New Zealand mosque chairman says: “I am not afraid to say I feel Mossad is behind this (Christchurch attack)” and a...

New Zealand mosque chairman says: “I am not afraid to say I feel Mossad is behind this (Christchurch attack)” and a supporter says "it’s the truth Israel is behind this."

>St. Brenton removes mudslimes
>worst case scenario mudslimes blow up self-hating urbanites who invited them in the first place
>best case scenario mudslimes clack off in a synagogue because they think it was the kikes

This Aussie is the single greatest shitposter that's ever shitposted.

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Yeah let's forget that NZ became an Islamic Caliphate over the course of a week because some dumb inbred child fucker fell for a bad forced meme.

Sloppy Job Mossad

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just a coincidence bots spam about mossad

Mossad is becoming mainstream, whatcha gonna do about it bitch?

Jewish people must remind themselves that diversity is their greatest strength, and it's going to be our responsibility as white people to help them make this realization. Jews will resent us because of the central role they will play in making Jews accept the strength of diversity, but that's just a burden we're going to have to take.

t. mossad moarpheus aka the schizo spammer.

did you know that moarpheus is a jew that used to post from isreal. what a coincidence.

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do you even link?

Mossad BTFO

I don't care for most Muzzies but the redpilled ones are unbelievably based

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New Zealand can thank their gigacuck politicians for that.

>KEK, do you know how fucking retarded it sounds to lay all of your faith in a meme concept as human genetic engineering?
>As MIT Technology Review reports, the babies known as Lulu and Nana had their CCR5 genes deleted in the gene editing process while they were still just embryos. That gene has been linked with the suppression of cognitive function in lab tests. Real-world observations also point towards the lack of the CCR5 gene being linked to higher intelligence in school and a new study suggests its absence could help individuals recover more rapidly after a traumatic event like a stroke.

> Real-world observations also point towards the lack of the CCR5 gene being linked to higher intelligence in school

The chinks are literally editing their children to become smarter and you think it's a fucking meme?


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Whoever wasn't paid to meme this faggot and did should consider never ever coming here again. You're too easy to trick and be used for bad actions.

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was the conspicuous absence of jewish matters a false flag? i.e., did he false flag a false flag?

and then they will wed the genetic engineer with the computer and allow the computer to decide what is the best to modify. At which point the human is no longer human but slave to the machine. In the same way RNA was captured by DNA and made its slave so to our creation the computer will capture us and make us nothing more then its tool.
A new relationship with technology is required. The Chinese pushing forward with western science and all the inherit philosophical problems will not bring about a solution.
The Chinese are already dead but the white man like a phoenix has the possibly of new life but only after chaos and collapse.

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Not even Brenton but i'm not going to say anymore and let you make a complete fool of yourself

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These threads are a mossad op

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JIDF does hang out on Jow Forums an awful lot.

wonder when they got to here?

Can someone post other Israeli false flags please?

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I bet you're a swarthy mutt and you find comradery in hating Israel with other like-minded individuals except you're on the spectrum so you take it the next level where you even think the sun doesn't set unless mossad says so?

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amen, white people and muslims should unite

fucker is right on the money
All signs point to a set up event that benefits the tiny hats.

>by driving a wedge between Muslims and Whites he actually brings them together in their hated of the kikes
It is hermetic/alchemical thinking 101 and if that was his actual goal I am impressed.

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sloppy job mossad

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. We’re living in a world where these people’s parents never told them bad thing exist. It’s hilarious watching them all find out in real time

Sloppy MoJo

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Based towel head.

well they ARE dumb and were expelled from a lotta places so..


Showing tolerance to mudshits always bites ya!





bump to piss of the kikes

t. kikes kvetching about goyim standing up for themselves

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