New Zealand

Anyone have the origenal video or know where I can find a copy?

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Other urls found in this thread:

sloppy fucking job mossad. How scared are you faggot now? Still at the office? Still have orders to spam this shit? PATHETIC.

The East and West are uniting to genocide zionists like you.

i've seen you post the same fucking thing in multiple threads. You're the spammer nig

Go to kiwifarms dot net it's all there in the brenton tarrant thread in offtopic

Not scared just looking for something to red pill people into hating these fags

Thanks for the help and not being a faggot even though non of this bothers me desu

The pictures in the thread are not actually him, it's a russian guy named Pacha. everyhing else is accurate though

does some user have link to russian social media for Sasha?
I see but forget to save link :(

Thank you [slash] id280809169

thank you, recycle user.
I will give many empty bottles of cachaça to recycle people in honor of you.

very good

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do you know why this profile become linked with killer?
very strange

Why lol

Facial recognition software was showing those pictures I guess, they do look similar
Or maybe just anons trolling

Yes, it's available on Facebook

very strange. They make fake pictures in news for identity of killer.
I see same pictures in Brazil in newspaper LOL

Russian Collusion LOL

Search NZ shooter on pirate bay

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oh you dumb fagot posting the same shit again? the guy was just a dumb ass who was half pilled! regardless he did do gods work.... gotta realize one can have more than one enemy....both kikes and muslims are not our friends..... it a battle royale where christianity must come out on top

If you fucking faggots haven't saved the video yet kill yourself, you do not deserve to view it. Stop fucking asking for a link and save it you fucking troglodyte. Fuck you.

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