I can almost understand how a group of white guys on Wall Street or from some glorious European historic city can get a...

I can almost understand how a group of white guys on Wall Street or from some glorious European historic city can get a superiority complex and think they’re masters of the universe; but how on earth do Hicks fall in the trap? It makes zero sense. If half your family is out fucking a goat and the other half is fucking their sisters and all of them smell like sweat and mayonnaise, how can any of them honestly believe that they’re racially superior?

They must be aware of the absolute squalor they’re living in, right? They must be aware that the master race shouldn’t be morbidly obese and riding around in stolen mobility scooters, right?

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maybe they're just a bunch of dudes that are proud to be white. doesnt always have to be so cynical

from the outside you don't see how hard these people work.

go and collect your welfare or whatever it is you people do when you aren't bothering us normal people.

I don't like mayonnaise.

Then you don't understand the appeal of fascism. Under fascism, we are all as one. There is no 'white trash' under fascism, and if you think there is, then GTFO.

White is right, and all else is wrong.

This guy is really gonna be all fucked up on the day of the rope

I see far worse in the city on a daily basis

Dude, there are literally more white people on welfare than minorities on welfare. Of course not proportionally, but that doesn't change the fact that there are more white people in the United States leeching off of the welfare system. You clearly don't understand the south. White/black doesn't matter. They're all a bunch of low IQ idiots down there. There's a reason even American flags make fun of Dixie flags on here. They truly are retarded, fat fucks. All of them. Regardless of race. When you think of an American stereotype do you think of some jerk off from Boston? Or do you think of some fat white dude in a wife beater with his Dixie hat?

Come down here and see for yourself, city boy. You're clearly arguing from a position of prejudice. That which you yankee fucks are constantly accusing us as being.

I don't sympathise with race supremacy or """state rights""" but, you have to be pretty classist, to think the only reason people look favorably at authoritarian ideologies is through monetarily success and buying power you have to be strawmanning people.
There are way more things that comprise human beings

>I can almost understand how a group of white guys on Wall Street or from some glorious European historic city can get a superiority complex and think they’re masters of the universe; but how on earth do Hicks fall in the trap? It makes zero sense. If half your family is out fucking a goat and the other half is fucking their sisters and all of them smell like sweat and mayonnaise, how can any of them honestly believe that they’re racially superior?

>he doesn't realize that the "racial superiority" thing is a meme promoted by the media as agitprop against White identity.

It's about demonization.

We can't all be "white guys on wall street," we need people willing to be plumbers, firemen, farmers, etc. Your attitude is why so many white countries import brown people to be slave labor, because they demonize people who aren't upper crust. I wouldn't mind being a plumber in the white ethnostate, I'd know we wouldn't have shit on the streets. I would trade all my paper and fancy car to work as a forklift driver in a white ethnostate. These jobs need to be done.

bro they're surrounded by the most niggerish niggers on the planet

they're doing relatively well

So wealth is your only virtue..... Hookers have values too. Some people can't be bought and sold, some don't live life as a greedy parasite, some value what you can't buy but earn

>Of course not proportionally

Also this.

Those are just normal people with a mississipi state flag.

>Of course not proportionally
Niggers fall for the "more white people on welfare" argument because they can't do math. It's a self-own, but they're too stupid to figure that out.

This guy gets it. I'm a patrician white and I'd still rather have whites doing low-class "dirty" jobs than cheap slave labor. Everyone has their place, and menial tasks that serve the civilization's good are people who deserve immense respect. They're still more intelligent than literally any brown person who performs similar tasks, and screw things up far less.

White trash is typically the problem here. The scotch Irish underclass that was dumped here is alive and very fat, as you said. Now add into the mix that the post civil war south was restructured into a white trash republic. So it’s nationalism for the cast of deliverance.

You're falling for your jewish strawman version of white "supremacy". Really, 95% of so-called supremacists just want to live among their own kind, warts and all, without having to deal with outsiders

What is per capita?

I don’t find being one with these things appealing.

He literally addresses that in the second sentence. Please do not enforce the stereotypes about us

Honestly I’m at the point where I support whites regardless. Every other race supports their degenerates. I’d rather have one of these guys do the dirty work than Jose

Hicks are masters of their own universe, bro.

