Fact :
You cannot tell me ONE reason to hate jews
Fact :
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>You cannot tell me ONE reason to hate jews
They don't kill enough muslims.
I am a jew and i make waifu threads on /co/
Never heared of the sea vessel
jews are alright. kosher is cool.
i don't like zionism.
I chuckled. You're alright, Moshe. I hope you go painlessly when Iran drops the Big One.
>white nationalism good!
>jewish nationalism bad!
lmao moron
Now the genocide is the entire West.
Slavery, genital mutilation, murder, incest, niggardliness, and theft are all encouraged by the jewish faith. These are all NAP violations. Show flag you kike.
white nationalism isnt zionism, retard
Lol pol could tell you lots of reasons dummy. You probably won't accept them though.
I was surrounded by them in Boston when I lived there. They are insufferable, selfish, deceitful, manipulative, envious, insecure, and they seem to have inherent psychic vampire like abilities. They are trash, and part of me is grateful that I wasn't the way I am now back then. A lot of kike lawyer parents would have been on my ass for putting my hands on daddies little crony.
Here's one. 9/11
Hitler was a zionist. Nazis are mostly zionists. White nationalists aren't necessarily.
I would never expect you to hate your own kind
I read the news today, oh boy
>Jew A: Zionism is bad
>Jew B: White nationalism good but jewish nationalism bad? Btfo! See goy we are based after all.
Moshe you know as well as I do that the problem we have with you is that you want to genocide white people. Why?
jews did the USS Liberty
Fuck off with the Hitler was a Zionist shit.
The Haavara Agreement was not something Hitler dwelled on before becoming Chancellor.
>kick the kikes out of your country to Madagascar
>wtf I'm a Zionist now
w/e faggot
>killed the prophets
>killed the Lord Jesus
>oppose all mankind
just because he signed an agreement with people that wanted a jew state doesnt make him or nazi's zionists. Your delusional m8
Jow Forums will say a bunch of fake reasons with no evidence backing it to hate jews.
>Trump is the real jew
JIDF's here in force today, it seems.
Is this a joke or something? I am a fucking nigger myself and even I am intelligent enough to see that we should kill all jews
oh look, its a dumb nigger uncle tom repeating Jow Forums memes to fit in and be liked by whites
Show flag, kike.
Show flag kike
Nigga you lived in Brookline
Grow a spine you little commie piece of garbage. At least the nazis are honest and do not hesitate to state their views. You on the other hand are a coward, hiding behind a curtain of "progressivism" to erase thousands of years of history, identity and culture. We are back to our historical homeland, like it or not we will not be the pawns for your globalist and genocidal agenda anymore. Your rhetoric is getting old. You use the same words to import the destroy western countries by importing the third world and then claiming you're only against "white nationalism". Humans are social animals, we are naturally belonging to a tribe, and you will not succeed in your plan to wipe out entire families, communities, nations and peoples by replacing our cultural bonds with materialistic constructs such as "class struggle". Marx is a false prophet and his legacy represents the modern Golden Calf. Your treacherous and idolatrous ideology will never destroy us.
Even though they are my enemies, i unapologetically prefer honest white nationalists who want everyone to stay in their own land, including the Jews in Israel, to spineless commies pieces of shit like you who want to assimilate us and destroy our only homeland while being hypocrite trash.
I have many, OP.
I don't exactly "hate" them I just want them off our necks.
They act like this guy
I am white enough to see your hooked nose, fucking kike
Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.
Read through this thread, it's all there.
Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.
But what about all the kikes in United Kingdom? They pretty much own their british asses there since the battle against Napoleon. Serious question btw.
it's a bot
Who is your waifu?
Where is the edit with the quotes?
They tax you for every international exchange you make including transportation
Looks like im voting for Andrew Scheer.
The Jewish people historically called themselves the superior people. This would be respectable, as it would imply they have the same values we have towards our own races, however, the Jewish people lacked a land to stand their ground. Rather, they infested other races' land, claiming themselves to be superior. This caused heavy strife within the 109 countries they've been kicked out from.
TL;DR, they're assholes because they think they're better than everyone else but they don't have their own land, so they take other's land. They're thieves in the highest caliber.
It's a religion and i hate all religions. People of Israeli descent are white though
Here's 358 reasons why jews have been hated.
this doesn't have anything to do with whether the Holocaust was real or not, to the general public, it is going to be real and as the anniversary comes up, that reality is going to be reinforced either way, so the best thing to do is to manipulate that truth to our advantage or for the honks, it's fun. This is what shitposting is essentially about: to sway the lies or the truths by turning it on its head. It's in the bagelniggers' nature to out themselves because they need their victim status
it's peak shitposting with great potential to rustle some jimmies of all sides or walks of life. It's making it impossible for the jew to remain hidden in plain sight: you speak up because you don't want to lose your victim-card, or remain silent and admit to white genocide.
Chaotic neutral isn't pushing it one way or the other, it's just disarming the jew of their weapon, which is to be the victim.
This is simple and seemingly unbiased, just concerned about human life in general and that's what makes it effective and good.
People freaking out about how this is admitting to the Holocaust having happened are still playing along because this is probably/hopefully going to spark fact checking and discussion and if it was "just white people" who were killed anyway, maybe it wasn't that many after all
>the world doesn't end with a bang, it ends with a honk
Shitposting Royale
it's impossible to directly challenge it. but INDIRECTLY you can. these posters are BAIT. it will confuse people when they first read it, it will produce weird emotions and thoughts that will stick with them and make them think about jews ethnically, why someone would even make this. it's a culture jammer.
also if it picks up steam it will force jews in the press and academia to respond to it. they will either have to say that unequivocally jews ARE white or NOT white. if they ARE white then the holocaust isn't about ethnic jews being genocided but just a religious WHITE group. if they say they AREN'T white then that will redpill many normies who will then realise they are a complete, distinct ethnic group that are not a part of the white ethnic group.
it's a lose/lose situation, depending on if it picks up steam and can't be ignored by jews.
>that face
Fact: you can't tell me one reason to not hate jews
>That meme flag
Adam sandler
Unpopular opinion here, but negros dont deserve all the hate they get. They are brainwashed by the left. Deep down most negros are disgusted by the rampant homosexuality and pc culture of the left.
Dont get me wrong, they have no place in our society. They should be kings of their own land in Africa, not welfare recipients here in the civilized world.
Rofl, cheap shot user.
>Ben Shapiro
Reason found.
We, Whites, are all Palestinians now. It’s only a matter of time if we do nothing.
>You cannot tell me ONE reason to hate jews
Jews exist. That's reason enough.
FACT: this kike midget makes me hate Jews before diving into anything else