Is Flat Earth the ultimate redpill? I can't believe there are people here who don't believe in flat Earth

Is Flat Earth the ultimate redpill? I can't believe there are people here who don't believe in flat Earth

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Whats in Antarctica?

Antarctica is the ice wall and there's more land beyond with an advanced civilization. Advanced humans. They are trying to help us but first we must help ourselves. We need to accomplish this by removing the zionist control from this world and to remove nuclear weapons.

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the flat earth "red pill" is fucking retarded.

what is mars

I just stopped trying to convince people. Despite the huge amount of evidence (and literally no evidence of a sphere, in fact all evidence is against it) they can not see it because the layer of cognitive dissonance on this subject is one of the strongest of any topic. The Elite know it's flat.

secret puzzle temples from a forgotten race

But I bet you don't know even Flat Earth 101 just like every other person who comes in this thread to say it's not flat only because they were taught so in school with no evidence.

Mars and the Sun are spheres but Earth is flat. flat Earth meme funny in like 2012
planet (n.)
late Old English planete, from Old French planete (Modern French planète), from Late Latin planeta, from Greek planetes, from (asteres) planetai "wandering (stars)," from planasthai "to wander," a word of uncertain etymology

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Because Earth is not a planet. Do you have any evidence that Earth is the same sort of entity as Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, etc? Nope.

It's like saying if a hamburger is flat why is a basketball round.

>there are advanced humans
> need us to help ourselves first
I could believe there is "secret" land that is either rich in precious metals or is being developed for the elites, but I just can't believe in advanced beings that keep themselves hidden.

I'm glad I live in my shithole.

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The only reason you believe Earth is a planet is because you were taught in gradeschool. You were not provided any evidence to back up that claim. You simply believed it because you were a child.

If everything you thought oyu knew wasn't true wouldn't that be a revelation?

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Why can we sometimes see the moon during the day, but we never see the sun at night?

If earth were flat you would be able to see north star from wherever but you cant
case closed.

Okay guys I was only acting to be retarded

Earth is infinite like in minecraft

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>flat earth in 2019

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Gonna have to stop you right there.
>Was the holocaust fake?
Pretty much
>did we land on the moon?
Probably not
>did the Jews do 9/11?
You bet
>but you’re not gonna convince me the earth is flat muh uh nope no way

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* yawn *
You're lame.

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A curvature is clearly visible in that lower shot. Even you know this is dishonest.

Flat earth is not as dumb as most people think, and indeed it is fun to look at which things we assume *must* prove a ball earth can actually be described on flat earth, but I don't see the *need* to affirmatively believe that YES it is definitely flat.

I am a God-fearing sinner and I just don't feel like God will judge me on whether or not I 100% believe flat earth.

From what I've studied, the earth *might* be flat so I don't laugh at flat earthers, but I also don't make it an important part of my life

we are experiencing a new kind of predictive programing
pic related

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If you're a retard than yes

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Flat earth meme is completely dead at this point, it peaked around 2017 but it can't really be taken any further at this point. I'm sure there's a new schizo boomer meme in the works but I'm not sure what it is yet.

tbqh i always thought it was bullshit but looking it with an open mind I realize that evrything I know about it being a sphere is just because thats what nasa told me and everything they ever told me was a lie.

tfw NASA was literally just created to maintain the lie of the globe

Several times a week, I drive to a beach near my house that's at the bottom of a steep hill, and as I drive down the hill, I can watch land, and buildings sink beneath the horizon.

This "redpill" is so easy to test, and disprove, that you have to be ignorant, or bellow 90 IQ to fall for it. The only people who have kind of an excuse to be this ignorant are those who live too far from the coast to test it out.

You retards are the reason people on the left are afraid to challenge any aspect of the narrative. They're afraid of ending up like you.

It's not, I cannot distinguish any curvature other than the bumps on the ball's surface. Are you really this retarded that you believe you'd still see a ball's curvature if your size was roughly 1/74,022,300,000,000,000,000,000,000 of its entire size?
Do you know how fucking tiny we are in comparison to the Earth? Of course we wouldn't be able to distinguish a curvature when standing on it. We need to go higher to notice a change.
Get yourself a trip to Dubai and go to Burj Khalifa. The sun sets later for the upper floors because of the Earth's curvature.
Nature is round. Things are naturally circle-shaped. What looks straight and square is actually round on a microscopical level.

