Why do niggers always pick on whites when their at their lowest?

It feels almost like they never fight fairly.

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>it feels
theyre niggers, the only effort they ever put in is cheating and theyre not even good at that

are whites getting sick of the nigger problem in this country yet? are we electing a fascist for 2024?

>* rewteets
Did you spend all day lurking there just to find a complete nobody just so you could shitpost and be relevant for 5 minutes ?
You're worth less then that niggers opinion of you even waste 1 second caring what a chimp thinks.

Well, what he wrote is the number one reason why white inmates are radicalized in american prisons and people who weren't nazis before going in, sure are after getting out. They have to join white supremacist gangs to not get raped by bubbah.

>Have a choice between ten rapes a day or joining the Aryan brotherhood
I am sure it will help reduce racism.

The prisons here produce skinheads.
They either join the group to survive, or end up joining them after interacting the the other groups of the prison.

Really the prisons here just go to show what really matters when things get rough.
Everyone divides themselves along racial lines.

>2 likes from some random white piece of shit white women to some obvious repeated convict

Its in blacks genes to likely be more narcissistic and want to win

Imagine a life where going to prison is so common in your social circle you think that it’s common with everyone.

>teleports behind you

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>Implying white people go to prison
That's where you're wrong kiddo

lack of honour and animal mentality. always attack in packs those who cant hit back

I was just reading in another thread that Dahmer learned to hate niggers in prison and that's why he targeted them mostly

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He looks trustworthy. I'd rather have him for a celly than Tyrone. At least you could chat fashy shit to pass the time and not feel like such a loser in prison. He might even hook you up with a bad ass prison tatt.

Niggers turn gay in prison. The proof is in the statistics. Nigger males are much more likely to be homosexual than whites.

They're too busy to stop their faggot son from posting over there at Jow Forums

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I believe he spelled “radicalize” wrong.

in other words inmate population consist of mostly blacks.thnx for clearing it up

>antagonize vulnerable whites in jail
>give them no other option but to join the aryan brotherhood
>this cures them of racism
theyre just making the low iq stereotype true arent they

niggers think it's inevitable a person will go to prison

This desu. White guys who go to prison come out of prison radicalized and full on Nazi.

>isnt white
Are mutts allowed in the prison nazi gangs or something?

>ywn be violated and slutted out by jacked bbc inmates to fuck the supremacy out of you

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This guy is actually half (or 25%) juden. He's still based though.

>Wait until they go to prison
He knows you can just choose to not commit crimes and you won't eventually go to prison, right?

>be me
>white as can be
>caught smuggling drugs
>sentenced to 5 years
>not once throughout that entire 5 years did a single nigger even speak to me, let alone assault me
>not once throughout that entire 5 years did an Aryan brotherhood group even exist in that prison
>serve my time entirely peacefully and without issue

Stop watching so much television faggots.

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I like how they automatically assume someone they know will go to prison.

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No, he doesn't.

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This is so true. I'm a black ex con who worked in the prison laundry with a neo nazi skinhead. The guy was hardcore and super racist, but we became friends. He started to change his ways when he realized not all black people are bad, so his old skinhead buddies raped him in the shower one day. That pretty much broke him. His old principal from high school (also black) started coming in to visit him regularly, discussing his racism and giving him books about the errs of his ways. He left prison completely reformed. Aiiight

>wait until they go to prison
mfw everyone a nigger knows is a nigger and they all eventually go to prison so the nigger assumes all people eventually go to prison because he's too stupid to understand psychological projection

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That was a little too on the nose, there, Derrick.

Everyone goes to prison now and then user. Its about time I think about going to prison.

It does seem like the perfect place to hone your racial hatred.

Prisons are a microcosm for the U.S. If you strip everyone of their rights and throw them to the dogs, watch as the natural order of things is reduced to tribalism. Leftists are so naive, they are always the first to get raped.

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I'm of the opinion that below a certain IQ threshold one really couldn't care less what their dick is inside, so long as it's inside something. This also explains the disproportionate amount of nigger incest and molestation.
Spics are huge faggots as well.

If you're white and in a prison of medium security or higher you're a lot better off sleeping next to a skinhead than anybody else

Fascism is for faggots; NatSoc is for removing faggots.

Been to prison. Hate niggers more than I did when I went in. There are a lot of punk caucasians in prison though.

>going to prison
people seriously do this? wtf

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>intimidate cracker
>he joins the Aryan Brotherhood

Excellent rehab plan.

Why won't Hiroyuki delete Jow Forums?

Because a nigger is at his lowest just being alive. A nigger is improved when he dies.

I am, and I will.

>wait til they're in a place where we outnumber them 20 to 1 then get aggressive
niggers 101