Whats wrong with gay marriage?

whats wrong with gay marriage?

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gay divorce

Show me bumhole and I'll consider answering you

go away

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Nothing. More pussy for me.

go away

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go away

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Or what

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go away

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No more (you)'s then should've just showed me fart can

Stupid concept. Why not just be friends?

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go away

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show cock

>go away

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go away

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wasted get.
You have to go back.

What are you doing Jose?

Why do these goblins have such disgusting features?

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Read the Bible.

They "adopt" little boys and rape them.

You're Mexican not a dumb white libtard, you should know this at least.

its fucking gay

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It's an American website like basically anything involving technology. You go away.

Angel and Maria would be disappointed knowing you are on here.

Serious question. What brands of hand tools are considered the best in Mexico?

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>go away
Kek great thread

to be honest, I dont know
I just buy anything that isn't chinese

the part where it's gay and not a marriage.

Marriage is one man and one woman.

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You just want to smear tradition with shit. you just want to destroy society and you just want to justify hating those that are different from you.

Absolutely nothing. The future will be accepting of traps and the average household will be three adults and kids. The trap will provide physical relief for the husband and emotional support for the wife. They will also act as a third caretaker for the children. In return, the family will give the trap the surrogate children and bonds it could never have. Just imagine it.
>husband walks into the breakfast table, family already there
>how was the opera last night, gals, he’d ask
>it was wonderful, Susan and I had a great time, the wife would reply
>they’d make small talk
>the wife would get up and get the children’s things
>oh, Susan, can you pick the kids up after school, I’ll be running late today, the wife would ask as she leaves to take the kids to school and go to work
>sure, hon, the tranny would reply as she gathers the dishes for washing
>the husband’d finish his meal while reading the paper and then go drop his dishes off
>how about filling up my boipuccy before you leave, honey, the tranny would ask
>he’d take her right there, bent over doing the dishes before heading up to take a shower and get ready for work
>after tidying up, the tranny would set about cleaning the house before heading to her part time job and later on, picking up the kids
That would be a fucking dream to live in.

Nothing so long as it's between a man and a woman and they're both white and all the niggers are dead

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stop being a gay faggot

>Serious question. What brands of hand tools are considered the best in Mexico?

Depends of who you ask, i live in the north so most boomers think that craftman, husky and stanley are good, But profesionals and engineers use Proto, Whia, Wurth, Snap on and a mexican brand called Urrea. Other people just buy the Harbor Freight type stuff form autozone(duralast/powerbuilt) and a brand called Truper.

They are gays what else is to say there.

mental ill people belong in to intensive care and are not reaffirm that they are normal.

Wtf I love Mexico now

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I want to fuck that person in the picture. (Granted they are 18+)

you should also consider the posibility that the person of the picture wants to fuck you

I want to fuck your PM, user. Who do I write the check to and for hm?

Minor details, user.
Make the check out to the Canadian public. Trudeau has fucked us around, I think he'd agree that it's his own turn now. As for how much... whatever you got in your left pocket.

nothing really
why shouldn't gay people have the chance to be as miserable as the rest of us

this thread needs more burgers

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I ask because I know you can always judge people by the tools they use.
Seems you're not so different from us, tool-wise.

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perhaps the concept of quality, is a universal qualia, that can be perceived from anyone, regardless his culture

i work on my bikes so i have the right tools for the job, but im pretty sure that 6-7 out of 10 are no tool faggots here in Mexico.

I've found, through study, the the lower the IQ, the less care is given for quality.
I know plenty of beans down there are shit-tier, but overall the actual shit seems to be a small percentage.
Granted, my threshold for "shit" is high. I don't consider gang members killing traitors to be shit, for example. Killing traitors and making an example of them is prudent. If only we would do the same to our politicians.