Racist are racist because they are pathetic losers who need to associate themselves with an identity and take in the accomplishments of other people because they themselves will never amount to nothing.


>they are pathetic losers who need to associate themselves with an identity
>he doesn't realize that every person is their ancestors reincarnated.
Must be a confused mulatto or beaner.

[email protected]

Niggers don't understand per-capita. I've never met a single nigger online that has. They all spout the same "mor whyte ppl on welFARE" line when a FAR higher PERCENTAGE of blacks are on welfare. Too stupid to even survive, let alone be able to do math.

although degenerate and dysgenic they are still racially superior to indian scientists and gook doctors

I think it's for the same reason that you specifically cannot have "superior races". When people say their race is superior (or even more broadly, when discussing "equality" or "human worth") they are NOT judging by any metric or combination thereof (though they will of course jump to any favorable examples of these when defending their claims), but are instead judging by a sort of feeling, roughly analogous to a "soul". To them their race is far more "human" or "people-y". This probably stems from the fact that they and most of those who the interact with on a regular basis are that race which they will conclude is superior.

>Hey y'all bring that there ass down here fer yourself city boy. I'll show you how us country folk live. Even if you don't fall under that stereotype, the large majority of your sister fucking kin do.
No thanks. Stereotypes don't appear out of thin air you hick.
That's not the point. The point is white people are literally more of a drain on the system than blacks. We send more money to whites for welfare than for blacks. You're missing the point. The point is the large majority of those whites on welfare are from the South.
Are you fucking dumb? Are you asking me what per capita is or are you trying to pretend I didn't explicitly Express it wasn't per capita. See above. You're missing the point as well, this isn't a shot at white people because I know that per captia more blacks are on welfare. The point is out of the entire population of whites on welfare the large majority reside in the south.

>racially superior
By what metric?

Wha you r saying stapid yakneee cucksucker son of a beh?!

I luv my sis!!! You nigger faggit.

>We send more money to whites for welfare than for blacks.

And you avoid discussing who EARNS that money.

It's racist, of course.

that makes no sense bong

>cast of deliverance
>thinks real life white people are fairly represented in (((hollywood depiction)))

Every person in that picture is on the federal payroll as an informant. Their little gathering was paid for by your tax dollars.

Because they can make more white people, not stinky brown people!

They don't think they're superior, they're just proud of who they are. I know that's an offensive concept to you that a white person be proud of who they are, and the Southron has every right to be proud of his people's role in the founding and growth of this nation. If anybody has a claim to be of the American ethnicity, it's them

And what's so superior about some wall street kikes that make money by moving money from one electronic account to another? The Japanese considered the farmer as the most essential for the farmer would create something (crops) out of nothing or something insignificant (seeds). The moneychanger creates nothing but still makes a profit for himself.

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Even states like Kentucky have an average IQ of 99. Your point is wrong and dumb.

by what metric?

>We send more money to whites for welfare than for blacks.
Who is we? White people created this country! So they're reaping the benefits of a country their ancestors created, GOOD!

He’s not “falling for anything” he’s a shit tier troll at best and a (((shill))) at worst.

Oh vey guys, haven’t we all seen the (((movies))) and heard the (((late night talk show))) hosts describe how shitty southerners are? I mean these guys think orangeman is good, whereas we all know orangeman BAD!

>by what metric?
Because they can make more white people, YOU CAN'T!

You’re thinking of mudslimes. They fuck goats and their sister religiously.

>Dude, there are literally more white people on welfare than minorities on welfare. Of course not proportionally, but that doesn't change the fact that there are more white people in the United States leeching off of the welfare system.
So why are black people so against getting rid off it?

Looks like my words hit too close to home

Pooresr white counties in the US have lower crime rates than richest black ones. Poorest whites also have better SATs than richest blacks.

Bring that up next time some shitfag wants to tell you about how bad southern whites are

WE WUZ KANGZ, how would you know? You don't even know who your dad is!

Rich and powerful whites can separate themselves from niggers their entire lives. Poor whites have to live shoulder to shoulder with niggers.

As low as poor whites may be, the nigger is still able to ruin their communities and bring them even lower.

Poor whites are white supremacists because they feel the consequences of niggerdom more than anyone else.

