>jussie smollett
>net neutrality vote today
>red flag law
>article 11
>article 13
Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on? Did I miss something?
>jussie smollett
>net neutrality vote today
>red flag law
>article 11
>article 13
Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on? Did I miss something?
buckle up buckaroo we're about to get cosmically FUCKED
I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Let the Heavens fall.
Is this because of of speedism
dead cat bounce
The interdimensional reptilian shapeshifting mantids are causing AI deepfake false flags by masonic predictive program weather manipulation and fluoride trails to distract moloch crisis actors from the fact that fake news aliens are hollow and that the sandy hook landing never happened so (((they))) can continue to harvest gangstalker jesuit adrenochrome from our kali yuga pineal glands for chinese nanochip astral projection remotely through demonic V2K 5G technology from the black cube HAARP hexagon on top of satan
then how can i make money from this?
>military robots & microchipping boomers
The very fabric of reality and the institutions we’ve known for centuries is apart to rip apart.
It’s already happening, you can see it increasing dramatically over the last weeks.
I predict more suicides as the rising frequency will either drive people mad or expand the consciousnesses of those who are ready.
It’s like our vision is becoming crystal clear now
Seek understanding and it will come to you