Every word in the bible is there for a reason, why would you disdain these conjectures for no apparent reason?
Evidence that Jesus is the Son of God
Animals don't have souls, retard.
Why would you need proof that Jesus is the son of God, when the entire bible is based on the fact that Jesus is the son of God? In fact that is the point of the bible.
Did Jesus exist? Let's find out. By Rosette Delacroix on youtube, banned vids (many) on bitchute... Excellent production value and aesthetic AF!
thanks man, will check it out!
>because these numbers i decided to use from the bible, paired with whatever type of math symbol i prefer to use to fit my narrative, somehow means Jesus is the son of God
>27 + 7/2= 3.5 = 30
Did you drop out of school?
>I love how people think that realizing the New Testament follows the Old Testament means they are intelligent.
Why prove him right?
based Christian making my argument for me