What's up with people/congressmen treating the Green New Deal as a joke...

What's up with people/congressmen treating the Green New Deal as a joke? I actually read it and it doesn't call for eliminating trains, cows, etc. Do people want it to fail just because it's from AOC?

The language uses "as much as is technologically feasible" frequently when talking about reductions. The vast majority of greenhouse gases is carbon dioxide, so to push in the direction of net-zero emissions I don't see why we can't at least work on better bolstering plant life and better incentivizing electric cars.

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Any policy proposal from the Democrats necessarily leads to the complete destruction of the Republic.

Why should the government be responsible for these things? Have you seen how shit the government is at doing anything?

As the ancient Hawaiians used to say, women are crazy.

Carbon dioxide isn't a poison. It's literally plant food. More carbon dioxide means more plants which means more shade, more fuel, more food, and more animals - plus a prettier planet.


They are in control of it anyway. Why does making them have to be more clean about it matter? You essentially are for corporations making as much money they want while fucking the environment future generations of people have to live on. These are the same people who lobby your gun rights away, tax you more, put more regulations on you, import cheap foreign labor, lobby for more illegal immigration, and much more.

The government can carve behavior through laws and taxes. For example, if the government wants to encourage electric cars, they can create a noticeable gap in taxation between anything to do with electric cars and anything to do with standard cars, and have both buyers and sellers want to flock to electric cars to save money.
Otherwise, the car companies left to their own devices can keep selling standard cars as per usual with electric car production not given much thought beyond what eco-friendly leadership within the respective companies are pushing as an afterthought.

This only scales up if plants are able to evolve into species that can effucently use more CO2, which won't happen nearly as fast as the global climate is shifting. So it could have a subjectively positive effect, but we will hit the ceiling of the S-curve before it picks up again.

Yeah I'm aware it isn't a poison; we exhale it after all. Greenhouse gases like it still trap heat though, which becomes the issue. I still think it's important to put out more plants beyond the natural rate, since they're a natural means of providing a solution, especially in urbanized areas where carbon dioxide would be more densely produced.

As the kids say, it is to or "flex on" the dems.

Because it would cost 90 Trillion Dollars, dumb fuck.

>so to push in the direction of net-zero emissions
thats impossible

>Do people want it to fail just because it's from AOC?

the same AOC that told white familys not to have kids because of carbon emmisions? that bitch is insaine

is america so poor and pathetic they can't even afford a program that will provide good jobs to their people while preserving the natural splendor of their country?

Yeah I've seen that projection used by the American Enterprise Institute but not how they arrived at that, especially when AOC didn't actually attach any price tag to it.

It's not impossible to push in the direction of something.

Every fucking time!

But drumpf is running things now


Nobody has actually read it so they just hear exaggerated summaries and react to that instead.

It is a Troyan horse to introduce socialist programs disguised as a noble cause.

The GND is not feasible as it is presented.

Nobody’s read it it’s just that AOC is a retard so anything coming from her must be ridiculous.

the green new deal relates to the state of the southern hemisphere. no means we will fuck it up and yes means they will get endless gibs

to be clear anything south of the united states in north america is counted as the southern hemisphere and when the cia try really hard they sometimes just sometimes screw some one really hard

the problem for AOC is that while the united states was guilty of distributing aids grapefruit well america has received gonorrhea avacados

It shouldn't. You are a bunch of statist normies.

Because they want to misrepresent Ocassia because she made anti semetic comments.

>For example, if the government wants to encourage electric cars, they can create a noticeable gap in taxation between anything to do with electric cars and anything to do with standard cars, and have both buyers and sellers want to flock to electric cars to save money.

They already did that for years. Like 10k in tax breaks for electric car buyers(who are already rich because the cars are expensive)

Germoneys energy is what 2 or 3 X more expensive than what we pay here in america? What do you have to show for it? Maybe 46% of your electricity is not CO2 emitting, while ours is 37%. Do you feel better for paying that much more for everything even though you are just slightly better than our supposed environment hating government? Hey fellas, why don't you just make the big leap to 60% renewable and make your energy cost 6X more than ours. Be my guest. It obviously won't impact the climate at all, but it will help our industrial class. Please just keep doing what your doing.

It's impossible to implement without destroying the entire Global economy.

Anyone who supports it doesn't understand basic math.

It's not financially viable. Cost alone makes it a non starter.

>Do people want it to fail just because it's from AOC?

No. People want it to fail because if implemented, China and Russia will conquer the US in less than a decade.

It's not about "Green" or "Renewable" it's about global geopolitics and military might.

get the fuck off Jow Forums

The vast majority of greenhouse gases is carbon dioxide
1. China has been generating the most CO2
2. Our CO2 emissions have been reducing
3. Net zero emissions is impossible
4. Wind turbines harm wildlife

>I actually read it and it doesn't call for eliminating trains, cows, etc.
It literally did, they just revised it on the website, and look up screen caps of the deal before they revised it.

Where can I find a screen cap? I've been looking for it since forever.