How you holding up Jow Forums?

These days can get you down man. You staying good?

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Still looking for a nazi gf

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Have a tough job with long hours but I'm happier now than I was a year ago. For a man, satisfaction and contentment comes from hard work and building things, for women the family.

Get a job, dedicate yourself to it, and develop a passion for it, and go the extra mile. Stop worrying about all this political shit you have no control over. Redpill everyone you can, but you're just one individual and can only do so much. My routine at the office is the "I'm an Eisenhower moderate Republican" thing, when deep down I'm a Nazi. Just find your groove. Do what good you can but still play the game. Push at the edges, but don't transgress them.

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I like to tell folks I'm a 90s Democrat. They never guess I'm thinking about the 1890s Democrat when I say that.

I have a curve ball for you to throw at them. Point out that Clinton and Reid, and this is in fact true, attempted to cut legal immigration in the 90s to protect middle class workers and their wages. The Boomercon terrorist Republicans led by Grover Norquist killed it for muh GDP growth. Moreover, H.W. Bush, his predecessor, doubled legal immigration with the 1990 Immigration Act.

It's not hard to confound normies. Supply and demand, excess labor means and inundated job market benefiting the mega rich. If they try to accuse you of being prejudiced, tell them flat-out that your argument is purely on economic grounds and that you just want working Americans not to be fucked in the job market with all this competition for not only working class, but white collar jobs. Immigration only benefits the mega rich and hurts everyone else. The middle class made its largest gains in the post-WWII era in which there was zero net immigration.

ya man shitposting w/ my shiny silver wife, tryna unload these giggles onto some clowns

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I'd say pretty good, booked my band in a few more places.

takin it day by day, a little bit of sunshine pops through every now and again

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I want something big to happen life is so monotonous mundane and repetitive.

All I did was PULL HIM UP!

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This. Also if you must, always argue with a centrist position and poke holes at boomercuckservitism as well as shit liberalism. Only a few people close to me realize that I'm just a natsoc larping as a civ nat. By the time anyone figured out that once we get to civ nat I wouldn't stop pushing the Overton window would have shifted so far it won't matter. Most of my white friends circle has rallied behind white advocacy if not overtly, subliminally. My favorite nlrmientopics are societal cohesion, high trust societies, civic duty, morality, all of which disappear with diversity. Every white knows it deep down, the only question is how much kool-aid to the grace to drink daily to keep it suppressed. Fuck niggers, fuck spices, fuck liberals, fuck the jews and fuck the jannies. These are our countries and we are what makes them great not some imported shit stain with a 75iq.

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Given the demand for natsoc women why arent there more of them

I listened to Baked Alaska one time and now I look like this

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on the edge of killing myself every time i wake up to this hell.

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I got fired a month ago (stupid reason to fire someone but I'm not gonna get into it), got $135 in my bank account, and probably getting evicted soon because no money for rent. I have made legit efforts to find work but thinking one can find a real job where I live is sheet insanity (this city is a literal pile of shit). I have considered many possibilities like what a mistake it was not having immediately murdered the HR bitch who fired me, or doing something as pedantic as suicide-by-cop but I think ultimately I'm just going to head south and walk to my death - how far I make it can be a fun game.

I was doing perfectly fine, until my best friend did something totally fucked up.
It's a clown world *honk* *honk*

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Not great. I don't drink coffee, so I figured I'd try caffeine pills to get a jump start in the morning. I took a 200 mg pill and I still feel like shit.




Doing pretty well. I weaned off antidepressants for good and around then my grandfather died and I got a bad bout of loneliness, but I've pushed through it and have been not only getting up earlier but making my own meals and working more. The future is bright friend

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havent been in a worse spot in my life

i just want to die, but someone needs to feed my dog and I dont have any friends. If I killed myself he'd be stuck in here with my body, and that's the only reason I wake up every day.

Most women are already naturally socialist the hard part is getting them to be nationalist as well. (((Their))) Agenda is globalism NOT nationalism. So that is what they push women to conform to.

Find a good woman who is a socialist and introduce to her nationalism while pointing out the evils of globalism. Congratz on your brand spanking new natsoc gf never before used. Yes, it's that simple. No, you probably won't find one in the wild.

