Are blacks human

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How do you spell 144 and 155?
One Forty For and One Fifty Fif?

no. So we deserve to be cared for the way people care for animals.

Are Spics?
Are Chinks?

The answer is the same for all three


Monkeys get experimented on.

Slaughterhouse then?

I'm for it!

It's this kind of outside the box thinking that makes Africans valuable in ways others are not.

No, they're just gorila with little bit intelligence

Are Blacks human?

also they are called Niggers

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no. they are erectus apes. kikes, medshits, caucasian shitskins and arabs are subhuman too by extension since they carry nignog genes

Of course.


yes. in the same way that a toaster can cook waffles

I'm black and I'm questioning whether I'm less human than everybody else. Africa being low IQ, Black Americans consistently being violent and imprisoned, low test scores.

I mean the first humans came from Africa

What if we really are less human? What am I? Will I always be less intelligent than everybody else no matter what I do?

Fuck no. Have you ever tried talking to one? They can't even pronounce the word "ask." Even the "intelligent" ones can't say it.

My cat is literally infinite times better than american blacks. he never chimps out and never dindus
i'd never pet an american black. cage them instead

we call them mondays now grandpa

I heard that joke like 15 years ago I’m literally old enough to be your pappy boy

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im older than your fossilized dick

castration it is then

forgot this

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Blacks are some 60,000+ years evolutionarily behind whites sooooo this shouldn't be surprising that you guys are incapable of the many great feats whites have done. Sorry for your shit luck m8 atleast you were born in a nice white country instead of that shithole Africa

There is no "human race".
There are "human" races.

I hope that answer your question.

No, we're kangz!

And honest black! Rare

pic related
at least you're self aware

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As a white nigger myself i believe not, negro race in fact is not a human race.

Their huge stud fat long cocks arent! Have you seen then? Black men have sexy delicious cocks

Blacks are just as human as anyone else. Including Jews! Racist ass Pol posters..


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How can somebody look at a pure Sub Saharan African Bantu, and a pure European, and figure they're equal?

Human isn't a species as it is a genus. So yeah, they're 'human', but so were neanderthals and even the abbos.

Source for that information?

In the porn industry kikes make your white women sleep with foreign devils!

Are whites human?
The bantu is by far the superior.

im black too and i gave up my fate at 12 and became a nihilist, im a meme king though

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Imagine if a small few elites hoard all the earth’s resources. They develop a system remain in power and ration out resource to those who keep the system going. Imagine if that system is playing basketball. What race would Be predisposed to succeeding in said system?

IQ means nothing. The system isn’t designed for blacks to succeed.

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Refer to my post. It will answer the question for you,

Pays them dearly to fuck nasty nigs.

That ain't it user, even gorillas are smarter than them, check Koko the gorilla

Martin Luther king said this

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Just cause you're black doesn't mean you're a nigger user.
It's just that most blacks are niggers.
Blaring rap music on their way to the liquor store in there $100 car with $5000 rims that they bought from slanging crack to their community while being able to save up said money cause the govt pays them to not work.
Then when they get to said liquor store they don't even hold the door for the person behind them, get insanely apeshit if something so much as scuffs their new "yeezys" I guess I'd love my shoes too if I needed them to escape the popo when they come after me for the child support I owe after knocking up the 7 different laquesha's down the block.
Then when they see a successful white person they group up in their monkeyclans of about 5-10 of them and jump said whiteboi just cause they can.
Disrespectful, lack of empathy and nothing but leeches to society that pays for their food via welfare.
Then they have the nerve to say fuck America it's Whypipos.
>robs liquor store
>attacks cop and tries to steal his gun
>gets shot
>wtf nigga hands up don't shoot!
See user.
Those.. those are niggers.. I've met white niggers too so it's not just your skin.
Rise up and be something different and we won't consider you such.

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They're human in the same sense that a german shephard and pit bull are both dogs but they aren't human in the same way that white people are.

Only on Tuesdays. Today is Wednesday.

Anther less well adapted sub species who should be keep in reservations in Africa.

well i'm hugely in aware of psychology of the black community which seeds from an inferiority complex, that is why they cannot assimilate, statistics prove foreign blacks/immigrants are fully capable as any other group, the last bastion of blacks is ironically africa, if they find a way to upsurp the corruption within the governing bodies they can propel themselves to a first widespread renaissance which would release the cycle

i appreciate the intent and strong direction but i'm already dead lol i learned the cure to life was death a long time ago, i literally can't turn off this perspective lol my piece de resistance was killing christ permanently which i literally can't, so till just wait for my next cycle

It’s all a manifestation of the system. For example, when Africa was in power, the system benefited Africans. This is why you see other races migrating away from Africa to create their own system.

The problem in today’s world is, most of the world has been explored and conquered. You truly cannot escape unless you leave the planet, to deep in the forests or ocean.

Of course not

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All blacks are niggers, it’s a scientific fact.

i see what you are saying but africa is somewhat untapped in its potential, its a resource el derado of sorts and is dwindle from backwards bureaucracy and instability which is of course is a result of colonialism but i'm not blaming europe, its just the truth of history, no hard feelings

Is Jow Forums banned in your country?

Holy shit, you are retarded.

Not even close

No one can really change their IQ. Go back to Africa and rule.


No. They're below Spics, and Chinks.

