Man goes to see a black movie at the movie theater, gets SHOT

A Lancaster County teen charged with shooting a man over a seat at the movie ‘Us’ at Concord Mills in North Carolina is expected to be extradited late Tuesday, police said.

Bryant Gregory Eaves Jr., 18, of Indian Land, is charged in the shooting of William Eldon on Sunday, police said.
Eaves is charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill. Weldon was hospitalized after being shot in the leg.

Eaves was arrested by Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office deputies at his family home at about 6 p.m. Monday.

North Carolina police now have the green light to pick Eaves up and transfer him to face his charges in Concord, Barfield said.
It remains unclear when Eaves will appear in Cabarrus County criminal court for the first time.

Eaves has no criminal convictions in either South Carolina or North Carolina, according to online court records.

Concord police released video surveillance of the shooting that showed Eaves, police said.

Weldon, an Army reservist, said he walked into the theater with his mother and saw a man and woman in his assigned seats, according to WSOC-TV, The Herald’s news partner. Weldon said he showed the people in his tickets with those seats.

Weldon said he was ambushed afterward, and did not fight or argue with Eaves.

“I seen him with his back turned reach inside his pants, because I seen his arm. He reached down, aimed the gun down, shot me in the leg, then took off running,” Weldon told WSOC.

Concord police confirmed in a news release that the shooting was over seating and the men did not know each other. It was not considered an “active shooter situation,” a police statement said.

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Typical Monday.

Take a seat get the heat

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Hood life

Did you expect anything different? Just niggers being niggers

I live near this mall. You don't go to this mall at night. It was once a pretty decent place, but man it's gone down hill.

Nigger goes to see nigger movie in the nigger neighborhood at the nigger theater and ends up getting out-niggered by another nigger.

K, keep me posted. Really will be interested when the nigger judge lets the nigger that did the out-niggering walk.

>I seen him
Thank God this future astronaut survived.

Do you go in the day?

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Is it really that bad? I was there a few months ago. Typical amount of nogs as you'd expect in a mall in 2019. Didn't seem horrible otherwise.