Holy fuck, New Zealand women are literally converting to Islam after Christchurch

Holy fuck, New Zealand women are literally converting to Islam after Christchurch

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This level of progressiveness ist just unreal.

Fuuuuuck this gay world

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Based Accelerautism

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The only fight that matters now is stocking back weapons for the next conflict. It's clear that our politicians have abandoned us so they are no longer fit to serve and must be removed.

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Love or hate muslims this is fucking stupid. It's like dressing like a nun after a seminary gets shot up. You don't just randomly put on a religious habit of any kind.

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Why do they want Islam to grow when it teaches that Jews are evil and must be eliminated.

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lol this kind of reaction really make me think that the aussie win his bet. wonder if people will follow his lead.

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true also why jew are not bashing everyday if they control the media ?
Do jew love islam ?


they are basically admitting that Islam is distinctive enough to need to join a cultural practice purely on theyr behalf. fuck you new Zealand

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They are all in it together

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NZ women are the most promiscuous women in the world according to condom brands.
Islam would be a positive at this point for the whores who call NZ home. And that's coming from a Kiwi guy who spent my teens and 20s fucking hordes of them.

Alcoholic, drug addicted sluts. The types you meet on a first date and fuck them the same night. Meanwhile they have another 2 guys on the side they are fucking as well.

Islam for NZ is a plus.

Good. Kiwi women need to stop being whores.

Always subscribe traitors to pewdiepie before the enemy jimbo.

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>"weapon of enticement"
Exactly. Women are whores. Islam is based.

fund the muslim you need to go back, and also do not forgot to suscribe to pewdiepie.

Fucking ugly cunt, should have put a burka on and done us all a favour

>The virtue signalling

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Accelerationism is the retarded idea that you can paint a roof purple by demolishing it.

Based, NZ will unironically better than it is now

Clown world

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Shit like this just makes my brain explode, I can't comprehend it.

I'm not surprised at all.

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Women have procreated at a rate of 70%. Men have procreated at a rate of 30%. Men have much more genetic variation than men, and have extreme selection pressures. Since women are getting out of line and (((want to be men))) they will now face those same selection pressures. Watch their genetics die off en masse without us lifting a finger.

The current grand mufti is Ibrahim Abu Mohamed.

Dude is affiliated with Man Monis, Hizb ut-Tahrir, etc.

But he gets called a moderate because he doesn't like ISIS.

>men have more genetic variation than women

Feminists in 2019
>"Oh, Christianity is so backward, just like the people in the Hand Maid's Tale"
>Converts to Islam

It's even worse when you see posts on fb comparing the hijab to nuns. Newsflash most christian women do not cover their hair.

Great. Now when we ban porn and return society to traditionalism women won't be complaining about us taking away their whore clothes, because they'll already have their own westernized hijab styles. Let them build the infrastructure we will use.


Muslim woman complaining about tokenism, appropriation, virtue signalling etc

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based and blackpilled

Mmmm so brave

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Now you know what the problem is.

Repeal their right to vote.

thats rlly cringy ahahah wtf. that fake compassion, shes about to cry about something that didnt happen to her HAHAHAHA wtf is going on

So at what point are muslims going to tell them that false faith is the greatest sin in islam?

That's so cringy I almost don't even want to save it, but did it anyway.

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this just makes garbage-tier women more obvious
literally just making a target-rich environment even richer

Armpit hair is sexy

tell me you are just trolling, please that can't be real

I think he means they have more genetic outcomes than women. men tend to occupy a broader standard distribution in most measurements. A simple way to see it is there are more failures and successes for men as a gender. And he makes a good point. The basic bitch/thot meme is as old as humanity and with rights comes people taking those rights away from you.


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A challenger appears.

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Fucking hell, lads MAXIUMUM ACCELERATION !!!

Rosties and post rosties dont have respectable men in their lives to tell them not to do stupid shit, what did you expect.

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Normalized isam

Hate to break it to you but the West needs something like Islam. Would help us a lot actually.

why do they keep spreading this meme?

my god these people



Yeah, I replied to my own post kek
You're spot on with what I meant to say.

Kiwis wtf is going on? Get your women in line.

What's going on in her head: "holy fuck this looks so good, the kike media is gonna eat this shit up so hard"

She's got Ma'am hands.

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wtf is that cum rag AHAHAHAH is that supposed to be hijab ?

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clown thread
in a clown world
towards honk honk we march ever forwards

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Quick Rundown? I don't speak kraut.

sheep fuckers tolerant enough to fuck goats
imagine my surprise

ISIS, come back.

>women are literally converting to Islam
Lol, women are so stupid

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Well the idea is collapse and then rebirth.

They forgot the logo

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As a protest against Trump's embassy move, a Muslim mob burns Jewish symbols in front of the Brandenburg Gate in the heart of Berlin.

>posting Zion Don memes

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Shut up leaf

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I don't remember Muslims eating hamburgers after 9/11.

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further evidence of how pathetic white Northern Europeans are, they didn’t even need to invade and occupy your countries to buy your compliance, are you ready to pay the jizya tax??

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ow my feels.. just broke up with my gf because she literally would not fucking other people "you don't fucking own me".. fuck they're all like this it's depressing as fuck

>progressing so much that you cover women in bags and marry 7yr olds. Its a circle. We need to find the happy medium ie: nazi germany.

Hard to be upset at that.

Wow people are stupid more at 11

>are you ready to pay the jizya tax??
It's called welfare.

This is absolutely correct, New Zealanders are degenerates.

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Share the threat.
Fucking priceless!