Sounds about average for up here too. Most people aren't trade-skilled and thus don't know the value of a good piece of steel.

homosexuals who don't keep it in the closet where it belongs are disgusting sexual deviants.

true, theres faggots all over the world. Most people here pay to get ripped off by a mechanic just to not look "poor" and brag about how much they spent

It normalizes deviant sexual behaviour. What's wrong with marriage between adults and toddlers, or between humans and dogs?

marriage is an unit for the purpose of having children and a recognition of the family unit - we give it name and extend it certain privileges, benefits and status for the furtherment of society

it's also ritualistic and moralising, it's the cornerstone of civilisation after which society and its morals are ordered

"gay marriage" is the ritual inverse, the debasement of the concept of marriage and comes with the demand to deconstruct marriage itself - it becomes about feels, lust, mutual-masturbation through gay "sex" (men satisfying themselves by sticking their reproductive organ into the end of another man's digestive system), and ultimately it's about malice towards what's recognised as productive and healthy, about status - it is, for the "gays" themselves, at the behest of neoliberal capital, a chance to rub it in the straight people's face their power in the neoliberal order

gays don't want to be married

"gay marriage" of course isn't the cause of the death of marriage in the west, it's the latter stages of the rot, and it's symptomatic of the end stages of stable society

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why don't you get married to a guy OP and find
out. lake of fire is the last stop.

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For starters, fags are fucking disgusting.
Marriage is something sacred for people that believe in God not for sodomites that tear eachtother anuses

Why fire? Why not ice? Why not box jellies? Why not just turn a person's soul into a mass of pain receptors then apply a constant stream of capsaicin? Why fire?

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it's putting a state seal of approval on a lifestyle that's objectively bad for you and bad for society

>whats wrong with gay marriage?

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It is/was a bourgeois distraction that shouldn't have mattered enough for public discourse

Fire purifies the soul.

There's more than one level of Hell ya dingus

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The real answer is who cares, a religion is rooted in tradition and is meant to have values that transcend time and culture. Whether or not it is right or wrong in your mind is irrelevant, because religions aren't meant to bend their back over to appeal to every group of people. So in short, it's the churches choice. The only issue that arises is if the state and church are heavily connected as they once were and marriage grants special rights that gay people otherwise cant access. However, with common law marriages taking place in most of the western worlds gay people gain literally no rights different than what they would've had if they simply lived with each other for 2 years. It is not the public or the governments position to police how a religion operates, perhaps they have a right to whether or not that religion can exist in the state but not in how they operate. For gays to feel entitled to gay marriage is asking a mindset that is based in teachings from thousands of years ago to change it's way cause it doesn't include you. It is forced acceptance, and while the church is a good support system for some if you're gay it is not for you and in most of the west you don't gain anything from it. As for why most catholic churches are against is cause of the above but also because marriage is meant to be between a man and a woman with the end objective being a family and a bond built through that till death. Gay people can not create children, therefore they are not included in this practice. This whole thing is a good example of why so many people hate fags, most that I have seen don't actually hate the act of being gay but it is the pure entitlement to being accepted by society at large (also cause they can't go 2 days without talking about their sexuality) that pisses people off, especially considering most of the time they don't gain anything from it, it's only purpose is to make them feel more comfortable at the annoyance of everyone else.

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>Why fire?
Marketing decision 2000 years ago.

To clarify, governing bodies can police religion but as far as I'm concerned only if it goes against humanitarian rights. So obviously this means no female or male genital mutialtion should be allowed, no wacky sacrifices are allowed. Basically the church isn't exempt from basic law, but protecting the poor minorities feelings isn't exactly a human right.

You can't consummate a gay marriage. that's what's wrong.

They don't last long.

They divorce because both are unfaithful, that they both had high expectations of each other, but neither are willing to support each other.
Another reason for divorce is extreme domestic abuse if we are talking about lesbian couples.

then they move on and find someone else and the whole fucking disaster starts all over again.
There was a time homosexuality was nearly diagnosed as a mental illness. But the faggots cried bloody murder and stopped that. But we can see how it is a mental illness.

I love fire. I was named after it(in a form of Gaelic).
Tell us moar, satan.
Exactly. The pain of death by fire is rightfully frightening.
Hell is found on earth. Those who abuse the system suffer for it. Interestingly, those of faith often find a heavenly peace on earth through faith, which helps them live more rounded and fulfilling lives. Afterlife? Who knows for sure? That's why I'm a Deist.

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Nothing as long as it is not a Christian marriage. If it is a Christian marriage than the church is in open rebellion against God and I consider that Satanic, which in this day an age even Satanism could be considered morally pure and just.

nothing at all. you need to identify the perverts before you can gas them.

It's a huge pain in the ass.

it isn't a marriage and "fair" or "equal" are make-believe feelgood box wine sipper bullshit.

Surprisingly good post for a leaf

they're like fallen men in lord of the rings, orcs