Shit. About to be homeless. Wish my luck anons. Unironically heil hitler.

There are homeless shelters and employment programs where you live. You'll survive. Remember that your ancestors fought through war, famine, plague.

I'm sorry your family failed you. You deserved better than them. But don't stop fighting.

Suicidally Depressed about fucking things up that can't easily be unfucked.

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don't have any conservative friends here-don't know how to discover them
let alone know how to find a good wholesome gf to wife- I mean right wing, centre or nazi, just not a lib

canada's so cucked

In a perfect society, your neighbors would be willing to help you any way they could. I wish we lived in that society, because if we were neighbors I'd help you out.

I just started dating again after my high school girlfriend left me and our kids.

Apparently all I’m good for is my sperm. I’ve been asked too be a donor 11 times in the last 3 months. Im starting to dislike my personality, it seems like I’m not a good enough person.

Not bad

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Just food for thought, I have Jewish ancestry. I was not raised Jewish and I do not identify as one, but don't write me off because of this surname I inherited through no fault of my own. I'll be taking my step-father's surname soon.

Through my mother, I am plugged into the Aryan and not Semitic collective unconsciousness. When Jews and whites mix, it's an interesting spin of the roulette wheel. I feel I inherited my mother's Aryan heart and my father's calculating, analytic brain. The best of both worlds. My brother is a bit Jewier than me but he's okay. He hangs out here as well but he would never heil Hitler as readily as I do.

Buck up camper! You are not the only one that gets into terrible situations. You gotta push through them. Things WILL get better over time. I know it's hard to see that right now but ALL things pass and things will improve. Hang in there

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I'm 18. Work at Subway. Really good at it.
According to everyone else, I'm funny and smart. But I have no motivation. I have passions, but I rarely take the first step towards them.
I'm an awkward edgy vapelord who's smoked weed since 7th grade. My legs are built from biking and my arms are decent, but I have a distended gut that doesn't match my skinny build.
I scare away women with my edgy woman jokes (I actually RESPECT WAMEN though, I just don't worship femininity) and anger issues (I only hit inanimate objects). But duh, that's all I can expect.
I don't want to live, but I'm too much of a bitch to off myself, plus I'm so lucky to live in America and to have the luxuries, family, and dogs I have.
I'm being offered (through my guidance counselor) a JOB FOR WELDING even though I don't know how to weld, I just want to learn. Kicker is, it's because the guy's wife or someone came into Subway and, I suppose, liked my work ethic.
Things are going better for me than for most of the world population, but I can't stop feeling sorry for myself. I LOATHE myself.
I'm the degenerate I want to remove and I don't even have the willpower to do my part by removing myself.

fucking useless imported doctor’s. Had a bit of asthma and one of the complications was that I end up getting sinus congrstion which in turn has blocked up my left ear, faggot doctor couldn’t even irrigate my ear canal properly and I’ve had water stuck in my ear all day.

South from where? All of canada is south unless you live in the fuckin yukon and if that's the case just move out of the fuckin yukon

Have you considered drug dealing? You can make a ton of money and if you are really kinda over life you got nothing to lose. If you have half a brain you'd do good. Knew a bro that made $2k each Friday just driving a bit.


Tell your dog I said hi.

It sucks. When I ask why I get the same list of reasons.

-I look mean
-I have three kids
-price of in vitro
-last one is from women I know, I’m rougish and irresponsible

All of that is true, just sucks.

WHISKEY Barkeep!
and say, when are we gonna secede?

If you can learn to weld good and not be too strong out for work you'll make a bundle. There are lot of welding postings all over.

Jesus Kike, I'll trade your dumb luck, cushylife, free job, and youth for my massively redpilled brain and willpower.

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i feel like dying desu

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Based Judenrat.

>Get a job, dedicate yourself to it, and develop a passion for it, and go the extra mile.
STFU boomer

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Good old north west alliance is gonna break away soon kiddo. Hail Victory!

