Where is your boob god now

Where is your boob god now

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How, will she ever recover?

La goblina de 56% de las Americás.

Do you think it's funny?

What are you doing to save the planet from today destruction in our life times?

The only way she can recover from this is to suck as many white cocks as possible to prove she's worthy.

I think she'll spin this as a massive victory

I wouldn't let this psycho-eyed brown freak within ten yards of my cock.

I'm betting you're right. She's fucking clueless and lies compulsively.

lmao rekt

fuck the earth and its faggot ass

She belongs to the planet now. We shall never see her likes again.

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more like the gay new deal
glad its dead

That picture is gonna be on the next 40 cnn articles whether it involves her or not, don't believe me? Check'em

Literally Ceaușescu used to say stuff like this.

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Hey guys remember these threads?

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maybe you guys should just nuke china, mexico and india, because no matter how many green cars and solar panels you buy those countries will keep polluting because they have zero environmental laws and will keep blaming America because muh racism.


I so want to hate fuck her, raw.

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have you guys ever tried listening to her speak?

That's racist!

I sure hope this has caused her to just give up

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Human beings are directly responsible for heating up the fucking planet. We know ways that we can reduce our climate pollution. To not do everything in our power, as a species, would be complete failure. Support Green Energies. Go Vegetarian/Vegan

>have you guys ever tried listening to her speak?

I've seen her in interviews and she's borderline retarded when asked about details.


every time she opens her big horse mouth I get distracted and want to stuff my dick in it

Yeah it's so funny. We're all going to die in 30 years when the rising seas overtake our homes and we're forced to beat hordes of roving niggers back so we can secure the last ant Hill for 3 miles for dinner.


>Where is your boob god now
Bitching and moaning on Twitter about how she's a waman?

Well then you're not worthy...

I'd rather fist her with a barbed wire gauntlet. She doesn't deserve my cock but she does deserve a slow and painful death for being such a fucking retarded cunt.

Yes- it's fucking hysterical and I haven't quit laughing at it all evening.
As for what I'm doing to help? I'm saving the planet by encouraging civlization to destroy itself. Sooner or later, one nation or another will take it seriously.

fucks sakes, glad I filtered this shit and the yangfaggot threads. why do the marxist trannies even try here?

>no planes
>no cars
>no military power
Did you think anyone would agree with her, even among democrats?


Fuck her stupid ass.

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YLYL thread?

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On my screen being fapped to. I don't care if she is happy or sad. She has nice boobs.

Fuck the planet and fuck you.

I will make sure we die in Nuclear hellfire. SEIG HEIL!

then be the force for change you want to be in the correct place: ASIA
the US doesnt account for near as much as you think and us changing will NOT make the impact you feel is needed to save the world

Imagine unironically believing climate alarmism
The world was supposed to have ended like 10 times by now

I think the "no cows" part was the kicker.
Burgerland has to have unrestricted access to beef.

cuz there gay fags that like shitting up the place

its more her voice im talking about. nails on a chalkboard

i member

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Yeah but I can't get through more than a few minutes without my ears bleeding.

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Let's see her dance now

>green energy
So you're actually retarded, and are encouraging people to destroy as much land as possible.

Time for another rooftop sexy dance, tart?

Did you read the UN report dick head?

12 years !!

Sucks for you, nigguh

>Global cooling is reaaaaal we're all gonna die by 2020!
>90s global warming is reaaaaal we're gonna die eventually
>2010s climate change now! Were seirous this time. Another 30 years and we're fucked
Why don't you just kill yourself if you're so worried, not like you have a legacy to leave behind you fucking loser

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I cannot believe you people!

Knock knock, anybody home? No just brains fried by memes and constant refresh

It's really funny. They would kill all other races with nukes than rather make a sustainable environment for themselves to live in than claim they are high I.Q.




I love how the article says "Well there is this cycle that occurs that is moving cool water there now, these last 20 years of melting though had nothing to do with the warmer cycle or anything.... That was global warming.

