Were you ever liberal/leftist?

What made you change

For me it was when i got my first paycheck at a real job and realized how much i lost in taxes

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I'm still a leftist if only to troll tradfags and christcucks.

I was a liberal/leftist until i converted to Islam and rejected the filthy LGBTQ life i was living.

Ban Islam


Rags don't belong in America get out!!

>LGBTQ life i was living.
you gay or liked to play dress up? what kind of life were you living exactly? why did you change and convert to islam?

u know u would

I was always racist ever since I was a boy. Got a lecture about it and sort of forgot it, still hated Indians because almost none of them spoke English. When I was 14 I went through a Nirvana phrase and tried to imitate Kurt Cobain by being progressive. Then someone I knew went through gender gay stuff, I found Stefan Molyneux, and then Ferguson happened. I'm less angry now but probably more racist. Like, I have minority friends that I like, but the future I want involves a white ethnostate and purebred children.

leftists are more racist.
but being racist has nothing to do with left and right. it just means youre retarded

I've known some qt Afghan girls but Muslims on the whole are noticeably uglier.

I can guarantee I know more about this issue than you do.

Nothing can describe the moment when you hear the voice of Allah

I live right next to a spic family who's grandpa is an alcoholic who drinks beer everyday and turns on music as loud as he can at the garage for the entire neighborhood to hear when he comes back home from work. Anyway, he married a white women and adopted 5 bastard kids who's mother was a whore and slept around with many men (I guess that's why all the teenagers look different) I was friendly with them for a couple of months and even cleaned their house once and awhile and payed me to do so (since they're dumb mongrels who cant clean) they have a nigger as a "son" named Jimmy, he's not a literal nigger but one of those nigger like, hip kids who listens to shitty rap music, fat as fuck and who's room is super dirty. One day I visited his home to celebrate one of the daughter's birthday and this nigger kid actually wanted to kick me out of the house and was extremely disrespectful so I punched him and beat his ass to the ground now the family wants to press charges....are all gen z kids like this?

I was a child once.

I grew up,stopped partying/drinking,working every day,paying my bills,etc and also stopped watching the jew tube or listening to radio,media,etc

Also this

when I was 14-15 i'd have doubt about the big gei and was an atheist.


muslim isnt a race tho

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would marry

I was. I believed that everyone had to be treated equally, that justice had to be blind.

Then I learned that evil exists in the world, that liberalism, equality is nothing more than allowing them a free hand to do as they please. In words that pol can understand, jews ruin everything.

I was a Liberal. First off I hated the whole noting of "Conservative" also fuck Jesus bunch of bible thumping freak!

I was a defender of justice. Freedom of Speech, Gay Rights to Marriage, Womens Lib, abortion etc.

What happen? 9/11

Liberals kowtowing to Islam. The immigration invasion of Europe. Transexual bullshit. Attack on Freedom of Speech. ANTI-WHITE-MALE bullshit.

But I wasn't officially "redpilled" until November 2016.

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Same. That got me 98% there and then 2015-2016 happened and I realized that the liberals use whites as the boogeyman for all their problems. After that I went 110% libertarian. Nothing else on either side makes sense.

most on the left are just dumb, especially when it comes to history, they are indoctrinated and kept in cages. They don't think they believe

I was when I went to college and for a few years after. I wasn’t like that when I went in. Everything you hear about the liberal brainwashing is completely true, and it’s doubly effective when you’re being plied with alcohol and drugs. But Iraq had just gotten underway and there were plenty of reasons to be pissed at conservatives.

Ex Communist. The undeniable fact that these policies always result in worse results with a simple swap of elites

I was into a lot of punk rock and metal bands that were plebian and anti authoritarian. I still love the music even though my world view has evolved substantially.

>Everything you hear about the liberal brainwashing is completely true
very true
perfect example are the talk show hosts like stephen colbert and john oliver

attractiveness imo has more to do with skintone than race

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facial features is the biggest thing for me

Probably until gamer gate. Well I mean I'm probably semi liberal. I don't hate gays, women, blacks, Muslims, etc... In general. The left just wants to pretend theyre perfect and forcefully push them into the center of things and its really annoying and it's gotten to the point where I feel like everything is just pandering and I can't enjoy anything because of it. News stories like California forcing women to be on CEO boards just make me think the world's gone crazy(it has) because youre clearly doing it for diversity points and wasting another person's potential because some bitches decided to cry loud enough. God I hate liberals so fucking much. I feel disgusting for agreeing with them on any level because they're just blindly evil and do not understand what they're doing they just want to feel like good people and they're really not. So in short I hate identity politics and its a cringy platform to run everything on.

>facial features is the biggest thing for me
Same here, it's bone structure for me.

