>1 - christ
>2 - 1917
>3 - europe
>5 - media
>6 - wars for israel
What is panel 4 meant to represent?
>1 - christ
>2 - 1917
>3 - europe
>5 - media
>6 - wars for israel
What is panel 4 meant to represent?
Other urls found in this thread:
white genocide moron
I assumed killing of the czar and his family
White genocide isn't really done with guns though, it's done through panel 3
It always made me think of German civilians during WW2
Either white genocide or the destruction of pure aryan genes.
The override of Germany by jew-controlled armies from east and west
If Jesus was Jewish why would Jews kill him
the death of the white race
The new testament is an explicit rejection of kikery, stop replying to shills
>Jesus gave things away for free and kicked out the money changers from the Jersualem temple
>Jesus was Jewish
pick one. Jesus being Jewish was a circumstance of existing at that period in time, he was technically the last Jew since he destroyed Judaism and revealed "Jews" to just be satanists disguised as holy men.
Lmao when the first Christians spent years arguing whether or not they should still circumcise each other
It’s the rape of German girls and women at the end and after WW2 you idiots.
Because he spoke out against their ways. He called the Pharisees, "generation of vipers" and God called the "fake jews" the "synagogue of satan"
Never pass up an opportunity to drop weapons grade redpills on our newfriends
This. Fuck the holohoax.
Nigga that is 2
And they decided NO!
congrats christcuck ur jewish founders let u keep part of your willy. LMAO
Probably the rape of German women and children at the hands of the red army near the end of the WW2. At least that's what the art work reminds me of. I could be wrong though.
He was a real jew not a """""jew"""""
Jesus was the split towards
Truth. The original Jews became corrupted and loved earthly things. The Pharisees were greedy money changers that preyed on those that sought there wisdom. Christ showed the Jews the way to His Fathers kingdom and those that followed Him became Christians. Those that rejected him became Jews. Before the split they were all Hebrew, so after the split it became Christians and Jews. Christ was not a Jew. Jews rejected the messiah because they wanted their messiah to be a conqueror who would throw the yoke of the romans out of the holy land and lead them as a mighty army. So Jews like Shapiro and his big titted sister have rejected Gods sacrifice ipso facto Lucifarions.