Fucking love the media, anything that shows that its not warming like it should, Excuses out the ass, thats just weather, thats just a system cycle, thats just this.

But warming? thats all man made baby! KILLING THE PLANET.

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Ackshually the world ended in 2014. Al Gore predicted this. You are just a ghost in limbo right now.

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She could have had a very promising porn career but instead she decided to be a retard.

I'm sure some D-fags would be okay with nuking the beef industry.
But cars and jets? Hell no.

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who gives a shit about AOC, she is old news

it's all about /our girl/ omar

Go plant a tree and complain to your rep to hold chinese manufacturing accountable for their pollution.


>What are you doing to save the planet from today destruction in our life times?

Advocating that the third world stops coming into the first world in huge numbers and raising awareness of this being a problem.

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can someone please post the AOC sucking Trumps cock, i need it rn

keep making jokes because you can't face the reality that the planet is dying from preventable human actions. I bet in 50 years whats left of humanity is fighting for scraps and dry land, and we'll all think to ourselves, "at least we got to hear some edgy jokes"

Best way to fight is neck yourself. You first comrade

The fuck is the logic behind this?

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this, think of the polar bears that have already gone extinct from global warming you bastards

Human life isn't precious. I hope we all fucking die.

not old enough to remember how the same people said we where all going to die because CO2 levels where falling due to harvesting the rain forests? Now they say we have too much. They are dumb and you are dumber.

God I would

My favorite is that heat is hiding deep in the oceans.

>What are you doing to save the planet from today destruction in our life times?

I'm letting nature take it's course.


>Think of the wild beasts that would kill you without a second thought because its a dumb fucking animal
Boo fucking hoo!

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Shoot up some mosques

then you should just slit your wrists now and stop wasting the time of everyone else who still cares about humanity. thnx

>This is Reagan riding a velociraptor

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Clearly 36 eggs

>who need trains now

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Do you know what schadenfreude means? It means FUCK YOU LOSER! fuck you. I want to see you suffer

imagine being this retarded


So what are the names of the new states?

>a bloo bloo im an edgy nihilistic retard look at me!!!
yeah no thanks Im going to make sure my grandkids get to live in luxury eco-communism and your incel bloodline will die with you. sad

She now has an incredibly promising career in porn

ITT we post actual green energy production methods beyond
>muh 1990's romanticized win and solar utopia

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Can we talk about there being a stock image of AOC crying?
How does that even happen?
>oh shit
>she cryin'
>better take a picture and sell it
And apparently she's ok with the picture being taken? She's clearly posing for it.

Journalist Here

Ever since the Mueller probe concluded zero Russian collusion I have noticed a worrying trend in online comment sections.
Nasty elements won't stop talking about the media lying. The media never lie, we may sometimes use click bait to trick you but we never 'lie'.
Journalists have moral integrity and frankly I find the accusation of 'lying' to be extremely insulting.

Many on the internet have started to call the mainstream media the 'Lyingmedia'.
In reality it is Trump who's the king of Lyingmedia. It's the far-right who are the Lyingmedia.
This whole situation has become unacceptable and we will be doing everything in our power to refute this new extremist narrative.

-Signed the journalist hired to keep tabs on you bigots

How about we invest in more trees and other plants, and more internal combustion engines? I love plants AND engines. They go together very well.

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I hope this is bait

it's almost like the vote was a sham and the democrats didn't take the bait

>muh civics

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Imagine the smell

>these are the people who think they're smarter than AOC

You have to get laid to get grandkids! The best you'll ever get is raising some roasties mixed kids because you're an emotional cuck

They abandoned her for Illhan Omar.
Notice how they are spamming her now instead of AOC, or Tulsi, or Yang?
They don't understand how to make their posting look natural it's so funny.
Sometimes I almost think whatever is calling the shots for them isn't even human.