little more optimistic as people realize that localities and states can go against federal law.

I think there could be a resurgence of nullification.

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people voting for more of my money aren't leaving me alone. people peddling smut and nihilism to my children aren't leaving me alone.

Nationalist libertarianism is the only functional form of libertarianism, so that is what I am.

Been listening to the Tom Woods show a lot lately. He makes a lot of sense.

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I agree with you 100% on that, stay safe man.

because modern society evolved from civilizations that were mostly peaceful and every technological advance in the past 300 years didn't come from directly/indirectly military prerogative.

A major flaw with humans is, we don't eliminate the parasites of our own species. We have too much sentimentalism.
This allows parasitic people to live and thrive.
One of my favorite episodes. Goes through how useless conservative politicians really are.

>people voting for more of my money aren't leaving me alone
that's right - they shouldn't GET a vote on your life
it's the absurd government shittery that's your problem here

>people peddling smut and nihilism to my children aren't leaving me alone
that's correct insofar as your children are forced into contact with them or they chase/pursue you/them in public
you should be homeschooling your children

groups of people are usually peaceful amongst one another because violent activity is unsafe, carrying large risks

it's only when you get gaggles of goons who congregate and make themselves into a ruling class that you have normalized violence - namely the normalization of THEIR violence against the people they command and steal from

what does that have to do with the question I asked you

No because of laws enforced by the government that I have a part in choosing.

I'm going to take that as sarcasm.

That anecdotal, there's tons of people who are well off to not do anything for the rest of their life and were born into it.

stossel, dobbs and judge napolitano were the only people I liked on fox back in the day when I actually watched it. Napolitano looks weird after he lost his weight. kind of like how penn gillette looks like he has cancer now.

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Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

there are moral laws that exist in your communities without any written edict from some dimwitted sociopathic politicians - no one in your community would hold attacking one another or stealing/destroying other people's property to be morally acceptable or otherwise tolerated amongst them

So if another large peaceful group comes in and takes their resources and enslaves them, is that OK in an AnCap society? I'm mean as long as they purchased a license from the overseeing Corporation, that is.

Napolitano is a dumb fuck now. Lou Dobbs and Tucker Carlson are the top two. Patriots above all else. For what the idea of America was originally.

>The world wouldn't be stable if it were possible to cheat this system.
Yes, it would. Subjection is a steady state and you know it.

I'm just getting into him. People don't really think about libertarians being conservative Catholics, but that's what makes Tom so interesting. I liked when Michael Malice was questioning him about where the line is between Twister Sister / New York Dolls / David Bowie before it gets too gay for him. I like how much he talks about his daughters too. Seems like a good guy.

why would that be OK

Libertarians are pussies and will lose every time because they will never fight for what they believe in and will be railroaded by more politically violent parties. Libertarians must bend the knee to right-wing authoritarianism.

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Wrong. NutSucc larping faggots are tho.

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>you should hide your kids until they are legal adults, then they'll know how to deal with how shit things are

Their entire ideology was a fucking joke before Hoppe came along.

Napolitano is a decent guy - that is an incredibly rare thing to be able to say about a person who was a judge

you can't have an argument by packing 300 fallacies in a single post.