>you staying good?
No! I live right next to a spic family who's grandpa is an alcoholic who drinks beer everyday and turns on music as loud as he can at the garage for the entire neighborhood to hear when he comes back home from work. Anyway, he married a white women and adopted 5 bastard kids who's mother was a whore and slept around with many men (I guess that's why all the teenagers look different) I was friendly with them for a couple of months and even cleaned their house once and awhile and payed me to do so (since they're dumb mongrels who cant clean) they have a nigger as a "son" named Jimmy, he's not a literal nigger but one of those nigger like, hip kids who listens to shitty rap music, fat as fuck and who's room is super dirty. One day I visited his home to celebrate one of the daughter's birthday and this nigger kid actually wanted to kick me out of the house and was extremely disrespectful so I punched him and beat his ass to the ground now the family wants to press charges....are all gen z kids like this?

Having some problems with my goals. Personally i don't think life has a meaning beyond the endless fight to preserve information: be born, grow and reproduce. But i don't want to believe that bullshit, so i wanna have something to live for, i have ambitions but they are not so inspiring. Tried religion, but haven't had the faith to worship a God (i believe that there is one, but not the one that a human would know, so praying to the ceiling is not for me). Shit, the only thing that makes me live is the beauty of the world, i love the sutile mix of nature and urbanization. And my credo for not to shoot me in the head is cogito ergo sum: i could just be rembering my life before my death, be in a simulation, etc, that won't change a thing, it's a nice experience and my reality. But the thing is.. that lately i've been doubting.

Doing far better than normal. I have a gf now and she treats me nicely. I graduate in about a month and I'll be taking the summer off. Stark contrast from last year where my life way falling off the rails. Keep your chins up anons, great things can happen to you. Just keep trying.

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every day i'm either stressed or suicidal

I'm am old man genxer. My kids are white and Christian. The town is small, rural and based. But not all is perfect; pop culture has made its way into our family life and it's tough to extinguish. This partly my own fault because even though I've always been redpilled at heart, I also allowed too much degeneracy into my life prior to having a family-after all, I am genX.
In short, there are many positives but also many challenges. Hail KEK life is struggle down with the modern world!

Take this shit back to Jow Forums where it belongs


Jewish blood is passed maternal. It doesn't really matter what you dad was if you mom is Aryan.

I'm speaking of scripture not genetic btw.

he's asleep. he has to get up at 5 am and jump on my bed until I let him outside for his morning howls. It's a very important part of his day.

>even though I've always been redpilled at heart,
Bluepilled christkike dad. Give me your daughter's cell when she hits 18

Self-hating Jews are among the cringiest people on the planet. Either stop larping as a Nazi or unironically kill yourself, it's the only logical conclusion to your ideology.

In the dumps man, on the 5th beer whiskey soon. What about you barkeep?

>bitch and whinge with my dad about lefties
>talk to grandpa about the culture wars
>share opposing opinions together the 3 of us
>Argue politics philosophy religion psychology ext
>MFW the worst cultural climate of 3 generations is bring our family together

Yeah nah not bad mate

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>until my best friend did something totally fucked up
Elaborate maplebro...

Dare you call me a Jew when Judaism is matrilineal, they don't consider me one, and I couldn't be bothered with muh Bar Mitzvah? My father was completely secular. I've been and felt like a white man from the day I was born.

The mother dictates the tribe. The Jews know this, and you should acknowledge it too. I am goy.

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No, don't remind me.

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Crying my eyes out because there's no end to these problems.

>These days can get you down man. You staying good?
Better than usual. My business is looking up, but I need that extra push to get things roaring.
>There may be clowns in this fucked up world, but you don't have to let them ruin your life.


I'm honestly kind of numb to the blackpilling, the waves don't really hit hard anymore
I think I just built resilience to them

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It's not within the limits of my character to resort to that lifestyle. I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing that ultimately I was contributing to peoples' destruction.

I'm a very mean, angry, and [incredibly] manipulative person therefore have created this duality to help keep me from doing the damage I'm more than capable of inflicting.

Didn't think it was possible for me to become suicidal. I've still got some things and people keeping me going, but it's not much and it could go away in a blink. Never had more stress in my life. My hair is falling out and I'm only 20. Something's got to change

Mid 30's, ennui, friends moved on, no gf let alone wife. Cushy but boring office job. I feel bouts of anger within me that make me at times feel ill. I'm not going to go for the high score or anything, but I feel like I'm killing myself slowly with my depression/anger. I don't know how to be happy.