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Also I'm aware blacks commit more crime, and jews control everything. So I'm with you guys

Looking back on it now I honestly never was truly a conventional leftist. I was more or less an ancap from the time I was around 13 up until my early 20’s and since then I continually become more fascist every passing minute

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I was libertarian, then I realized shitskins just wanted gibs and don’t have the capacity to understand economics or morals, and don’t have the IQ to contribute in any meaningful way except as slaves.

How does putting your dick in woman's mouth feel like? Anyone here ever had sex before? Does it worth trying to find a gf?

sex is enjoyable, making out and cuddling is enjoyable but everything else isn't enjoyable

I had my "liberal" and "leftist" views for a little bit, mainly while I was with my gf. I knew they were bullshit though, I got soft, I got weak, I let my guard down. I thought it was good to be interested in cultures and languages other than mine, I thought it was funny or acceptable for faggots to be faggots, I fell for the "le diversity=awesome food!" meme, I thought it was cool to let my hair and beard grow out. I used to be one of those "lol wh*Te ppl" kids, and stopped saying things like nigger and faggot at one point. Then I realized, the "left" really didn't care about people like me, and I wasn't anything like them. They didn't represent me, I wasn't a criminal, I didn't blame white people for everything. I understood why whites hated our people, they act like savages and have the nerve to think whites are at fault for not tolerating their shitty behavior. This "phase" lasted a few years, but then I woke the fuck up and went back to my old ways.

>I grew up,stopped partying/drinking,working every day,paying my bills,etc

It all changed when I came across voluntarism and shit on YouTube. I realized taxation IS theft and was a bernie bro no longer!

How old are you?

If under 19 go grab a high school freshman chick.
That's the best time you have to pick up a chick since you'll be able to influence her development so she doesn't turn out a total THOT.

The older you get the less chances you have to start dating someone.

As for sex.. It's awkward until you learn a few tricks and do practice kegel exercises and cardio since you'll be able to last longer without nutting.

Getting a blowjob really isn't that pleasant for me since most chicks are sloppy at it...

Missionary is where it's at. Priests did know the best...

Back of the throat feels ribbed and very good. Gagging feels good too.
>sloppy at it
sloppy is best
>missionary is where it's at
This desu. I like others but her knees together and feet up is the best. Her hips raise up and I can go the deepest that way, and suck her toes at the same time. The ball slap against her ass is a nice touch.

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I used to be communist

Black sheeboons taking over bernie rallies was when I started seeing race more clearly, media coverage of Trump right after I'd watch him talk live got me seeing through the media. Jew stuff followed shortly after when every fucking time you look into stuff it's always a Stein, berg, gold, silver, etc. Seeing how they react to stuff like "it's ok to be white" and the like is all icing on the cake.

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I was a leftist until I realized politics is best reduced to the idea that the state only needs to provide bread and circus.

The rest is just a pendulum swinging back and forth (binary party choice). The pendulum, the bread, and the circus is what keeps us from civil war.

Stop promoting Islam

Yes I was. Obama's anti-American tone and nature made me switch sides. I actually loved my country back then. Nowadays not as much, but not fort he same reasons lefties do.

I came on Jow Forums to troll nazis,
The more I hung around here the more I started to realise that racism is natural,
All races do it, it's literally Darwinisn.
It hit me like a ton of bricks, and being white I naturally batted for my own side.
Thank you beautiful racists for "red pilling" me

Yes, I stepped out of my bubble

Nice, sounds like you really owned them by choosing to be a faggot retard.

Were you a chairo?

Thanx guys, but i think i just don't have any chance with women

Chin up Ivan. As long as you're not horribly fat there is hope.

I always distrusted most people's opinions.

>Were you ever liberal/leftist?
When I was young, and retarded yes.

Then I actually studied economics, and history. Realized how fucking wrong I was.

Leftist because of teachers and parents. In 7th grade I read a lot more and spent more time on the internet. After maybe a month I flipped all of my views.

I didnt like Bush as a kid.

Became rightist when Obongocare meant I was forced to buy a $300 buck a month shit tier plan

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I was a liberal but you guys made me go full fash and believe in white supremacy. I think it makes you a social outcast in a way and it lowers you chances with women cause i don't think females find that attractive when i go heiling Hitler and saying shit like genocide all jews and muslims 14/88 on school breaks all the time and i think ppl find it weird so yeah but i don't regret getting rdpilled cause Hitler was right

Yes I was, I'm not because the left went insane deciding to try to make America an awful place through displacement of our population with 3rd world shit people, like most europe, which is ultimately their end goal.
I don't want America's identity replaced with bland globalist brown people diarrhea, I value my rights over the rest of the world's lack of said rights.
Got serious about the 2nd amendment.
Hate their identity politics more than anything along with their bastardization of language and the first amendment.
They clearly dominate one sided biaed narratives on all media outlets, they still are against the establishment while not realizing they are now the machine they used to despise.
Blatantly anti-white with constant goal post moving and mental gymnastics, double standards for non-whites.
They betrayed everything they supposedly stood for under the Bush Dubya years, the hypocrisy is too much to ignore.
Fuck them the faster their unstable poor impulse control makes them overplay their hand, the better.

