Jim jefferies is pretending nothing happened. He uploaded a video without addressing the avi situation

Jim jefferies is pretending nothing happened. He uploaded a video without addressing the avi situation.



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doesn't matter, he is still the funniest comedian alive.

Maybe if you like the feeling of dick skin on your tongue.
Apparently, twitter isn't letting him forget it.

where is the EXPOSED?

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I liked him as a comedian before but he started sucking when he went sjw. He sold out he always hated muslims and now he is sucking up for virtue points. Comedy as a whole suffered from pc culture.

>uses clips of the interview with avi that took place months before the christchurch shooting as part of an exposé on islamophobes in reponse to the shooting
>takes answers from different questions and spliced them together to make avi look like a Jow Forums-tier racist when he’s just a normie israeli
>jimmy boy calls mohammad a wobbly ghost in spite of his fervent public support of mudshits
i’m not going to pretend like anyone will pay attention to this, or even that you’ll read this post or respond to it, but those are the facts


If you go to avis channel theres more clips but EXPOSED meant the tactics and manipulated vide used.

Getting up on stage and telling people you watched your gf be raped by 5 african niggers and youre glad you didnt have a gun is funny?

This faggot is the least funny faggot i have ever seen


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seems like typical media tactics

Of argue for Chappelle, Owen Benjamin, and Norm if we are saying alive. Jim had a good start but he’s a POS degenerate that’s been coopted to further the social acceptance of being an emotional dumb cunt

So down thumbs stopped but he keeps getting up thumbs

he's fucking hilarious but I wish he wasn't so anti-gun. ill still listen to his shit because hes an alien and no one gives a fuck what he thinks about guns.

>I wish he wasn't so anti-gun
The only people who have a hard-on for guns are americans and people from third world countries. The civilised world really doesn't give a shit.

Must be why they can't stop talking about how Americans should give them up

The worst atrocities are caused by governments not mass shooters. If anyone should lose gun rights it gives them that much more power. Im pretty sure citizen gun ownership is keeping THEM at bay.

australia might as well be a third world country, 95% of its mass is uninhabitable wasteland and 95% of the population of the country huddle in a couple cities on the southern coastline.

>only poor people complain that jet skis are obnoxious
If we could have handguns in Australia, we fuckin would
But our masters wont allow it, so we be good boys

Mossad did something good for a change

Liberty will never be given to anyone from the hands of anyone, let alone a tyrant.
Liberty must always be seized, and paid for by the blood of patriots and the tyrants they fight.
Why is it that burgers are the only ones who understand this?

>Jim jefferies is pretending nothing happened. He uploaded a video without addressing the avi situation.
He got outjewed. He's going to get beheaded on video by some crazy Muzzie. Will Avi be held responsible for the impending doom of this fatty?

Because we came here and seized liberty with guns and they stayed in shithole Europe?

He’s doing it for money just like you would faggot

I honestly think they're genetic cucks. They're a race of degenerated knee-benders, and (true) burgers are a divergent new race.

Who the fuck is this guy? I've been under a rock for the past while

Wow could you ram your head furthur up someones ass even more.

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Spam his twitter and Comedy Central's twitter about him drawing Mohamed.

Nobody gives a fuck that he edited the interview.

If you want to destroy him focus on the DRAWING OF MOHAMED

That would be Bill Burr.

Burr's been kind of wishy-washy since he got married, but his rant about the GND was great

Only reason why I overlook him marrying a feminist sheboon and letting her affect him is because of his fear of dying alone. When he talked about that fear it made perfectly sense why he would take his changes with a nigger.

You can't out Jew a Jew.
What was he thinking?

i loved how avi was like "ill release the full video for those on my patreon"

that's the general tactic of any self-proclaimed elites... and their families, buddies & (public) collaborators

Yeah, she is really funny. Not how she wants to be funny, though. Its like watching your 10th grade English teacher have a total mental breakdown. That kind of funny. Sad, gross, but still laughable.
----She basically cries at her own jokes.

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