Yfw a female Somali Muslim became the ultimate shill litmus test

>yfw a female Somali Muslim became the ultimate shill litmus test

She is 100% /our girl/ for exposing the absolute ownership AIPAC has over both sides of the aisle in congress.

she is the agent of chaos nobody saw coming. AOC and Tlaib are literal babbys who know nothing compared to Omar's 24d chess.

Attached: 1024px-Ilhan_Omar,_official_portrait,_116th_Congress.jpg (1024x1280, 255K)

Other urls found in this thread:

duckduckgo.com/?q=MOSSAD earthquake Christchurch&t=ffcm

She's saving America.

a bump for based Ilhan

Attached: 1552708142260.gif (400x218, 1.74M)

I'm gonna salt mine on twitter right now. because Ilhan salt is hilarious.

Attached: 1527503809006.png (930x635, 117K)

>the ultimate shill litmus test
She is. You failed though

I wanna have sex with her to be honest.

Dumb ugly mudslut whore. Meanwhile this is the average Israeli chick. By all means, enjoy your mud diving expedition but I'll go with Israel because pic related.

Attached: idf.jpg (1066x1066, 112K)

>he supports AIPAC

Attached: 1553474747666.png (218x231, 6K)
