He's a coward that only debates unprepared freshman students

He's a coward that only debates unprepared freshman students

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All zionists are cowards

No shit.

He only shtick is the idiot search, as it Comedy Central hasn't done that meme to death.

After he killed that black guy on stream, I can't watch him anymore.

No shit

>only debates unprepared freshman students
voters, you mean?

his videos are good time wasters though

He's a jew loving sodomite

cuckservative that thinks more 1980s Reagan cucking is going to have any effect.

Peddles Walther which is a Jew run manufacturer.

Nobody deserves genocide more than college freshmen.

Crowder's based and redpilled.

Did any of you faggots at /pol ever told a jew in his face what you think of him?

>Pro immigration
>Pro US wars
>Hardcore zionist
>Was against Trump in 2016

I wish someone kills him.

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Of course

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Who is he suppose to debate, you faggot?


Crowder is brave. Prove me wrong.

CROWDER CONFRONTS: Violent Antifa ‘ICE’ Killer!

niggers dont visit /pol

Steven "The Palestinians in Israel have it so great!" Crowder

yeah i buy that for a shekel

You're so fucking retarded you actually think everyone here is white. How stupid are you?

hey whats up israel! figured youd love this guy!

who are all the south american posters you dumbass? definitely not white

He should do a change my mind on Israel if he's so brave.

things that will never happen because he shills for israel :(

everyone who puts Israel first is my brother.
shitskins are not niggers.

It'd be funny if a fag went to saudi arabia and put up a sign, sharia law sucks, women need more rights, and being gay if okay. Because then they'd get thrown off a fucking cliff

True :(

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No retard. All that bullshit is jews like you who put on meme flags or proxies and LARP as white. This place is diverse and you refuse to accept that.


Reminder Crowder went all snowflakey PCfag when confronted by true Carthaginian Chad Yousef, getting bent out of shape for using the word “autist”. When eviscerated with facts and logic, the zionist stooge resorted to NPC tactics of holding the mic and manipulating the crowd to dismiss Yousef’s infallible arguments.

Every chance I get,you tulmadic demons are a poison.

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He's trying to teach them to not eat propaganda straight out of the jar.

Untrue. He stop others before they can even make a point and kick them out after 5 minutes.

while giving people propaganda about things like israel

I actually steer clear of jews completely after learning about your tricks.
I literally refuse to speak to your type in person at all.

He got fucking dabbed on by that Yusef kid.

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Loved when during his Rogan interview he got really butthurt and defensive when Rogan called him out on being incorrect on some shit.

Jesus Christ imagine being told how wrong you are by Joe fucking Rogan. Crowder loves to act like a comedian but as soon as people start joking around with him he gets all pissy like a preteen girl. Dude cannot take a joke.

Neoconservatives are worse than liberals. Prove me wrong.

I'm not a newfag I've been here since 2015 right after the Dylann Roof shooting faggot

Closeted fag
Tries to hide it with guns and Jesus
Un-funny FOX News Conservative

Yes. Do any of you kikes tell goyim what you really think of them and their Lord and Savior, to their face?

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You mean the one where Rogan characteristically sperged out about weed like it’s some miracle plant?

And he has an annoying voice and speaking style.

Everyone's gotta make a living somehow user

That pretty much summaries him up perfectly. Nice work user.

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>newsflash: ecelbs have nothing of value to offer
Wow, thanks for clearing that up zoomer.

Did any jew ever admit to trying to breed out white people through immigration?

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>not a newfag

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Pretty sure he means the summer of 2015

>FUCK! 2015 was 4 years ago...

go on...

potholer54 obliterated crowder countless times


AND why is this tern not used anywhere in the world but the USA??

He makes good arguments on some stuff but is cringey as fuck about other shit. And that high pitched excited voice is annoying. I prefer Matt Christiansen but his co-host can be annoying too.

What's your point? We're the only majority white country with a sizeable latin american population.

why does he always get so tense on his show

like dude go get laid the libs aren't trying to overthrow american democracy

If you really want to start making the Right win again then do not worry if people like Crowder are the real deal or not.

There needs to be a solid universally agreed upon goal that is simple. If people like Crowder ignore or degrade that goal then they are not on the Right.

We need to move the Right out of the ideas/theories realm and into the steps/results territory.

>We're the only majority white country with a sizeable latin american population
1. hispanic =/= latin american
2. does a population have to be "sizeable" to be counted?
>3. what does non-hispanic white mean?