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What is Untermensch

So you are cool with them taking your hard earned money because they are white? His point is that, while you can't prove a claim with examples, you can disprove one. There are white people who, by the metrics commonly cited by racial supremacists, are "inferior". And there are non-whites who would be considered "superior". Anecdotal evidence cannot prove that all races are "equal", but it can disprove the blanket claim that any one race is "superior". The fact that you cannot ALWAYS correlate race with any if the metrics cited to determine "superiority" implies that it is NOT race that DETERMINES/DEFINES "superiority".

>I can almost understand how a group of white guys on Wall Street or from some glorious European historic city can get a superiority complex and think they’re masters of the universe; but how on earth do Hicks fall in the trap?
They don't. You're just projecting because you're a cuck. You've never seen people who don't hate themselves.

>there are literally more white people on welfare than minorities on welfare.
because whites are the majority and its really not by much

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>If half your family is out fucking a goat and the other half is fucking their sisters and all of them smell like sweat and mayonnaise
the jews got you good

What's the meth situation like in the deep south? In rural parts of the west it makes poor white people basically niggers. I get the impression rednecks from the south are fat and insulated but aren't interested in breaking the law. Try going to Eureka, California and your car will be broken into multiple times a year.


Mostly whites, but it's not whites in the south. I'm not avoiding these things you literal retard, they're not relevant. This isn't about blacks vs whites. That's irrelevant, stop moving goal posts. I'm addressing the question in the OP. They must be aware they're living in squalor. That's absolutely true. How do I know that? Because even DISREGARDING blacks completely. Of the REST of the white population on welfare, regardless of minorities the large majority of them live in the South. Jesus christ, I cant make this any more obvious for you.
Nah, fuck them. Welfare regardless of race is a drain on society. If you can't provide for yourself you deserve to die. Or course there are exceptions like those unable to work, etc. But if your disability is too fat to get around without a rascal scooter, or having fluid in your skull because your mother is also your cousin, that's not a good enough reason. They should die, just like laqwanduh and her 8 hood rat children.

I would hazard to guess that whites even at that level are more upwardly mobile than blacks at that level. Check out the people that pass the boards every year and you'll see a ton of whites from fucked circumstances that have made it as doctors. Not too many blacks from the same income bracket make it however. And this is despite the medical community bending over backwards for blacks to be included in the profession. That I think symbolizes the difference in intelligence even at the lowest rungs of society between blacks and whites.

Also, if you're looking at any reasoning behind the "master race" hypothesis (one in which I think is cringey and horribly presented by neo nazis for the record) people on this board should stop looking at iq averages and should start looking at genius level individuals as proportion of the population instead. The top 20 countries in the world for genius level individuals per 1000 are all european or oceanian, without fail. Even war torn and relatively poor eastern european countries like croatia have more geniuses in their population than countries like south korea or china. That's why, I think at least the reason that europeans have accomplished the most out of any super culture in human history. Why else would silicon valley be chock full of white guys in this day and age when china has a middle class larger than the united states? Why would a country ten years out of a brutal and backward soviet oppression like estonia produce skype when there were literally tens of millions of indians, both in the subcontinent and in the west with equal or more impressive coding and entrepreneurial skills than ahti heinla? It's something much different than iq averages.


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basically thislmao all nonwhite migrants to our lands are trash by definition. you NEED our infrastructure built by OUR ancestors for US. We? We don't need you at all

Quite simple really. Poor whites cannot afford segregation, so they live near niggers who they can compare themselves to.

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I don't care, only whites would be less welfare than only blacks. BLACKS ARE THE DRAIN. Whites created this society, END OF STORY.

>master race
1 post by this id. You do understand that's just a hollywood trope

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Here you are taking credit for the accomplishments of others simply because they have the same skin color as you and yet here you are trying to mock black people who mistakenly try and take the accomplishments of others simply because they lived in the same continent.

The irony. You're not that bright are you? Of course you're not.

white nigger cleetus billy jimbobs are fucking filthy creatures. they need to stay the fuck in their rotting meth trailers out of sight.