>$300k saved from ten years wagecucking
>leaving this multicultural hell hole in a month
>going somewhere small white and boring

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Lifting the pain away

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I’m so fucking depressed everyday I want to kill myself. Ever since my father died I’ve been floating around like a fucking zombie. I browse pol all day . Recently lost my job. I just hope I fucking die soon . I can’t take it anymore

Rate?Testing cuz i dunno

Any Maple anons want to grab drinks before our country cucks itself to smithereens?

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Stop smoking weed.

mods, why can't I post anything? any OP? please. there is something wrong, and it's been days,

not well user, not well at all

Biology would say otherwise. I legitimately don’t care that you’re part Jewish, but it’s still true nonetheless.

You're going to have to find a way to keep the lights on once Boomer mommy and daddy run out of money, Dennis.

And despite raising you to be utterly useless, watch them come crawling back to you for help with their end-of-life expenses on account of having made no retirement plans. They may not have been the type of Boomers who threw you out on your ass at eighteen, but they were malicious in a different way. Disabling you, treating you like a pet, an ornament in their home. The meat grinder is coming, and you can keep laughing all you want until you're slated for the homeless shelter like the other user.

Assuming your parents aren't millionaires, you need to start building a resume immediately, begin networking, and prepare for real life, because mommy and daddy reverse mortgaged the house and that roof won't be over your head. It'll end up with the bank. And you'll be an obese, useless fool in your thirties/forties with your brain already frozen and past its years of plasticity and development in which you could have developed motivation, a work ethic, and business and financial acumen. I wish you all the best.

Get the fuck off this site, it’s an echo chamber hugbox but instead of getting hugged you get repeatedly stabbed. Probably the worst place for a suicidal person to be.

sure man

rye and coke for me

kill yourself

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Spirituality and tribe go with the mother. The father is the breadwinner. That's biology. These Jews you acknowledge to be clever and capable foes acknowledge this, so why won't you?

I have never felt any connection with Jewish spirituality, custom, or tradition in my entire life, despite plenty of opportunities being exposed to it. I get interesting reactions from Jews who see my last name and don't get it, why I'm not plugging into their unconscious. With Jews, I feel I'm sort of the blind swordsman. I know who they are and what they're about, but I'm not tapped into this "whatever" they have. They quickly come to regard me as a white guy. I lack that little requited spark they're looking for. All they see is a brick wall and get confused.

I believe in you user, just like I believe in all my anons. I won't bother saying any boomer platitudes like "pound the pavement for a jib" or any of that nonsense. I would like you to know however that if you did die, that would make me sad.

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Dude, no white nationalist movement is going to accept you as a white person. It doesn’t matter if you “feel white”; these people found their ideas on racial absolutism and purity. Obviously not every WN is going to be hostile towards you but they’ll still view you as inferior or a second-class citizen; and plenty will actually want to harm you.

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dont ask me questions like this

You know what to do. Become a legend.

I'm evolving from a doomer to a bloomer
were all gonna make it guy s

Jesse was found not guilty so im feeling birdy gud

evolved from doomer to bloomer.
broke my bong 2 days ago and i feel much better
my lungs are still fucked but i have hope

I'm doing great, I just got the smoker going for this year with some nice pulled pork and me and the gents are going to be going fishing in a few weeks on the river with a cooler full of beer.

Looking forward for this summer, going to be a lot of fun.

What are your plans? I'm going to write the LSAT, and then visit my uncles place in the Shushwap

Well, I'll just say these two things:
Nothing is more saddening than seeing a person you care about, who has unbelievable potential, just throw their life away without reason.
No matter how much good you do for most people, they'll seldom remember or appreciate it when the time comes.


Recently got back to Jow Forums, havent been on since like 2011. still transitioning from the military and living pretty frugally while in college. currently bounce at a couple bars downtown for shit money and some free drinks. have been massively red-pilled recently from lurking on Jow Forums for the last few weeks and im fucking so out of touch with society that im not even sure what to do about this zionist agenda that essentially has my comprehension of reality's nuts in a metaphorical vice. wbu

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oh, are you having error loading like the one in pic related too? or is it something else

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