1. They have the smallest Penis

2. They're the most violent "race" out of all races

3. They have the lowest IQ out of all Races.

4. They have the most "incels".

5. They all worship White cock and Whiteness in general.

6. They're slaves.

>1. They have the smallest Penis
>4. They have the most "incels".
projecting much incel?

when the conscious group in our community reaches it's peak we will dispose of our own dead weight our selves.
you will be first to go self hating race traitor. I hope your white masters accept you but you already know they wont. you'll be less then black and less then white. a confused traitor and respected by no one.

It's Bocas... or Mondays.

Probably, they can talk and do stuff humans do. They however are a lot more athletic than most of the human race is though. White people however are more smarter than them though, you can tell by how we run our countries and look after our people. Asians and Jews may have higher IQ's however but when you look at their countries its fucking chaotic as hell, so they come to our countries to escape the helldom. White people think better, blacks are more athletic, Asians and Jews have higher IQ's however. We all have our gifts just like all animals do since we are pretty much developing and evolving. Who knows I may be wrong, but from the look of things my statements are pretty logical. Its all part of evolution really.

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if taxonomists applied the same criteria to mankind that they apply to every other living creature, mankind would easily be divided into multiple sub-species. this is 100% not debatable. the only debate would be exactly where to draw the lines between sub-species, and how many

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Based post.

Yes they are more human than anyone else
unfortunately it looks like neanderthal admixture is what counts

>are blacks human
Whether or not they are human is ultimately irrelevant to the fact that THEY BELONG IN AFRICA. I don't care how you classify them, they simply don't belong in white countries.

ohok lol that actually makes sense now, great minds think alike

I hate niggers.. just the sight of them makes me angry, my fists shake. I can’t stand them. Their shit colored skinned, fur type hair, black eyes with yellow irises, their wide noses, the way the smell, walk, talk, their nasty skinny fingers and disgusting nails. They are a different spieces, they are not like me. They need to be exterminated, I’ve never felt like this before until I read about white nationalism. Do I have irrational hate towards these negros Or is my hate justified and do any of you feel the same way about eradicating them from our planet?

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The most violent race?
caucusoids literally came out of there filthy county up in europe looking for food and killed and raped everything I the area. not only that but where ever your boats land there is genocide shortly after.
we dont have the smallest penises that's a projection

IQ doesn't equate to intelligence although we have a problem with learning in our community due to destabilization of the family

Most incels. thats laughable and speaks to the quality of blacks you associate with

worship white cock. pure faggotry by a faggot. but we do have a problem with the idolization of whiteness, be it weave, bleaching, speech, and mindset. self hate problems. Who wouldn't in a society like this and the racial conditioning we have revived and are still receiving.

we are mentally slaves which is less of a racial thing and more of a rich and poor thing. whites are slaves as well. majority of listeners of rap are whites.

speaking of rap. Most conscious blacks know its shit and isn't being controlled by other conscious black. tweak tweak kill a nigga and get money is mental retardation. and its a being a rapper is a dream to poor ignorant blacks to make it out of the hood. (((they))) give them music deals and they make more ignorant music.

No. I thought they were when I was younger.

sounds like your in love

> race traitor
>being that deeply deluded and compromised by identity politics to use that jargon

im not gunna call you low iq cuz thats too easy, yes im lazy, me not valuing life is a trait i would carry black or white, but im not betraying anyone because i never belonged to anyone you monkey lol go oooo oooo aaahhh aahhh somewhere they'll feed you, i have no bananas here, pathetic we wuzzers man

we need a taxonomy of niggers and their clear dangers



>identity politics

slow, too slow, catch up

Humans invented the wheel and planned for winter. Neanderthal diversity ftw

I have a pet nigger in my basement.
I treat him like a kawaii neko chan. He calls himself a warrior. So funny and kawaii.

what are you speaking in riddles because you can't fully explain your ideas without looking schizophrenic

the berbers should have taken your ancestors

those are chans

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no use hiding behind the flag, to these parts you are known, tick tock nig nog he he

It should be obvious:
>t. The Monolith

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MLK was such a racist!

>autistic screech

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If you are black, why are you so violent? Honest question.
In central Africa you murder and rape each other incessantly. There are no Europeans there to blame your problems on? Why no Wakanda is the most resource rich place on the planet?
In SA, the rape capital of the world there are 53 murders a day, a population of 60 million. You've been given a free first world western country. Still can't behave like 'humans'.
I know the Khoisans are not the same as the Bantus.

love that show, but fug ur slow

No it's a proven fact you niggers are sub human.

I love that we aren't dumb we just grew up rough bullshit, I grew up being beaten everyday, sexually abused and other shit that borderlines torture, ran away from home at 12, couch surfed for years, stole to eat, just generally doing what ever i needed to too survive and my IQ's 132. your full of shit you dumb nigger.


You wasted your time posting that because you're wrong. No one likes Niggers and everything I said is proven by Stats.

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>are blacks human


Checked and true

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humans - 9 months gestation
negroids - 8 months gestation
humans - slow development allowing for more complex brain and higher reasoning functions
negroids - brain ends development at around 13, almost no frontal lobes/reasoning centres
humans - can recognise their own reflection at around 6 months of age
negroids - need to be 3-5 years old to do the same
Feel free to add to this list.

>first humans came from africa
no, that politically motivated 'theory' has been disproven. stop being a fucking idiot

liking asses over tits is degenerate.

seen the costumed guy in person, there were a large group of them in fact.
it was in a non-brainwashed country

These are relatively constant stats wherever you go in the world, religious ideologies excluded.
There is something very amiss in the race equality argument

That mirror thing is brutal

Why would anyone think they're doing good by subsidizing negro reproduction? It honestly boggles my mind

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