>hispanic =/= latin american
It does in America
>2. does a population have to be "sizeable" to be counted?
I'm saying the term nonhispanic white wouldn't have any reason to exist anywhere else because we're the only nonhispanic majority country with large enough Hispanic population to have to specify
>what does non-hispanic white mean?
It means exactly what it says, brainlet

That interview was a fucking trainwreck from the word go.

Colleges are where leftist bullshit comes from. They're meant to be institutions of intellect and debate, yet most students can't even string a fucking argument together without resorting to buzzwords and insults like apes.
At least he's taking the problem from the source. What've you done this week? gtfo shill.

>2015 qualifies as oldfag
God I hate this place now

Then don’t be unprepared.

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I like goyim and tell them I respect their culture and hope no Muslims or niggers fill Australia more.

I mean it's not like Jews discuss this shit even amongst themselves at Friday night synagogue or anything. It's not some regular banter or anything. Most Jews wouldn't even believe such conspiracies if you told them this.

thats not really something to be proud of newfriend..

Jews are our greatest ally, I love you Moshe, you're the beacon of hope in this clown world.

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>1. hispanic =/= latin american
Correct. Americans don't care either because the migration from Brazil isn't substantial enough to warrant a divide, or because they can't tell spanish from portuguese apart so there's no point in dividing.
>3. what does non-hispanic white mean?
I'd assume primarily white europeans themselves, or their offsprings who were born in the U.S.

He takes advantage of the fact that most people he looks to debate are on the brainlet left side and they just parrot the same things over and over and have the exact same counter arguments so he looks everything up to try to contrast and that's it. He never stray away from his zone. That's why whenever he finds someone like Yusuf (wether you think he was right or wrong he clearly cornered Steven) he tries to slow down the conversation and focuses on definitions to try to gain some time.

lol why would I talk to a jew without milkers?

are you implying that jews are bad asses?

he got on Owen's case about the jewish question. Crowder is a coward. He's a 30 year old boomer.

Yeah, some of Crowder's stuff is good to alright, but he was really fucking weak there. Not a fan of his, but if I were, I'd stop being one after seeing that video.

should have said prove e wrong after

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>An e-famous sycophant is, to everybody's shock, a sycophant
No waaay.

he broke owen benjamins heart

Now way, everyone knows Jews are famous for their fighting abilities and physical courage!

Steven "Make the Niggers Scream Louder" Crowder chainsawed the last college student who disagreed with him and livestreamed it; how is this bloodthirsty lunatic not in jail?

yeah I told a jew I was a nazi the 2nd time I saw him
he was cool about it, we're friends now

>Implying not being afraid of that complete faggot makes you brave

this is true

He notifies the campus ahead of time and always offers to debate professors and lectures but they never take him up on it

he actually confronts a professor that lied about him in a 'crowder confronts' video and the professor just ignores him and calls the police


>unable to articulate why they think what they think any given time of the day, because they didn't come to those opinions by themselves

bring up Israel and watch him mumble and stutter like the fag he is

>He notifies the campus ahead of time and always offers to debate professors and lectures but they never take him up on it
>he actually confronts a professor that lied about him in a 'crowder confronts' video and the professor just ignores him and calls the police

but muh left wing talking point.

>why won't crowder and shapiro leave these poor innocent children alone

>also the voting age should be lowered to 16.

In doing so he proves that young people are not old enough to vote anymore.

Adults who don't know shit about issues which they FEEL strongly about and VOTE in accordance of that.

He's exposing how disgracefully retarded 99% of people are and I'm glad he does.

>put that in your pipe and smoke it

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he exists to reinforce the unchallenged opinions of morons.

I never seen one.

He's wrong most of times, but the people he interviews don't know how to debate. Just because he won the debate doesn't means he is right. Crowder is just skilled in public presentation.

This, the Jewish shill is angry crowder is taking redpills to faggots who vote.

he got btfo by that nazbol kid on socialism and by some guy named potholer on global warming. no matter how selective you are you can't hide the fact you're a retard

Most people in USA don't know what global warming or socialism is. Crowder doesn't either, he's just in different direction uneducated, while liberals are in other direction uneducated, everybody doing their retard dance of own side, nobody actually talks about facts and laws.

Yes that one.

Your fellow leaf got his ass handed over to him by a 20-yo kid with a bad haircut


>like dude go get laid
Nide highschool logic.
Anyway the dudes married and runs a business.
Two stresses in any man's life.

i tell my jewish gf all the time that im going to breed her semticness right the fuck out. Shes knows exactly where i stand and she accepts it because your women have a slave mentality.

I liked him better as Brain

Can confirm