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some obvious examples:

-you can make people believe a higher non-human force is their master and it wrote down the rules in your language(s)
-you can make women believe they are inferior
-you can make men believe they are women
-you can make people believe fake debt is real
- you can make people believe they are guilty by birth
- you can make people believe they are elite by birthright

you can almost do any conditioning with the human mind

it takes some skill, but is has been perfected over thousands of years

it's not just manipulation or religion, it's your whole social structure

even you, even me, believe things that are just social conditioning. (if you where born somewhere else, you'd THINK different already)

Morpheus: "do you think that's air you are breathing?"

have faith user, we have known peace, paradise is possible, humans are neither good or bad when they are born ... it's all how we condition each other.

a world made up of sociopaths, debt en-slavers, self proclaimed elites, shadow governments, broken democracy ... it is not worth slaving for ... but CHANGE is still worth fighting for

look up user !

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Because the Jews made them that way and white is right

its fucking awful and they would still be white niggers if they were sober

Because the kikes made them that way

The dumb southerner meme is totally forced hollywood jew shit.
I have a job in which I have almost zero interaction with other people so am free to listen to racist podcasts and the biggest brained one is Rebel Yell. Those guys are extremely well-read to the point I can't keep up with them.

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That's simply not true. Only whites would be more people on welfare. Even if it's not proportional. There are still a larger number of whites on welfare. END OF STORY.
>also proportionality
I've already discussed this. I don't know what a medical profession has to do with this, unless for some reason you're trying to make a case agasint affirmative action. Which I agree is bullshit. So I guess we can throw that argument of yours out the window. My point is, forget the minorities. We're only talking about whites from now on. Out of all the whites on welfare, the large majority of them live in the south or in the rust belt. That right there is a good enough example to me that whites living in the South know they are living in squalor. Which was OP's question.
Just because you can't keep up with them doesn't mean they're smart. It could just mean you're dumb? Not saying that is the case, but I guarantee you the people in OP's pic are a bunch of evangelical retards. So if those are the people you praise as big brained, I would say it's the latter rather than the former.

>Here you are taking credit for the accomplishments of others
WE WUZ KANGZ AND SHIETTT. That's you guys. I wish to replicate the scale of accomplishments my ancestors achieved. It's a morale booster, and has nothing to do with you dumb niggers what we do. Who cares if we bask in the achievements of our ancestors? You're just mad because you were nothing but slaves.

they are stupid though

>There are still a larger number of whites on welfare.

>There are still a larger number of whites on welfare
do you really believe that?

First of all it's not true. Whites use welfare at a lower rate than blacks and hispanics.
Second of all, look at all the other government services created JUST FOR the black problem, they are consuming massive government money. They literally need special laws for people to hire them

The best American authors come from the South. Anybody other than a stuck-up Yankee dick knows so.

Fuck those jews up in Jew York. Let's see the jews plow a field. Hell, they can't even plow their own wives, buncha pussies!

You are a dumb nigger. You keep missing the point. I'm not talking about minorities. I understand per capita you fuck. I'm saying as far as whites go, I am a more superior white person because I'm not an inbred hick from the south. Jesus you're dumb as fuck. I already accept I'm better than minorities. Now I've moved on to other whites. Strictly speaking of white people southerners are retarded inbred, cousin fucking retards. They're the niggers of white people.
Per captia they do, yes. As a total number there are more whites on welfare because we're a larger percent of the population. So per capita you steal correct. For the total number you are absolutely wrong. Stop bringing up blacks you retard. This has nothing to do with them. This is the difference between actual whites and white people who live like niggers in the south leeching off of the system.

>There are still a larger number of whites on welfare.
EVEN if that was true, whites deserve to reap the benefits of a society created by whites more than anyone else! You're a bitch, fuck you!

Every race has their bottom of the barrel you
fucking brainlet. I can cherry pick all day long and it doesn't change the fact that western Europeans achieved more than any other race on the planet where civilization is concerned. The only other people that arguably came close were the Japanese. Stay mad faggot.

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>hurr southerners are inbred hicks
Whatever you say, you kike motherfucker.

Lol, back tracking this hard.
>buh dey deserve to fuck their cousins and have the highest obesity rate in duh nation. Dey dads worked hard for it
Nah, fuck you. I am not responsible for the sins of my father. I shall not reap the benefits of his actions either. He gave me a good place to live, food and a good education. He didn't teach me to be a lazy sister fucking retard. He didn't teach me that I deserved to have the government hand me money because he worked hard. Fuck you, you boot licking, cock sucking, sister fucking inbred hick.
>hurr Yankees are all Jewish bankers
Whatever you say, you inbred hick.

