I can literally feel and hear it. Why is this allowed?

I can literally feel and hear it. Why is this allowed?

Attached: 5th_generation_mobile_network_(5G)_logo.jpg (286x183, 8K)

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You sound like a hypochondriac.

remember to wear your safety glasses so you don't get cataracts

stupid people are less sensitive so I suppose this isnt surprising

What city do you live in? I can almost guarantee you don't even have 5G in it.

Everyone has 5g now shill. Kys

No they don't. Verizon and AT&T have literally only launched in small areas of a dozen or so major cities. The footprint is very small, because the millimeter frequencies the nodes use have poor propagation characteristics, and the infrastructure needs to be extremely dense. What one traditional cell tower covers may require 50 5G nodes mounted on light poles.

Its literally keeping me awake I can hear it

if you can feel and hear sub-ghz and mm-wave radio, you must be made of something real fucking conductive bro. not to mention you must have some EXCELLENT counterpoise.

can you decode the OFDM signals in your brain?

Attached: antenna-training-course.jpg (304x208, 11K)

Yeah the infrastructure is dense so you can make a 3d map of everyone and their homes kys