New Zealand Muslims Blame Mossad

I guess Brenton Tarrant killed two birds with one stone.

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based sandnigger

That's just one tree nigger hootin and ah hollerin.

all according the plan

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lol muslims and jews having showdowns in western lands

0:25 /ourguy/

Jews destabilizing Muslim homelands.
Jews send them to white lands.
One white gets mad.
The problem here is jews

I like the flag. But it needs the green from the Palestinian flag and the reds need to blend if you choose to go with the red stripe.

I thought you were banned.

all according to keikaku

*translators not: keikaku means plan

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The Muslims are probably right. He guy was supposed to be steeped in Jow Forums culture. He does all the memes and never mentions the JQ? I’m actually siding with the Muslims on this one. I work with anther user who likes +4 Chan and we have a black guy who works with us and thinks we’re both crazy. But even the black guy said if the shooter didn’t talk about Jews he wasn’t hanging out on our websites.

The tricolor is supposed to resemble the German Empire's flag. The triangle has the shade of red that's used in the Nazi German flag while the tricolor has the shade of red used in the German Empire's flag so there's contrast.

i say: let them fight

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>Yes my fellow muslims, tell us who were the evil racial supremacists behind this attack

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nah that was all talk. our PM wanted to solidify her ass kissing spree as leadership but fuck all is actually going to happen

no one outside of Christchurch even cares it happened anymore. the world moves too fast now and at an instinctual level, the non-muslim pop of NZ does not feel at risk

what is a "mossad"?

Tarrant should be a Martyr.

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Her husband is an Arab

He was the ultimate agent of chaos, the real life joker.
Look at the sperg out he has caused.

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say it with me:

history tell us that exposing the kikes is all that is needed

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Australians are banned.

But like all hilariously misguided attempts to "block the internet" the fucking nuggets have no idea how to do it properly and just started wiping Jow Forums dns records off ISP servers

> mfw simply switching to dns fixes the problem

nazis did not call themselves fascist negroid

Fuck off nigger. Don't you have a loo to poo in

A man ran 800 milimeters to sruvive the air gun

How do we redpill more muslims? Ironically they're unironically our last chance at survival

woke dune coon

Adam green should do a video on this

it's true
Israel did 9/11 too
they are terrorists
financed Islamic State

No they aren't. They will replace you.

I wonder how many thousands of tech illiterate dummies are shut out of this site now

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impressive typing all that considering your fat hands were able to move


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When someone tries to help Palestinians
or is against the interests of Zion,
if Jews can't kill him
then they send the Jihadi scum , salafi and wahaabi
to accomplish the dirty job.

Meet Vittorio Arrigoni killed by these scums

tarrant killed all those people... and he did it alone.

one look at the state of australia in 2019 should tell you why.. he was driven fucking insane.
he actually left his native country for a smaller place with a more traditional 'smaller town' feel, and the rights for citizens to actually defend themselves.. but he found almost the exact same lack of freedoms as back here.

tarrant was driven to murder an innocent lady in cold blood as she begged for her life.... all because of the state of melbourne and sydney.

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>the non-muslim pop of NZ does not feel at risk
To be fair there could be a retaliation attack in NZ now

insha'Allah we will expose mossad for their actions

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> 80% of merifat men have their genitals mutilated because they think its aesthetically pleasing in accordance with Jew tradition
> Worried about muslim replacement

Feels like a Muslim v Jew v Christian royal rumble on the horizon.

They are working against everyone’s interest.

We already are brother. Inshallah the fall of Israel will arrive sooner

I subscribed to PewDiePie

Hate speech for us, free speech for them

death to israel

>what is a "mossad"?
No one could be this new

You've got impressive typing considering you just put your hand in an inbred pile of shit and ate it


so why would israel want to start a global race war that whites would ultimately win?
>b-but it s-started all the gun confiscation and speech laws
the elites were always gonna pass those laws anyway

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>posting OC made by moarpheous

>translators not

my laughing ass!!

it would be wonderful if we started bombarding social media by calling this cunt an anti-semite who wants to destroy israel (since she unconditionally sided with the muslims who blame israel).

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>muslims and jews having showdowns in commonwealth lands

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We are still banned, or back banned again.
Spark are a bunch of greasy cunts.

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lmao moarpheous, still think civic nationalism will destroy the jews? what do you think will happen after the jews are wiped out? you honestly think whites are gonna still be with nogs and spics?

They are not missed.

Ilhan Omar is right

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Awww you're mad that everyone thinks it was mossad and that Jow Forums also knows it was a HOAX.

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is she also right about wanting to take kushner out of the white house?

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>so why would israel want to start a global race war that whites would ultimately win?
divide and conquer. look it up newfag
>the elites were always gonna pass those laws anyway
what elites? financial elites? those are jews.
political elites? many of them has dual israeli citizenship
that's where your problems are coming from

funny you still post that even though it's been rebunked MULTIPLE TIMES PER DAY but your schziobrain can't comprehend it. you expect tarrant to have a HD gopro to stream the shooting?

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you can't even speak english and Debunked is such a jewish buzzword. Fuck off. You gonna say the word "trope" next?

7 dimensional shuffleboard

how was meeting jesus?

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based muslims

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>divide and conquer. look it up newfag
Answer this, what got divided?
The situation right now doesn't need more dividing, it's pretty divided already.


Fuck off traitor.

Nigger propaganda. Towelheads are Anti-Pagan (Anti-Polytheists) so they hate Europeans. Fuck Arabs and Fuck Jews both equally.


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>one Aussie irl shitposts so hard that he starts war between kikes and sandniggers outside of Palestine
Are we the Jews now? This is the best timeline.

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Death to Israel

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>I guess Brenton Tarrant killed two birds with one stone.

>Are we the Jews now? This is the best timeline.
MOSSAD HOAX YOU STUPID FUCKING KIKE SHILL. Why are you trying SO HARD to pretend like this was an organic happening? It's fake as fuck and nobody is buying it.


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Just look at this retard. Day of the Pills cannot come soon enough.

Day of muslims invading Israel and killing you all can't come soon enough.

I'm very much for that too. Israel out of map and you into mental asylum.

kek looks like the Aussie government did us a favor

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Don't listen to him Czech friend. He is disinfo shill

It must feel like Saudi Arabia making 9/11 and seeing Israel being blamed for this.

Stop with your dumb kvetchcapella, schizo mestizo. Only people afraid of increased state oppression is slave mentality chattel who is already on their knees, waiting to take that system dick. If the oppression begins, what about, well, fighting back? Why do you act like you have to accept everything kike overlords throw at you? And why the fuck are you so naive to think they wouldn't do it without Tarrant anyway, just boil that frog slower.

I know, Americanbro. It's always same pastas, same pics, same crap.