Tranny repression is fucking retarded...

Tranny repression is fucking retarded. Imagine spending your existence in an unending state of suffering and self loathing over feelings you have no control over.

You faggots actually think this kind of guilt complex healthy? I'm not saying this guy should transition and cut off his dick or anything, but holy shit, he really needs a few feminine things here or there to quell the suffering. If he just wore some women's jeans or something and took HRT to stop masculinizing he'd be so much happier. Most of you faggots don't understand trannies. You just surround yourself with axe wound memes and the most horrible caricatures you can construct via the most degenerate material you can find and then say to yourselves "yup, this is how trannies are" when you've never met or likely even seen one in your life outside of the internet, let alone actually had a conversation with one. Why do you let caricatures like that push you to such a far extreme? If it wasn't so politicized by liberals would you really still feel this way?

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Sounds to me like you need help to deal with your delusion.
Not to cut your cock off and pump yourself full of hormones.

But maybe I'd rather fix an issue than make it worse then pretend it's all good.

The problem is that trannies don't understand trannies either. You see, a certain amount of confusion around sexuality in early teenage years is more common than you would think. Trannyism cements itself as a full blown mental illness in this period mostly because of being fed ideas about it in this vulnerable stage. That's why there are so many trannies now. The repression actually acts as a societal way of helping people not sink into delusion and mental illness. But even now, when you're deep into it, people get well from delusion all the time. The only reason why you don't is because you've believed lies that you can't. This is why what's happening now is deranged and evil, not because of trannies themselves. They're just vulnerable people who have been instilled with mental illness by a sick and predatory society.

We should probably let other people entertain their own mental illnesses then? "Yea Jimmy, the voices in your head telling you to sodomise a dead cat are probably on to something!"... Kys tranny sympathizer.

>Be ugly male
>equipped with no useful, attractive skills, experiences, or personality
>see how females get treated by males in society
>if unable to attract woman-
>become the woman

ok so how bout when those hormones REALLY make your dick feel wrong and you get it shoved inside you in a misogynistic attempt at imitating womanhood?

My problem with trannies is they demand others accept them for who they are when they can't do it themselves.

>Over feelings you have no control over
That's your first mistake, thinking that transgenderism isn't a choice.

Even have something for this

Attached: Trap Truth.png (1350x295, 65K)

If you actually managed to somehow be born with female brains in a male body without dying in the womb, you should be executed for being an abomination with the rarest birth defect in the history of mankind. If you were not born with such a ridiculously rare birth defect, you should be executed for being an insufferable faggot wasting everyone's time.

kill yourself.

it's a mental illness, it should be accepted and treated as such. im pretty sure there are treatments but are swept under the rug for (((their))) cause.

>If he just wore some womens jeans
im sure our ancestors from 2000 years ago helped their transgenderism by sporting on some zara jeggings. you filthy cunt. if we keep fostering their mental abnormalities it will get worse for everyone else. i saw one transgender complain why he couldn't be a milkmaid, this is how sick and depraved the lot of you are.

Weak minded faggots.

Trannysexualism is a mental disorder. Like schitzo fucks and autists.

They need help and medication not fucking coddling.

Someone with mental illness can't be cured by mutilating his genitals

i mean 2000 years ago fey teenage boys were getting fucked by politicians and philosophers....

Welcome to the anonymous internet.

Pedophilia is a completely different mental illness tho

Reminder that trannies are literally all delusional perverts

Attached: transsexual-typology.jpg (1600x2382, 1.01M)

Hormone therapy is not a legitimate or effective treatment for complex neurological issues. This is also an issue because the movement is too inclusive to younger, more sexually frustrated men who have no business being diagnosed with medical issues like this.
The politics are one part, but the fact that no treatment exists is the most important issue. Until then, the reality is that we shouldn't do any surgery or hormone replacement.

>feelings you have no control over
But we DO have control, rationality is one of the things that separates us from beasts.
Man the fuck up, faggot.

You don't have control over what you feel, dumbass, You can choose to deny them and suffer for it, but it isn't healthy.

>implying i ever fell for the repression meme

Attached: I'm a boy.jpg (3264x1836, 1.6M)

Or he could be a fucking man. Or he could fucking kill himself.

blanchard is a discredited hack

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