Why do they say fossil fuels are limited? Isn't there always fossils turning into oil? Or did they just magically stop

Why do they say fossil fuels are limited? Isn't there always fossils turning into oil? Or did they just magically stop
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fossils =/= crude oil

You know what I mean you cunt

hey I posted this photo first

No one fucking cares, suck my dick.

most of our fossil fuels are from before decomposers broke down carbon as much as they do today

See that's a response I was looking for. And really? I had never heard that before

Even if it's renewing itself, it's not happening fast enough to keep up with current demand.

donut steel animal oc you nag

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There aren't even any fossils as deep down as where they're getting the oil.

Non-renewable resource doesn't mean it's one and done. It just means that it is produced so unimaginably slowly that it's effectively not replaceable.

"Dinosaurs" all died because of a "meteor" so there's a limited amount of "fossil fuels" in the earth.

Gotta keep the illusion of scarcity to keep the price inflated, just like the diamond industry.

Fossil fuels form from compacting matter immensly over millions of years learn basic science you reddit cuck

We're getting through it way faster than new sources are being created, like WAY faster. Not to mention the fact that its awful for the environment so the sooner we stop using the stuff the better really.

oil isn't made out of dinosaurs you 4th grade troglodyte

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Yeah, it's so awful to feed the plants.

Okay patrick

According to Dan Pena, there’s enough oil in Saudi Arabia alone to meet all of our energy needs for hundreds of years. Certainly enough time to organically develop alternative energy sources rather than being forced to use underdeveloped tech that nobody wants

Do you know what you mean?

Fossil fuels are formed through a painstakingly slow process of layers of biomass being buried under the earth and compressed into a fuel source over millions of years. We are expending it at a rate much faster than it is being created.

There's no proof of that. Otherwise, there would be fossils down that deep in the ground. There aren't.

It was Rockefeller owned scientists that first put out the "fossil fuel" myth .
Create scarcity , raise the prices and the start the 'depletion allowance' that all oil baron receive .

Peak oil is a myth that lefties have been crying for decades. Same with global cooling, global warming, manmade climate change, whatever the hell they're calling it nowadays.

Now "peak oil" is a concept that I have to admit I didn't understand at first. This one has some legitimacy, but you have to understand that it's rooted in Jewish gambling. It really just means that they might not be able to get a return on their investment at some point.

It's all a scam . Take it from Mr. X

It's renewable.
It's a product of the Earth's mantle.
You can find it on lifeless worlds.

what do you mean way down? average oil well is 3-4 thousand feet. There are plenty of fossils at that range.

Big Oil is destroying all those fossils and not a peep?

How the fuck do you know? You dig a hole down there once?


russians found fossils at 4 miles under the ground.

i'm sure sure fracking as destroyed thousands of fossils. Who going to stop them?

Russian lies are not acceptable.

If that was true trump wouldn't be president.

Yeah, that makes sense. And also fossil destruction is TOTALLY the biggest thing to worry about when it comes to fracking.

Open a fucking elementary school science book and it'll probably have a section on how fossil fuels are formed that answers this extremely basic question.

If you think $0.4/l for refined gasoline is an inflated price, you're deluded.

That claim makes about as much sense as that oil comes from fossils.

This conversation is ironic right? Please tell me it's ironic.

we are few levels deep at this point m8

take a look

I'm guessing our usage outweighs the amount naturally produced

The method of natural production is not explained. What "peak oil" is about is the cost of extracting it vs. what it can be sold for.

How many times do you need to be reminded that it's all the Jews and nothing that would make sense to an engineer.

petroleum engineer here. oil is fossils and is a renewable resource. It's a science! also blacks r dumb lol.

I'm glad to know petroleum engineers think blacks are dumb.

The conditions that allowed for the creation of the fossil fuels in the carboniferous don't exist. Today we have bacteria that can decompose wood unlike then, and from the fact that our oceans are colder than those of the times where the oil microbes lived, where there were no icecaps and more intense summers, i.e the Cambrian, Ordovician, the entire Mesozoic, and the Paleogene until rather recently where such conditions have perforated the generally cold oceans and world we currently live on. The last event that would make any reasonable impact in terms of modern fossil fuels was perhaps in the 1700's where the seas were so filled with fish that the town I grew up in back home in Denmark had a plaque depicting a boy being able to walk out to knee depth in the sea and catch herring with his bare hands

name one philosopher from africa. and not north arabic africa black africa. just one.

takes far longer to create than it does to burn

using oil takes about .0000000001% of the time it takes to make it


as a petroleum engineer no we actually can't burn it fast enough.

I remember when Niggerbama was in charge driving past something and I was like
>holy fuck
>what is that fire in the sky?
It was a refinery burning everything off because they couldn't sell it fast enough.
Sell it to my car, bitch.

Former ExxonMobil chemical engineer. It is generally taught in schools that petroleum comes from fossils. However it is also generally taught in schools that the Holocaust of the Jews happened and that is just not true. The theory of Abiogenic petroleum origin is not accepted by the mainstream, but many of my colleagues and mentors believed it to be true.

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Abiogenic petroleum origin theory is that petroleum is purely mineral with no organic origin.

See video

Thanks. Yeah I've heard the Rockefeller story. Generally we understand that keeping the price high keeps our career field lucrative. But I also understand that anthropogenic climate hoax and peak oil could destroy my career. We will never run out of oil. I've personally seen wells that were shut down dry in the 80's before I graduated university begin producing again in the mid 2000's.

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Come on dude you can’t be that stupid. The quick rundown is that for fossils take eons to be converted into something useful, we use it in an industrial scale. There’s also plenty of it left, but it’s either under miles of ice or way too deep/difficult to get to, thus expensive

Ain’t ya proud your oc made your way back to you user?

That’s the point nigger. Through time and pressure, they turn into stuff like oil

No, they turn to wind and solar. I think it's very bad PR for you to call me a nigger.

>fossils =/= crude oil

Oil is a fossil fuel, innit?

How can it be awful for the earth if it comes from the earth? It was always here.

>bury your pet
>pet becomes oil
>drill for oil

it's a scam. Oil is constantly being created the same way Plates always move and rotate creating pressure. They say it's a limited resource so they could charge more money for it. Imagine if they tell you that you have to pay more and more every year for wind generators, people will call bullshit right away and kill the jew

>burry jews
>jews become oil
>drill for oil

>bury loved ones
>50 years later...

Smh, fucking niggers