>tfw charges dropped
He dindu nufing
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What you spected racist scum? He was innocent from the beginning.
So they are going to re-open the investigation and catch his attackers, right?
>police investigators say he's guilty
>prosecutor says he's guilty
>still drops charges for fuck all reason
what kind of clown world bullshit is this?
right right friend, they will reopen the case, trust the law
A world were people are properly judged?
paki detected
how stupid is /pol now. must be all shills. HE CLEARLY JUST FLIPPED ON KAMALA HARRIS. His lawyer just got arrested. fucking idiots. fuck you shills too. im wide awake faggots
Clear example of #ClassPrivilege
We getting all your white pussy. They love to be treated like trash by us and submit to our God.
he wasn't even 'judged'
what you mean friend
if that's true she'll also get dindu'd
Which lawyer? Link?
Every White Male and Every Trump supporter needs to file a defamation lawsuit against smullet.
Enough is enough.
so this retarded rightwing shitposter who made this jussie smolet well known across the globe is mad now
i didn't even knew who this nigger was until Jow Forums,
you retards gave a nigger free platform to promote him
nigga this guy had tweets from John Legend, Ellen, Ariana Grande, everybody in the world who is into celebrities knew this, only normal people like us who dont care didnt knew
idiot, media worldwide reported on his hoax at first as if it was true, and they went really quiet when the nigerian brothers were found.
Well, Michelle Obama decided to use her husband's pardon power to set him free. So since it's kinda new that X first ladies have presidential pardon power even after their reign of ignorance is long expired...perhaps the precedent has been set for the Trump's and all other future political leaders to pardon anyone they want. Pic related, this guy gets set free 1st thing. That's about all, peace out
Someone seems triggered mmmm delicous smell
Michelle to be president soon btw sweet
>what kind of clown world bullshit is this?
Jussie is a jew. So is The Mayor of chicago Rahm Emmanual
The Attorney General William Barr is also Jewish and his deputy Rod Rosenstein is too.
I wonder what it all means?
USPIS still has their teeth in the game
Liberals are now mocking people upset about Smollet verdict
XD at caring about this instead of Drumpf
Politics. It was a false flag to pass the lynching bill by Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Tim Scott, NAACP, ADL, and Equal Justice Initiative.
Read further to see how legal fees for this hoax will be keked by taxpayers.
Sweet, get fucked alt right trash
>*drumpf literally commits treason as putin's cock holster*
>blumpftards: "but what about jussie?"
is this real ?
Wow, is this nigger Jewish?
He turned a fucking story that anyone could think of in 5 minutes into 12 different tweets.
And reading through it I had this feeling he was gonna try to sell me something.
Then at the end it hit me.
>perfectly legit instance where people can call bs on popularity, race, and racism getting someone off of a crime
>retards try to ruin it with muh obama
Does this mean we can make it a federal crime when 10 niggers jump a white kid to steal his shoes and wallet simply cause he's white?
Or does that make too much sense.
make too much sense user sorry
Absolute garbage
As much as it would play into (((their))) plan, sure would be nice to see that bastard actually lynched
sure user, nothing terrible would happen if it was true right
Head nigg gets off lil nigg still called a "white wash" of justice.....can't even make this shit up anymore.
I called this shit as soon as he was found to be a hoax. He'll also be back on Empire within a few months. It'll be like nothing ever happened.
So he admits to being a fiction writer
Whatever charges would have been brought against his supposed attackers should be the charges brought against this bitch ass nigger.
He gets off scott-free but he would have let two innocent people go to jail for his bullshittery. If it were up to me, we'd start executing people A LOT more frequently in this country.
Well, if he's innocent, then where are the two guys they are looking for?
Letting him off is black racism against Whites. He insulted our race with a fake accusation and his crony nigger pals approved.
No, it’s part of the anti-white/commie agenda. Here’s more for you:
>At the 1984 Democratic National Convention on July 18, 1984, in San Francisco, California, Jackson delivered an address entitled "The Rainbow Coalition".[19] The speech called for Arab Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans, youth, disabled veterans, small farmers, lesbians and gays to join with African Americans and Jewish Americans for political purpose. Whereas the purpose of PUSH had been to fight for economic and educational opportunities, the Rainbow Coalition was created to address political empowerment and public policy issues.[20]
Wouldn’t be the first time they were involved in this kind of bullshit.
>The Rev. Jesse Jackson said Saturday that his Rainbow/Push Coalition will pay the college tuition for a black stripper who has made rape allegations against white members of Duke University's men's lacrosse team.
>And the offer stands even if it turns out she fabricated her story.
And if you aren’t familiar with what happened to that Lacrosse team:
>Jackson told The Associated Press Saturday that his organization is committed to making sure the 27-year-old divorced mother of two will never again "have to stoop that low to survive."
>DNA tests on all 46 of the lacrosse team's white members failed to match any evidence taken from their accuser. But Jackson said there's plenty of circumstantial evidence that something happened to her at the March 13 party.
The people involved with this Smollett hoax are a nasty, lying group of power and money hungry commies that are hellbent on destroying the west. They have decades of history to prove it.
I am a cynic it was a call from an Obama associate that got him out.....lets put our noddles together, who are the two politicians that are likely on his phone records? Harris and Booker. If that comes out as a fact what does that do to their campaigns? What demographic will then not have a candidate running? Who in their eyes is perfect to replace them? Michelle Obama. This is the Obamas way of getting rid of the two people who would flat out split her vote for primary
Smollett’s family along with Michelle Obama’s chief of staff were texting back and forth with Foxx to get the case turned over to the FBI and said it would be a huge victory if that happened.
Mind you she’s the prosecutor. Allowing Smollett a “jail free card” is going to nab the bigger fish. People are very dumb.
She was trying to convince CPD chief of police.
Because a direct link to Michelle Obama was just starting to be about an online.
What an absolute joke. I'd laugh at murrica but the truth is that the same thing is happening all over the west. We're doomed if we have already reached a point where they can do this kind of shit so openly.
TFW you get when your chief of staff helps tank a hoax hate crime case.
makes you wonder why they would see FBI as a safe space? almost like obama niggered it up?
This is the reason these kikes fought so hard to pass their federal lynching bill. Democrats are going to end up on ropes very soon.
So how are the brainwashed lefties reacting to this, are they celebrating banana republic levels of corruption just to spite "the other side" or are they beginning to realize they have royally fucked up when they gave these people power.
That is a shaved monkey in a wig. It has to be.
> fucks a goat
>white pussy
there is no white pussy in spain aside from tourists, they're moors which are barely different from arabs, so it's nothing different from what you'd get at home
jk stop larping fag, there's nothing more pathetic than some basement dwelling neet pretending to be a nigger
It's a guy.
holy fuck twitter sucks. i ain't reading that shit.
bump this whole thing is fucking bullshit, and the conversation about it has really died down iin less than 24 hrs
Is this old news now? Will we ever find out what happened?
No. Reminder that it’s “a huge victory” to get your hoax case sent to the FBI. See