Yeah. Still am.
The problem with current trend is that it has reached insane positions. They have forced me to their right by taking the hard stance that you are either okay with people chopping off their dicks and not fucking them is okay, or you are against us.
I have taken one of the two conditions given to me.

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Was never leftist but started turning right as soon as the left started cucking themselves to islam.

You're right you probably don't. You should send me a qt slav girl instead of trying to get one yourself.

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No never
I was apolitical until 9/11 (20years old)

Take em all they r dumb hoes

expectations vs reality, 99% of muslims look like picrel, inbred uggos

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>went 110% libertarian. Nothing else on either side makes sense.

>went libertarian

plz tell me you found national socialism as salvation

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trayvon martin shooting. i was like 20 at the time and didnt understand anything. everyone jumped on his side without knowing any details.

>I don't hate gays, women, blacks, Muslims, etc... In general.

>gays are unnatural and if ppl breed for homosexual traits like anal sex then eventually your species goes extinct.

they don't just commit more crime, they are disrespectful and push degenerate culture like casuel sex. A few blacks are okay but most are awful. Hating blacks is the one thing all out of african races have in common

women are fine if they aren't crazy from feminism and think they should get leadership positions and that working a job is more important than children and have horrible low self esteem issues causing casuel sex to fill the hole in their heart.

same problem as christanfags

When the entire Brett Kavanaugh thing happened, I saw just how corrupt and hyopcritcal "my side" was, and I was like "wtf man, this is fucking dumb".

"She is so credible!", I just sat there kinda in disbelief, its like what the fuck none of this shit these people were pushing made any sense, and was obvious bullshit.

Then seeing Dianne Feinstein get called out and her just weasel her way out of it, "well i didnt do anything!" even though she was caught red handed, and nothing ever came of it.

It was at that point I stopped really trsuting any of it, and lord behold, the more I looked into, the more this kinda of shit has been happening the entire time.

What sucks the worse is that my family is just brain washed from it, and they just always mimic their talking points like they have some idea what is actually going on.

I present them with counter evidence, and it usually consists of "well user, that was just to much to read".

Fucking depressing.

baltimore riots.

ur welcome

No. My family was the sigil of white culture (or should I say white principles). This isn't meant to be racist, but my germanic with a third to a fifth irish heritage parents taught me that if you can't do it yourself, it's not other's responsibility to help you plain and simple. If you focus on what YOU YOURSELF can do, and what benefits you in the amount of earnings you take home, you can do alot more for yourself and others, than what others can do for you, in teaching experience, patience, or a craft of some type. It was never a delusion of mine that if didn't do it, someone else could. you have value in what you produce, what your principles are, and by what others are willing to trade for your work.

Basically when began getting a decent salary and saw how much taxes I paid and how this money that I worked how gets wasted by literal retards for retards

I was young ok.
Leave me alone.

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Fuck i meant to say money that i work hard for.

The more you focus on the greater good and take from what you yourself own, you have no one to blame but yourself for the subsequent increasing disparities in wealth between the rich and the poor. Despite whatever politicians of whatever states may lead you to believe, fundamental economic principles and fiscal lobbying power hold sway, and those most literate of the system, who are best able to organize, will always have the advantage. Thus, there will be incentives, sometimes BUILT INTO the tax code with incentivised tax shelters for the rich whom are literate of the political desires of the city leadership whom wish for more construction to happen for "affordable housing" in NYC.

If your not willing to continuously monitor the politicians themselves or you think them smarter than yourself, you deserve whatever happens to you and your earnings as a result.

This is life. This is reality.

It's also partially the reason why whites have such low poverty rates. They know they need to comprehend the system and if someone is succeeding their obviously doing it somehow. So even if an illiterate younger generation allows for "experimentation" and blacks and minorities will be happy with whomever promises them the most but not by what they themselves can produce rather than take from others, THEY will be the illiterate ones whom are continuously abused by the system.

this is BS

income inequality is nature. It occurs because a person like Zuck generates more value creating a site like facebook vs an employee that rides the coat tails and gets a job

Today in America. Income inequality only effects ppl too dumb to do financial services or tech / engineering. Their IQs are too low and they are rewarded anymore. Inequality is mainly driven by market forces, lobbying has very little effect on inequality.

Try harder next time commie.

>Were you ever liberal/leftist?

I still am.