The medical example was only to illustrate the fact that whites even at the lowest rungs of society are more likely to eventually pull themselves out of it than minorities, so lumping them in with blacks just because they're on welfare isn't fair. What you're doing is basically comparing very poor whites to niggers. And i agree, some of them fall into the bell curve, and all of their offspring are unsalvegable. But their numbers are such that if we had an all white society, them being on welfare wouldn't hurt society in nearly the same way a majority minority state would.

Whites in the south are poor simply because they are the descendants of agricultural workers. Also things like isolation, deeply entrenched poverty and selection over a long period of time for a specific type of work (see west virginia and coal mining) take into account the extreme poverty in the south. I also think you're overestimating how squalidly poor white people live in the south compared to other rich parts of america. You'll find southern level white poverty anywhere in the states, and although its more prominent in the south and midwest, for the most part they don't live in the deliverance cartoon that people see on television. They live in normal houses or apartments, and are capable of having a regular and stable existence. The thing I have reservations about is the idea that whites aren't special or deserve to take ownership of things like the us because they're poor. The united states was built by those poor white settlers, and the descendants of those penniless immigrants that settled the south and midwest by and large make up the white upper classes in this country.

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The niggers of white people are liberal Democrats faggot. Come down to the South, out here to the country, and have a discussion about it all. Talk to real people, one on one. You'll see that although they may not present their arguments up to par to your high elegance, you'll find their points are valid. You're a brainwashed moron. Go choke on a dick.

Because there's more white people in America, fucking retard.

Hey northern whites, lets shit on southern whites!
KYS divide and conquer (((concern))) troll.

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I *am* a yankee, you retarded kike.

Maybe so, also thanks for being the only articulate person in this thread to argue this with me. While I understand that a lot of these people are the descendants of the old working class, I am simply not inclined to give them any more benefit of doubt than I would any other race of person. It is 100% their fault for living in squalor. Most of them make no attempt to escape their impoverished life. I have no doubt the majority of southern whites aren't actually backwoods deliverance folk. That's just the stereotype I played on because as you can see, it makes them angry. They're not going to try actual discussion out of me like you are because they're retarded as fuck and refuse to read my posts. When someone like you articulates their points I will fully admit I'm just playing the stereotype game. I understand the majority of southern whites aren't actually illiterate inbreeders. However, that does not change the fact that the majority of white welfare recipients are from the South. Regardless of circumstance, I find that disgusting. They're the exact people Jow Forums hates, they just have white skin so they get a pass. I don't play that game, I think it's retarded. You don't get a pass simply because of the color of your skin, regardless of situation. Blacks don't get a pass to chimp put because they're black. It's disgusting behavior. They don't get a pass for being on welfare because they're black. I think it'a disgusting. That doesnt mean I'll give White southerners a pass simply because they're white. I truly do not give a shit about your race. If you are a leech to society, you are lesser than me. Simply because I am not.
Shut up cletus, I have no interest in visiting your back woods, humid hell hole of a ply wood shack.
I understand per capita you dumb fuck. You'd know that if you read more than one of my posts, you inbred retard.

to the op the same way you feel superior to chimps even though you didnt invent language writing or any of the tools you use. and if those were denied your nigger ass youd be another unremarkable chimp in not just appearance unlike now.

THIS. Based and redpilled. Slash fucking thread. These based people are probably the only ones in the entire thread who aren't brainlets and can look at the world objectively and rationally.

>Tfw you realize shitskin genetics can never produce beauty like Rose.

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Even by your own logic, it wouldn't matter! Whites reaping the benefits of a white country is just! Niggers and spics are just leeching off the white man's country. Why can't they create a successful society that can support THEM?

So you're one of them Jewish bankers, Eh boy? Cummir and bend over for bubba.
I'd argue that a large portion of this country was built by blacks as well.

maybe there are just much more niggers in the south?

i mean, if you are british, then you could always go back to britain, and then now you don't have to deal with the inbred irish trash...
but we all know you are a mutt with no home.