Redpill me on this guy, what makes him different than the rest of hollywood celebrities?

Redpill me on this guy, what makes him different than the rest of hollywood celebrities?

Keanu Reeves helps fellow flight passengers after emergency landing in California, social media shows

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Keanu's life has been pretty fucking sad.
He has to deal with a lot of shit so please don't bully him.

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He keeps a relatively low profile, and comes across as a genuine and down-to-earth person. Fame and success haven’t gone to his head. He basically manages to be a decent human being among the scum of Hollywood.

He was the first to take the redpill.

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He seems to not diddle kids.

These. If his Wikipedia page is anything to go by, Keanu seems to have been through some rough stuff and come out the other side a nice, humble guy.

Kino Reeves

>He was the first to take the redpill.
>He was the first to take the redpill.
>He was the first to take the redpill.

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From what I've seen he acts like someone with actual principles and a connection to humanity. it's really weird that he works in Pedowood. Maybe he doesn't anymore. Dunno, but he seems like a pretty normal person.

he doesn't push his politics on anyone, he plays hockey, seems like an ok guy to me.

John Wick 3 comes out in May. He is still active.

He does martial arts i think, probably that

Well you know. Like ok but for real. Its like. Well kinda you get it but. Idk just like well you know.

If by "martial arts" you mean having a blackbelt in click-pow, then yes.

idk he seems like a nice guy that doesnt want to rape children and shove trans freaks in our faces?
that tai chi movie or w/e he made awhile back was pretty good too. minus all the ching chang language making me read subtitles but w/e


you mean john wick,did he actually start doing foreign films that's amazing

Not sure if he's talking about this one, but I enjoyed it.

man of tai chi in 2013

no lol
he plays the bad guy. dont watch too many jewtube vids though itll spoil it. you guys should watch it it was pretty good. pretty much all fighting

Cool beans.
How did I not hear about this one?

he was the one who introduced us all to the first redpill, He literally broke the matrix

>Keanu Reeves will never be your best friend

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I saw Keanu Reeves at a grocery store in Vancouver yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

That movie looks absolutely ridiculous, I might have to check it out.

some people don't agree with the shit in hollywood, even while they are part of it

step out of line with the kikes and you get your whole life destroyed, though ... kike or not

He's a degenerate just like everyone else in Hollywood. He was dating Jamie Clayton, a fucking tranny for a while.

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been awhile

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It's always a fucking leaf

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Typical Keanu

>doesn't push his politics
this has to be it. Aside from that he's really decent guy, idk if its true but ive read he gave away most of the matrix money

He is the Compte de St Germaine and is an immortal alchemist

As someone who lives in Bakersfield, I had no idea this happened until later, but I had an amazing positive energy that I couldn’t pinpoint all day

he also is highly trained in firearms and martial arts. on the crazy days blog, i remember reading someone saying he was the one exposing pedowood, but took nothing but action movies first so he could defend himself if needed first.

Did his movies redpill him on the darkest parts of humanity allowing him to avoid the dark pitfalls that is hollywood?



Bet you 5 bucks that Jamie Clayton is a total power-bottom.

You're lying.


If you're not then he sounds like a douchebag but that was your intention

imagine having to date hollywood crackwhores. would pick the trap any day

You can only be enlightened through pain and suffering

He has experienced great pain and suffering very graciously

>being this new

a grown man fucking an adult woman isn't degenerate, no matter how slutty she turns out to be.


He stars in good movies. Can't think of one Keanu movie i don't like.

I was being unironically serious, which makes it all the funnier

I'm assuming I fell for a pasta


Except it's a man.

He had a hard early life and that humbled him. He's just a genuinely good person.

he has 5G BDE,the kikes wouldn't flinch a man that is highly skilled in weapons and hand to hand combat with only a few things to lose

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You should rewatch this one:
Babby Keanu!

>Falling for the copypasta

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Keanu Reeves is a leaf dumb ass

Anyone have the webm of him running that firearms course. I think it was him training for John Wick, pretty badass.

as cool and chill as he seems, i feel like hed be the guy who starts talking about funerals when youre trying to hang out and have a beer on the weekends.

I wish Keanu would top me ;_;

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Aw dudeeee.

>I'm assuming I fell for a pasta
indeed newfriend

He's also part Aboriginal, which is why APTN has Keanu marathons regularly.


His lost a kid to still birth and shortly after his girlfriend became an hero, ever since then he's been partially checked out and no one pushes him to be in the spotlight in a weird show of respect of personal space from hollyjew.

Be honest, are you fresh off the boat from leddit and the_donald

he could be nancy pelosi levels of native and they'd find an excuse keanu movies are usually decent.

also his sister who he was close to had cancer i think.

This is a stealth homoerotic thread
Keanu is BIsexual - you all want to pleasure his penis

He knew to stay away from pedowood parties since the day one.

He was the one. The first to take the redpill.

probably because he started in hollywood pretty young.

>Implying bisexuals aren't the most powerful race in the world


The mother of his child and wife to be was killed in a car accident. Unless you’re some Joe Biden tier piece of shit, that changes you.

cock or gtfo

He's not a faggot

Just got over a 2 day ban for posting my meatstick


Its a copypasta dum-dum.

Yea his sister battled cancer for decades apparently and he has a secret private cancer foundation that he funds but doesn't want his name attached to.

>not knowing how to change ip

>Not a faggot
>He literally fucked a man wearing makeup and a wig

Umm, sweetie...

Same here

Feel like I'm in /b/ or Jow Forums right now. So many tranny posters.

Fuk I wish I didn't just learn that

Really? Totts gonna see that

Love this pasta.

you're in every thread aren't you?

fucking leaf

it's not OK to pasta this w/ Keanu fuckhead

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What did you say? Yes you did kiddo

I follow rules so I just lurked and rode out the ban.

If more people followed the rules then society wouldn't be such a clusterfuck. I bet u have tattoos

where did all the boomers come from? I'm not being mean by saying lurk a bit more before posting.

No, I've ironically been coming to Jow Forums since I was 14. I'm 20 now..

I'm just a right wing populist mischling. . . Ive never liked reddit, and honestly Donald's starting to piss me off.

i was best friends with Keanus dad “Sam” who was a super cool guy who couldn’t keep out of trouble.
Sam studied world history and could
go on at length about European and Asian history.
It’s too bad they were estranged Keanu never forgave his Dad for being a
fuck up and now Sam is gone to the great Taro field in the sky. I suspect Keanu is a lot like his Dad smart, even thinker, interested in

I'm 20 ._.

Though to be frank, I was either born too early, or too late - I don't belong in this generation. .

is that a pic of you? show ass

kys you man jawed wide shouldered freakjob. and shave that moustache, bloke.

Shut up qq

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but he's canadian tho


I can smell you. I know what you are.


He is unironically probably the most down to earth person in Hollywood. He had a really fucked up childhood, both parents died while he was a kid, etc. He's a legit, humble dude.

This story was dreamed up by a publicist.

You know nothing. The sooner you realize this the sooner you are headed toward true knowledge, user

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I love APTN movies!
I won Bingo and a Movie one time LOL