Austrian government wants to ban Identitarians

The Austrian """""right wing"""" government wants to ban the completely peaceful Identitarian Movement because Martin Sellner received a 1500 euro donation from the Christchurch shooter many years ago. He never had any contact with him beyond that. This move is not only supported by cuckservative chancellor Kurz, but also by the "right wing populist" vice-chancellor Strache of the FPÖ.

Sources in German:

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Kurz more like cuck

Kurz being opportunistic and a faggot. Where is Strache, Kickl, Hofer when you need them.

If they are disbanded, I think some people might go darker ways.

I suppose they wants to be the only right wing force in the country, by either absorbing or banning other movements

How is GI doing btw? in my country they suffered a schim and then they got banned from basically any media around a year ago

Strache supports them getting banned. That's the worst thing. He is going full civic nationalist cuck.

yeah I just read it.

Are you ready to make your voice heard?

Welp, OK. Someone give some money to the Austrian government then kill a few people, get the party banned. Give a few dollars to the EU and the UN while you're at it, and all mainstream news organisations.

Not sure if S or F desu

>gefährliche Ideologien
How the fuck are the Identitarians dangerous? They don't condone violence or discrimination against anyone.
This is the smoking gun they've been waiting for to ban the group.

>the completely peaceful Identitarian Movement
Fuck these faggots who the fuck needs more Berufsaktivisten to waste money and make dumb youtube videos.

Fuck these faggots

Good. Identitarians have no place in Europe.

Nie wieder Faschismus.

>Europe less cucked than the US they said

fuck this meme fag
also you must protect your movements at all costs. why dont you publicly out him any way you can

I thought Austrias government was based wtf

Perhaps we can get Breivik to donate to the austrian government party itself and then the opposition can ban them.

they are doing it for optics

Anyone right wing and their families should be put on trail for hate crimes.

half based half austrian equivalent of republicans
The rightwingers are cucking to optics since they know the media will connect strache to tarrant via sellner if he does not

Good, Kurz should ban the organization. It shows that he trustable and goes against every kind of extremism.



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töte dich selbst
really bad decision, never back down


This. It just tells the public that you're more of the same.

What reason do they have to ban them?

They have nothing, but they're anouncing that they're looking for anything they can find to get rid of them.

This whole thing shows what an absolute retard the NZ shooter was. But banning a group based on one retard on the other side of the world makes no sense.

Yes, Sellner literally did nothing wrong.
Additionally, the group was charged with being a criminal society a few months back by a lefty state attorney, and the Judge threw the case out.
Our court system is literally less cucked than our right wing parties.

Wich is bad since courts are cucked af

At this point, it doesn't even matter if they give all that money away as a donation to some Muslims. This is the excuse the state has been begging for.
This is a peaceful, nonviolent movement that rejects fascism and Nazism. They reject extremism and simply wish to promote and defend European values and borders. People keep joining this movement.
And the state is fucking petrified.

He wasted so much money for that stupid boat stunt but now he cucks and gives the bux to "charity".
IDs are cucks anyway they are the worst that could happen to the right.

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wow, thats unexpected
but I don't think you even need that kind of infighting within the right wing movement, identitarians are retards that want protectionism instead of free market and for that they must be gassed
and they aren't really racist, as they claim, they only want to bring back the trad culture, whether if its practiced by a bunch of arabs and niggers is irrelevant to them. They look like a bunch of "right wing hipsters", no big of a loss there

your right wing is better stay united in one movement/party, otherwise one of those parties is going to get seriously cucked
extreme right may choose to join identitarian movement, thus leave and stop influencing the ruling right wing party, and that will be really bad

Of course it doesn't, but they can sell this to the public and whip up sentiment against them by manipulating public emotions about Christchurch. This way, they can get away with defamation scott-free. It's a win-win for the state.

whats why ID choose the coat of arms of a greek slaver and sodomite citystate, because muh roots.

One Europe, One People. Racists your time has come.

you understand nothing you dumb peasant.

it really is, their whole argument is just a circling one
>the identarians are dangerous, source myself calling them dangerous
that's why presstitutes keep refering to the UK decision to ban him as if it constitutes a true proof of the movement dangerousness

>you cant be be a proud austrian
>in Austria

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That's the same everywhere in the west. You can be a proud Irishman or Italian in America, but not in your home country. Shit is insane.

This is like shutting down all Mosque organisations after one Muslim terror attack.

I hope you "based" kurz and fpö voters now realise that all politicians and partys are full on opportunists that will use every chance to destroy their competition. And what do they do when they get elected? Be corporate whores 24/7.

stfu retard

U mad bruh?

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And that's a good thing

This is good news for conservatives in Europe they have to push back against the radical fringe or they will lose credibility

Haha Martin wont name the jews, yet gets entrapped via a Sloppy Job Mossad donation. The guy is a cuck for the juden.

They discriminate against Gen X. They're Boomer neocons 2.0

Censorship = further radicalization = remove Moshe and kebab

>This move is not only supported by cuckservative chancellor Kurz, but also by the "right wing populist" vice-chancellor Strache of the FPÖ
I'm so fucking sick of these weak traitors within our midsts

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Fucking traitors.

>They don't condone violence or discrimination against anyone.
then what use are they

I'm a member of the UK branch, we're seeing a lot of growth recently - as there's lots of people disenfranchised with Brexit, as well as a lot more general political interest. The continental branches, however, I can't speak for.

Why would they want their allies gone. what the fuck.

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based and historypilled;

history will repeat itself. censorship (i.e. propaganda) is directly causing it. war will come to the west, again. sigh....

There is nothing wrong with having views that the jew doesn't like.

How old are you? Too young to remember Schüssel I and II? ÖVP and FPÖ always sell the majority of their voters to corporates, how can people still be suprised about this?

Jude entdeckt

I do remember, and I wasn't surprised by this, only slightly because Strache was like "we are not Haiders FPÖ anymore!" Kind of hilarious.

Yeah, they are going to be shoa'd by the spooks soon.

We got a winner

Gusi was an ass and Faymann an idiot (seriously, how did he even get voted in)
I'd rather have someone like Kurz.

From what I heard bad. They have drawn government attention lately and have been under pressure

>(((free market)))
t. kike

fpö is controlled opposition my fren. any rightwing movement that is licking jewish feet, is controlled.

lol not really. austria with the habsburger is probably the center of the kalergi plan for europe. kurz is one of them. he just knows what he has to say/do to get the votes, while doing nothing against the bigger problems.

At last I truly see

>believing anything Strache says
Faymann was pushed by Krone same as Kurz is now. Ostermayer was just best in playing both, left and rightwing media.


every "nationalist" european party is pro israel, but im sure its just a (((coincidence)))

It seems to me that we're one of the few places in the world that hasn't total clown world status yet. the more these extremists on the left and right are being heard the more divided and clown world like a country gets. our government is a moderate right wing one, and It's good how it is. we like to keep things normal and quiet around here

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He knows they won't be banned. There is no reason to. Sellner said he is chilled, there's nothing to be worried about.

I TOLD you Kurz is a cuck and Strache is a shill. I was right. As always.

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If by "Normal and quiet" you mean being replaced in your homeland and getting ZOGed, then sure.

Keep fighting for your right to exist.

This. The race war will be ww3

The Muslims are right. There is a lot more to the NZ shooter. Who was funding him?