Black Privilege

You let them get away with one retarded plot after another.

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it's hard to not come to bthe conclusion that they're just taunting white America at this point. if anyone else, even blacks, had tried to do something like that, they'd be going to prison for quite some time. but if you're a d-list faggot nigger with connections to sitting senators and former president, you have carte blanche to commit whatever felonies you want.
pretty amazing, even for a shithole like Chicago.

Not to mention the fact you can't get a job or into school if a less qualified nigger is also applying and the borders are open.

They SEALED the case so what are they afraid of being revealed?
Who are the co-conspirators?

Do they think the MSM will cover this up when we have the internet or are we really all that dumb that we'll just forget about this?

Thought experiment.

Reverse all the races and political parties.

A White kid fakes a crime to smear all Black crime to get a Republican law against Black crime passed.

At this point they are running a parody version of whatever they thought 1800s White America did to non-Whites.

>they're just taunting white America at this point

This is what my White Progressive friends don't understand.
The Democrats are already completely shameless about lies, racebaitng corruption because they know where the Demographics are going.

Hillary emails, Comey, muh Russia, spying on Trump - Which was all nigger Obama.
If you think the niggers are being ghetto, and not even shameless or slick now... just wait to see how they act after Florida and Texas go Blue.

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bump for justice ... Feds need to go after that faggot for mail-fraud and get to the bottom of this.


That's where we're at now. We can only get Trump's DOJ to possibly serve justice because we Florida and Texas are not perma Blue like California.

The situation will be even more ghetto/ African government when we don't have humans in office anymore.

Just now figure that out?

They wont.

>They wont.

Yes they will.

Part of the bargain Democrats have with Black America is that for nearly 100% of the black vote, the Democratic party will defend ANY actions "famous" blacks do.

OJ, Smollett, Obama, etc.

who cares
whites are too busy fucking each other over for an extra shekel

The judge.
Negro privilege.

He sealed the evidence in the case.
Why seal the evidence?
What's in the evidence?
Who is implicated in the evidence?
Are Kamala, and Booker implicated in the evidence?

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Did you expect a different outcome? Just look at the head prosecutor and judge that ruled over the case. Just another example of blacks looking out for there own which whites used to do but now it is forbidden for whites to look after one another.

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Serves some of us just fine.
Big picture, user.

>as in we
Nigga, this a Ukrainian Egg picture board. What you expect?

He looks like a retard.

Boomers thought Affirmative Action was a good idea.

Attached: StevenWatkins.jpg (200x300, 42K)

As the day wore on, I became accepting of this result. People who I thought were shit libs this morning, are Jow Forums levels of racist now. I see that as a good result rather than jailing this one nigger.

I think you are going to have to accept that pol is always right, and blacks do on average have an iq 20 points less than white people. They unambiguously screwed up here, and it was because every last person in that courtroom had an average iq of 80, and they thought this was acceptable. There was no conspiracy here, niggers are just on average retarded.

The news cycles know how to take your attention off of things that are important.

This is not important, yet, it's creating a noticeable wave in the media, enough to take the emphasis off of the Trump hate syndromers.

You want to see hate crime? Just look at the news of about six months ago.

How the media distorts, and those that prosper from it.

Don't be a damned fool.

This story will kill itself if you just let it.

As I said, there are more important matters at hand.

Not this thespian.

Oh I disagree. My leftist observing FB and Twitter feeds were totally devoid gun grabbing today. Everyone now knows that a race war is coming. Even the most normie tier centrists now accepts that the US has a nigger problem.

This is great. Share this.

They should be hounded by Paparazzi.

But no, our Paparazzi harass actors, our media covers conspiracy theories about bad orange man.

If I ever get doxxed and lose my job I'll be the Paparazzi of these people.
There are so many of them.
Why don't we have a Fleccas Talks version of Paparazzi to put a light and microphone in the faces of these animals?
Any kid working a shit job reading this right now, go become this guy. You will make a bundle on Subscribe Star. I will kick $10 a month for you to be the TMZ shit lord of these people.

>sealed the evidence in the case.
Feds need to get hold of that evidence. If only Trump had a competent DOJ.

Ultimate troll would be to beat his ass in public

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"What could wrong" they said

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>This is not important, yet

No. This case matters AND the 'muh Russia' fishing expedition matters.

These people CANNOT keep getting away with these dumb plots in such a ham handed way.

They can get away with faking things like The Holocaust or Sandy Hook because they do a good job pulling the wool over the eyes of most people and keeping a taboo around disagreeing in public.

It's like they. aren't. even. trying. anymore and people are not going to put up with this.
>They didn't even put on the show of a trial and a plea. They didn't even make it try to look good. THEY SEALED THE EVIDENCE.

These institutions of political and media corruption will not hold. Credit will eventually be given where credit (in this case debt) is due.

The answer to whatever fixes this is going to come from software.
That may sound like a sonsequitor, but IT and AI are going to take over the economy, every network, every system.
Whatever replaces this shit will be written in software.

Government, media, the workplace, the market will no longer be authorities.
New systems written in software will decide how justice and value is distributed where.

I'd advise all Whites to arm themselves, live among other Whites, and learn to build these networks and bots.