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Flat earth is just a psyop to make all conspiracy theories and theorists look fucking insane.

Tree earth is obviously flat. The greatest lie if our time. The question you have to ask is why? Because there's endless land on the other side if the dome, past Antarctica. This is why you sent allowed to go there or see it.


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Ha! You and I both! These plebs are trolling for attention because nobody talks to them in real life. Tragic really.

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We have known the Earth is spherical literally for millennia before NASA was founded.
Why haven't you gone to Antarctica yet? No government in the world will stop you.
How do you explain seasons? Why is it autumn in Argentina right now and not spring?
I can't believe I share this GLOBE with (You)

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My dad ridicules the Flatearthers and antivaxxers every chance he gets. He also fell for the hoax of the century, the great russiagate. I've been making fun of him non stop since Friday.

i thought the north star was observable from austrailia


The Earth is flat
>At some point in the future we're gonna look back and say "how did we do it WITHOUT SPACE"
"What an amazing cheat... thing you've done" Trump says to the Satanic NASA propagandist at approximately 17:50

Please notice the blonde girl on the President's right side. When he says the word "cheat" her eyes light up and betray her inner emotions.

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this. they will know one day, but it will be forced upon them unfortunately

But you can


Says the memeflag

So where's the faggot with the Nikon p900 that zooms in on stars and shit who always posts on these threads?

It's fun though

These are gold, thanks for dropping and thanks to the creator

So uhh how exactly do you explain gravity?

The previous generation is too far gone.

Earth is flat, the goyim are waking up to the fact that kikes are planning a fake alien invasion

It's retarded.
It's starting with an answer (flat earth) and reasoning how it would be possible. Not based on anything ever actually observed, studied, or proven.

Even if other planets were flat, they'd have to be PERFECTLY aligned to look as spherical as they are... Not all Jow Forums are flat earthers people. just a loud retarded few.

The Earth is bigger then what is said, which is why it looks flat.

There is no such thing as gravity. There is only density.

The flat earth is on a giant turtle that is floating through space upwards of course.

How is it possible to fly from South America to Australia in 12 hours if the earth is flat?

Damn, is this what miscegenation is doing to North America?

An honest post. Based

There pure bullshit, or are you too stupid to realize that?

>if earth is flat, then explain THIS
nah, fuck off, do your own research.
Do you retards honestly think we haven’t heard this shit 100 times before?

Based flatbros. Spherecucks make me cringe.

Do you think any flat earther has always been a flat earther? No, none have. Every single person is given the same propaganda at birth through adulthood and flat earthers are the only ones to see through it. Months to years of research on heliocentric vs geocentric for every single flat earther I guarentee.

More like.
>If the earth isn't round, how will I explain the seasons?
>Hmmmmm, I guess if the sun was doing a figure of 8 it would work I guess, yea that's it.

This, woke up mid 2015, I’ve studied this topic for longer and with more intensity than any 4 year college course

>There is no such thing as gravity. There is only density.
Wrong. Gravity isn't real. It's DIAMAGNETISM. Explain in the webms I linked.




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Flat earth is a mid-tier redpill not ultimate.

It's the one question I can't find a reasonable answer for.

Let me guess, you think flat earth means disc in space
Or that space is real
I’m not even going to reply to you anymore, don’t give me any more (you)s
You will be the first to be killed by the kikes in the fake invasion

The video was showing a year travel for the sun. If you take a picture of the sun at the same time every day and layer it, it forms a figure 8.

the earth is flat

all you have to do is try to disprove the theory...and you will see it's in fact REAL. You've been lied to all your life. Go ahead. Try to disprove flat earth.

Then how about in these pictures Where the long exposure clearly shows the stars, from our perspective, rotating around the north star?
How could it happen if the earth wasn't rotating?

>How could it happen if the earth wasn't rotating?
What? The Earth isn't rotating. The stars roatate around polaris.

I'm sure you could rationalize the earth was triangle shaped if you tried hard enough. Just figure out what path the sun and moon would need to make for it to make some sense and bam, triangle earth theory. Genius.