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I was, and still would be, until I realized that while it means well, it's economically infeasible and not pragmatic nor sustainable. Taxes are part of life and people who wine about them don't understand basic social contracts--with your logic, you're barely better than a nigger (gimme gimme mine)

nice try. we all know about cologne.

not... whites, and hey if your stupid enough to fall for their garbage (like Schumer and Russiagate), you deserve to lose, because there's nothing illegal about ad hominem, and if they can take advantage of you, they will. This is the US, the richest country on earth so far, FOR A REASON. You can go to a CostCo or a Sam's Club and buy a pack of 36 Hershey's Milk Chocolate bars for $20 or 56 cents a bar, and that was built off the efficiency of labor allowing for a lower cost to consumers. The time and effort put into planning and machinery, as well as delivery, all in the pursuit of self gain is part of what allowed America to become so successful, as well as limitations to keep monopolies from appearing.

Obama really blackpilled me. Voted for him in 2008. Guess I considered myself more of a "democratic socialist" and he didn't live up to my expectations. The constant anti-white shit really woke me up to their bullshit.

I would bang senseless the chick to the far right in the middle row.

Yeah, a few people got laid. This triggers the Jow Forumscel.

Closest to Liberal I came was in college.

>Friends Liberal
>Professors Liberal
>Community Liberal

And they all seemed stupid-happy, I decided I might just say fuck it and give it a try, Obama might not be the useless, anti-american nog my family always called him.

Then the Zimmerman shooting happened and somehow a clear cut case of self defense was now a white supremacist(who was Mexican) stalking a promising African American youth and gunned him down in the back in cold blood. Then I realized to be a Liberal is to plug your ears, deny reality and do nothing but virtue signal all day.

The entire trial only existed because of public outrage, the case should never have gone to court and yet everyone I knew, college educated people thought this was some next level systematic racism shit. Proof that the system is rigged against black people when it was actually just a dumb, violent nigger who jumped a guy with a gun and died because of it.

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The definition has changed. The country has changed.

When I was a kid, being liberal was thinking gay marriage, abortions, and weed should be legal.

Now its open borders, infinite welfare, zero accountability, cultural suicide... Its very different now.

Aint a commie, nor would I espouse such a system, in fact MY ARGUMENT IS AGAINST ANY FORM OF SOCIALISM YOU DUNCE.

And I agree with you on market forces, and IQs and the first step to that is the reinitialization of competition and the death of Teacher's Unions powers in places like NYC. Primary education was meant to be enough education for skillsets and knowledge prerequisites for almost any job, SECONDARY EDUCATION IS NOT AN ENTITLEMENT, it was meant to be a place to go if you wanted to meet in a tiny place full of Einsteins of the community performing advanced spheres compared to what the average person is capable of doing or comprehending.

People like Zuckerberg are people that establish an entire starting company of a previously unused or unthought of sector to provide service or goods to, Like Microsoft, Intel, and the like.

There will always be jobs that can be created by you, just become a private furniture manufacturer and chop down some trees. Of course you'll have to learn some skills, but you can do that while you work at burger king and live on the CHARITY (food banks and such) of others.

Forgot to say that the reason rich people are rich is because they've provided some incredibly valuable service used by others that nobody else came up with like Microsoft, Intel and the like. They don't owe you anything but the service to be provided to their customers.
Also, Primary education was NOT meant to be passed by all, but rather certify all, or be capable of doing such for the populace of a nation, to be competitive in the market place.

I would be deemed the cruelest of the cruel if a lib ever knew my views in the college I go to, because I am no bleeding heart.

I was an anarchist (the lefty kind) for ~10 years. I was at times pretty heavily involved with activism and direct action. AMA, I guess.
The tl;dr is that Nietzsche and some serious thinking broke me of it.

about 3 years i was basically a tankie, i can't remember what happened exactly, but the commie delusion just shattered, now i am more of a centrist perhaps a bit of nazbol. I think it was mostly due to me being very naive i would say, since i sort of pro-gay, indifferent to nigs and Islam. The faggot stuff shattered after the bakery incident, Islam after i started learning about History and was very confused as to why Mahomedans behave like they do, so i got into reading the Koran and Hadiths, by then i was lurking Jow Forums and the nog thing got wrecked with crime stats among other things

Still am, and always will be. Only a dumbass would side with the elite.

>Only a dumbass would side with the elite.
Funny you say that as most of the 'elite' currently sides quite decidedly with 'leftist' ideology (if you can even call it that any more).

You're a dense bastard. U.S.A has shit healthcare because corporations control the government. People are dying because medications they need to survive are not affordable for the AVERAGE HEALTHY PERSON. Who keeps blocking reform? Right-wing..

> Were you ever leftist
I'm mid thirties, still on the left.
The intersectionalist, authoritarian, whiny left hates me though.

And you will continue to suck them off until you realize they are the elite because they know human nature and are the natural evolution of the system and in some cases have manifested themselves through the faults of your petty idealism.

I don't mind paying 40% tax if it means I won't starve to death if I get laid off.

Screw your social darwinism, people like you are always selfish until you need help. Zero foresight.